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Release Notes

Important Notice

In our June release, Edge has been updated to JupyterHub 4. This update requires adjustments to the routing configurations of Edge Native applications to include URLs ending with a forward slash (/).

For detailed instructions on updating your Native applications, please refer to:

Should you have any questions, please reach out to the Edge Customer Success Team at

If you are not developing or maintaining any Edge Native Applications, no action is required at this time.

Important Update: Renamed 'proxy_kind' field to 'framework' in Application API

To better align with its usage in application creation and the terminology in the application version form, we have renamed the 'proxy_kind' field to 'framework'. This change may affect your current API calls related to application versions.

To accommodate this update, running the upgrade-edge script should update your environment accordingly and ensure compatibility with the new API structure.

2.19.1 (July. 12, 2024)

Bug Fixes include corrections that restore the ability to create multiple placeholders across various organizations.

2.19.0 (July. 11, 2024)

This release provides significant updates and improvements, with a strong emphasis on security enhancements, performance optimizations, and user experience improvements.

New Edge-managed secrets using the Vault secrets manager to provide an interface for storing and retrieving secrets via EdgeSession, enabling secure management with separate access controls for User secrets and Organization secrets. This implementation also powers the data connectors and the application server info for additional security.

Introduced the "Verify Docker Image" feature to allow developers and administrators with a Developer license to verify the validity of Docker images and the provided server information required for Edge to access the repository when running a Native Application Version.

Extended the idle inactivity timeout for the Terminal session in the Analysis app to 120 minutes, aligning it with the application's idle timeout. This change provides users with a more convenient and consistent workflow.

Replaced edgelib calls with EdgeSession to make the Edge API container the primary trusted agent for all operations, significantly reducing security credential, configuration, and dependency duplication across other containers.

Upgraded our system to use Rocky Linux 8 images to enhance our system's security, stability, and performance.

2.18.0 (June. 6, 2024)

This release delivers significant updates and enhancements, focusing on security improvements, performance optimizations, and user experience enhancements.

Upgraded to JupyterHub 4 to enhance security and improve user experience. These changes, mostly invisible to users, enhance the application's functionality. Please refer to the notice above for more details.

Updated EDM version to 3.7.0 in the Analysis app, enabling users to utilize the Python 3.11 available runtimes.

Renamed 'proxy_kind' field to 'framework' in Application API to more accurately reflect its use in application creation and align with the terminology used in the application version form.

Introduced 'upgrade-edge' command to allow users to update the 'enthought_edge' package in their default EDM environment while preserving all custom Python packages and environments.

Ensured consistency accross all application versions by replacing invalid icons with the default Enthought icon, improving the creation and editing of application versions.

Upgraded Jupyter AI and Jupyter AI Magics dependencies to version 1.6.0 and 2.6.0, respectively.

Bug Fixes include corrections to the Edge System Activity page to ensure proper styling and the correction of text cases.

2.17.0 (May. 8, 2024)

This release delivers substantial updates and enhancements, with a focus on critical security improvements and performance optimizations, as well as enhancements to the user experience.

Improved the placeholder creation experience by updating the Placeholder form to clearly communicate that applications with "matching default profiles" will launch using the "profile" selected during placeholder creation.

Enhanced image retrieval processes to operate exclusively on designated nodes, improving system efficiency and resource allocation. This update significantly speeds up the launch of Data and Analysis apps.

Improved the application version creation process by updating the Version form to clearly display the available frameworks users can use when creating their applications.

Enhanced the Service Approval Notifications process by automating the notification process when a service is requested for activation to server administrators. Organizations have the option to specify an alternative support email address by updating their settings in the server administration panel.

Addressed a caching issue in the Data app through Github Actions, enhancing performance and reducing build times for greater reliability.

Enhance the audit versions logic to effectively manage icon upgrades, guaranteeing consistency across all app versions.

Upgraded to Rocky Linux 8 and updated CUDA drivers to the 12.x series in our analysis environment to support Python 3.11 and modern deep learning processes, ensuring improved performance and compatibility.

2.16.0 (Apr. 4, 2024)

This release introduces significant updates and enhancements, focusing on built-in and custom applications, internal maintenance and performance optimizations, and improvements to the user interface experience.

Introduced multiple comprehensive data management enhancements in Analysis and Data apps. These include support for uploading large files, enabling folder uploads via control menu and drag-and-drop, and incorporating recursive delete functionality. These features collectively improve the management of extensive data sets and cater to the needs of users handling large volumes of information.

Refined the application versioning process to support only PNG or JPEG files for icons, making icons optional. Should a version be created without a specific icon, the default Enthought icon will be used, simplifying the creation and editing of application versions.

Discontinued external application authentication support for Edge. Registration of external OAuth clients in JupyterHub is no longer supported by the Edge Session and the Edge Python API. Users are advised to adopt OAuth2-proxy for future authentication needs.

Bug Fixes include fixes to prevent unauthorized addition of versions to built-in apps; and a resolution for dependency requirements in kernel operations for the edge-keepalive script.

2.15.0 (Mar. 7, 2024)

This release introduces significant updates and enhancements, focusing on the new Edge Pricing/Invoicing model, internal performance optimizations, and improvements to the user interface experience.

Updated the Edge Pricing/Invoicing model to provide more flexibility and efficiency in managing the user's subscriptions and billing processes.

Introduced a Services section in the Cloud Watcher Control designed to provide a designated place that displays the various groups of billable items that may be approved for an organization's use.

Custom Applications in the Workbench are now automatically sorted in alphabetical order based on their associated last version title. Users can reorder their applications simply by modifying the titles even after applications have been defined.

Retired the experimental OpenAPI data connector. This update involves the removal of the OpenAPI data connector widget and browser from the Data App, as well as the OpenAPI Connector from the Edge Python API.

Bugfixes include fixes to the Edge application version form, ensuring that the correct required fields are triggered upon submission.

2.14.0 (Feb. 9, 2024)

This is a feature release focusing mainly on internal performance improvements and Analysis App enhancements.

Improved Kubernetes compatibility by introducing internal enhancements aimed at aligning seamlessly with the latest Karpenter update, to accommodate changes in provisioner representation and the transition to a dual model, which now incorporates node classes and node pools.

Enhanced Cloud Watcher monitoring and control by introducing internal improvements to the billing and services features based on the Edge billing model.

Updated default bash prompt in Analysis app terminal session to exclusively display the current directory. This change allows both the default bash prompt and terminal tab name to just display the current directory for a better user experience within the Analysis app.

Bugfixes include fixes to the Edge login page registration and "set your password" links to point to the correct identity service for the customer's deployment.

2.13.0 (Jan. 11, 2024)

This is a feature release focusing mainly on internal performance improvements and user-interface optimization.

Improved and expanded enforcement of cost caps to optionally allow running applications to be killed when the organization goes into a disabled state

edge-keepalive script added to the Analysis app for the user to run in order to allow an individual analysis app to survive past the defined culling time.

Bugfixes include fixes to the Start As menu ensuring disabled profiles are not displayed; fixing styling for the day picker in cloud watcher by maintaining a proper width and height; fixing budget processing in accounting; fixes for the workbench grid layout and application icons; and ensuring that normal users are only able to see visible versions of approved custom applications.

2.12.1 (Dec. 6, 2023)

This is a bugfix release.

Bugfixes include fixing the active highlighting in breadcrumbs; fixing the saving load behavior in app's general settings; and fixing the app relaunch functionality.

2.12.0 (Nov. 30, 2023)

This is a feature release focusing mainly on internal performance improvements and user-interface optimization.

The Edge user interface has been updated for improved ease of use, which includes moving all "addition" action links to the top of their respective columns. We have also updated the internal React code to make actions in the UI faster and more reliable, particularly on initial load of the Workbench.

Improved testing of the Kubernetes layer should reduce the risk of misbehavior (launch delays, missing instances) particularly after a new version deployment.

Bugfixes include fixes to the license auditing; fixing the app restart page for the Data App so that it can be re-launched like other apps in the system; significantly reduced Workbench loading latency; fixes for the audit app version definition, and ensuring that the "recommended profile" option is preserved for built-in compute profiles.

2.11.0 (Oct. 5, 2023)

This is a feature release focusing mainly on user experience and Analysis App enhancements.

The Analysis App was upgraded to JupyterLab version 3.6.5, and EDM (Python package manager) version 3.6.0.

The Jupyter AI extension is now available in the Analysis App. You can read more about the AI extension at its official site.

Implemented custom email templates for inviting users, allowing for a more personalized experience. You may set a custom e-mail template to be used when sending an invitation to a user for your organization.

Bugfixes include resolving scrolling issues by implementing responsive scrolling for individual Sidebar Navigation and Content Panes; enhancing user interaction by maintaining Sidebar items open when active; adding accurate app description tooltips for built-in apps in the Workbench; allowing GPU placeholders to cohabitate with GPU applications; and ensuring that Edge is accessible and loads successfully on Firefox and Safari browsers.

2.10.1 (Sept. 12, 2023)

This is a bugfix release.

Bugfixes include fixing an error on the server admin license install page when uploading a license file; fixing profile auditing on startup; and fixing the logic for Kubernetes provisioners.

2.10.0 (Sept. 7, 2023)

This is a feature release focusing mainly on license management.

Added the ability to manage licenses in Edge. A license file can now be loaded into the system, and quotas can be set by the server administrator for each organization within Edge. Additionally, each user now has a "home" organization, which is used as the billing destination for their license.

Applications in Edge will now gracefully shut down if unused, in order to avoid accidentally incurring unwanted compute charges. However, previous versions of Edge used a hardcoded value (4 hours) for the timeout. It is now possible to set the timeout on a per-application basis. There is still an Edge-wide "backup" timeout of 24 hours to ensure applications are not accidentally left running for very long periods of time.

UI improvements include updating the Settings page to group Cloud Watcher functionality into Monitoring and Control categories. Added tooltips to all sidebar entries. Added the ability to recursively delete folders in the Analysis App.

Bugfixes include fixing the cluster activity page in the server admin dashboard; providing a better error message when attempting to delete a non-empty org; fixing the image puller, and tags, for built-in Analysis and Data apps; better error pages when accessing an unauthorized organization.

2.9.0 (Aug. 2, 2023)

This is a feature release focusing mainly on the Analysis App ease-of-use and improving Cloud Watcher.

Automatically configure Python in the Analysis App. If the user's EDM Python installation has not been configured in the Analysis App, Edge will automatically set it up. This includes adding a token to the .edm.yaml configuration file in the home directory. This ensures that users of the Analysis App are free to install packages (including packages from private repositories) as soon as they start the app.

Improve launch speed for the Analysis App. Multiple optimizations have been made to the Analysis App startup speed. As a result, the launch time (not including VM allocation) has been reduced to approximately 30 seconds.

Cloud Watcher activity display page. Organization administrators can now view activity (running applications, placeholders, and virtual machines) under the Cloud Watcher tab in Settings.
