Trait Types

Pyface defines a number of custom Trait types that represent quantities and objects that are useful in the context of graphical user interfaces.


When working with user interfaces, it is common to want to be able to specify the color to use in part of the UI. Each toolkit usually has its own way of representing colors, and so the ability to specify a color in a toolkit-independent way that can be converted to a toolkit-specific representation is important. This is particularly so when you want to allow the user to specify a color.

Pyface provides a Color class and a corresponding PyfaceColor trait-type that allows this sort of representation. Internally, the Color class stores colors as a tuple of red, green, blue and alpha values which range from 0.0 through to 1.0, inclusive. Helper properties allow the user to specify individual channel values, as well as specify colors in alternate color spaces, such as HSV or HLS:

Color(rgba=(0.4, 0.2, 0.6, 0.8))
Color(red=0.4, green=0.2, blue=0.6, alpha=0.8)
Color(hls=(0.2, 0.5, 0.8))

Color instances can also be created via the from_str() method which allow specification of colors via CSS-style color strings, such as:


All standard web colors are understood, as well as hexadecimal RGB(A) with 1, 2 or 4 hex digits per channel.

Color instances are mutable, as their intended use is as values stored in PyfaceColor trait classes which can be modified and listened to. This means that they are comparatively heavyweight objects and should be shared where possible and aren’t particularly suited for situations where large numbers of distinct and independent colors are needed: NumPy arrays are likely better suited for this sort of application.

The PyfaceColor validator understands string descriptions of colors, and will accept them as values when initializing or modifying the trait:

class Style(HasStrictTraits):

    color = PyfaceColor("#442266FF")

    def color_changed(self, event):
        print('The color has changed to {}'.format(self.color))

shape = Style(color='orange') = 0.8
shape.color = "rebeccapurple"

For interactions with the toolkit, the from_toolkit() and to_toolkit() methods allow conversion to and from the appropriate toolkit color objects, such as Qt’s QColor or wx.Colour. These are most likely to be needed by internal Pyface functionality, and should not be needed by developers who are building applications on top of Pyface.

It is intended that this trait will eventually replace the Color trait from TraitsUI.


Just as with colors, it is common to want to be able to specify the font to use for text in the UI. Each toolkit usually has its own way of representing fonts, and so the ability to specify a font in a toolkit-independent way that can be converted to a toolkit-specific representation is important. This is particularly so when you want to allow the user to specify a font.

Pyface provides a Font class and a corresponding PyfaceFont trait-type that allows this sort of representation. Internally, the Font class stores font attributes such as weight or size as traits:

font = Font(family=["Comic Sans"], size=24, weight="bold")

Some of these attributes are mapped traits, or otherwise convert string values to numeric values. For example size will accept strings like “12pt”, while weight holds a numeric weight value in a mapped attribute:

..  code-block:: pycon
>>> font.weight
>>> font.weight_

Font instances are mutable, as their intended use is as values stored in PyfaceFont trait classes which can be modified and listened to.

As a convenience, the PyfaceFont validator understands string descriptions of fonts, and will accept them as values when initializing or modifying the trait:

class Style(HasStrictTraits):

    font = PyfaceFont("24 pt Bold Comic Sans")

    def font_changed(self, event):
        print('The font has changed to {}'.format(self.font))

style = Style(font='12 italc Helvetica')
style.font.weight = 'light'
style.font = Font(
    family=["Helvetica", "Arial", "sans-serif"],

The parsing of strings to fonts is currently handled by a simple_parser() that is modelled on the Font trait from TraitsUI, but it can be substituted for a more sophisticated one, if needed.

For interactions with the toolkit, the from_toolkit() and to_toolkit() methods allow conversion to and from the appropriate toolkit font objects, such as Qt’s QFont or wx.Font. These are most likely to be needed by internal Pyface functionality, and should not be needed by developers who are building applications on top of Pyface.

It is intended that this trait will eventually replace the Font trait from TraitsUI. It is also likely that the simple parser will be replaced with a parser that understands CSS-like font strings.

Layout Traits

Pyface also provides a number of classes and traits to assist with layout-related functionality. These include the convenience Enums Alignment, Orientation and Position as well as the classes Margin and Border and their corresponding traits HasMargin and HasBorder.