pyface.ui_traits module

Defines common traits used within the pyface library.

pyface.ui_traits.convert_image(value, level=3)[source]

Converts a specified value to an ImageResource if possible.


Converts an ImageResource to a bitmap using a cache.

class pyface.ui_traits.Image(value=None, **metadata)[source]

Bases: TraitType

Defines a trait whose value must be a IImage or a string that can be converted to an IImageResource.

default_value = None

Define the default value for the trait.

info_text = 'an IImage or string that can be used to define an ImageResource'

A description of the type of value this trait accepts.

validate(object, name, value)[source]

Validates that a specified value is valid for this trait.


Returns the default UI editor for the trait.

class pyface.ui_traits.PyfaceColor(value=None, **metadata)[source]

Bases: TraitType

A Trait which casts strings and tuples to a Pyface Color value.

default_value_type = 7

The default value should be a tuple (factory, args, kwargs).

validate(object, name, value)[source]

Validate the trait

This accepts, Color values, parseable strings and RGB(A) sequences (including numpy arrays).


Describe the trait

class pyface.ui_traits.PyfaceFont(value=None, *, parser=<function simple_parser>, **metadata)[source]

Bases: TraitType

A Trait which casts strings to a Pyface Font value.

default_value_type = 7

The default value should be a tuple (factory, args, kwargs)

parser = None

The parser to use when converting text to keyword args. This should accept a string and return a dictionary of Font class trait values (ie. “family”, “size”, “weight”, etc.).

validate(object, name, value)[source]

Validate the trait

This accepts, Font values and parseable strings.


Describe the trait

class pyface.ui_traits.BaseMB(*args, **traits)[source]

Bases: ABCHasStrictTraits

Base class for Margins and Borders

The constructor of this class maps posiitonal arguments to traits.

  • If one value is provided it is taken as the value for all sides.

  • If two values are provided, then the first argument is used for left and right, while the second is used for top and bottom.

  • If 4 values are provided, then the arguments are mapped to left, right, top, and bottom, respectively.

class pyface.ui_traits.Margin(*args, **traits)[source]

Bases: BaseMB

A HasTraits class that holds margin sizes.

top = Range(-32, 32, 0)

The amount of padding/margin at the top.

bottom = Range(-32, 32, 0)

The amount of padding/margin at the bottom.

left = Range(-32, 32, 0)

The amount of padding/margin on the left.

right = Range(-32, 32, 0)

The amount of padding/margin on the right.

class pyface.ui_traits.Border(*args, **traits)[source]

Bases: BaseMB

A HasTraits class that holds border thicknesses.

top = Range(0, 32, 0)

The amount of border at the top.

bottom = Range(0, 32, 0)

The amount of border at the bottom.

left = Range(0, 32, 0)

The amount of border on the left.

right = Range(0, 32, 0)

The amount of border on the right.

class pyface.ui_traits.HasMargin(default_value=<traits.trait_type._NoDefaultSpecifiedType object>, **metadata)[source]

Bases: TraitType

Defines a trait whose value must be a Margin object or an integer or tuple value that can be converted to one.


The desired value class.

alias of Margin

default_value = <pyface.ui_traits.Margin object>

Define the default value for the trait.

info_text = 'a Margin instance, or an integer in the range from -32 to 32 or a tuple with 1, 2 or 4 integers in that range that can be used to define one'

A description of the type of value this trait accepts.

validate(object, name, value)[source]

Validates that a specified value is valid for this trait.

Returns a tuple of the form:

(default_value_type, default_value)

which describes the default value for this trait.

class pyface.ui_traits.HasBorder(default_value=<traits.trait_type._NoDefaultSpecifiedType object>, **metadata)[source]

Bases: HasMargin

Defines a trait whose value must be a Border object or an integer or tuple value that can be converted to one.


The desired value class.

alias of Border

default_value = <pyface.ui_traits.Border object>

Define the default value for the trait.

info_text = 'a Border instance, or an integer in the range from 0 to 32 or a tuple with 1, 2 or 4 integers in that range that can be used to define one'

A description of the type of value this trait accepts.

pyface.ui_traits.Position = Enum("left", "right", "above", "below")

The position of an image relative to its associated text.

pyface.ui_traits.Alignment = Enum("default", "left", "center", "right")

The alignment of text within a control.

pyface.ui_traits.Orientation = Enum("vertical", "horizontal")

Whether the orientation of a widget’s contents is horizontal or vertical.