Bases: enaml.widgets.control.Control
A widget which draws a horizontal or vertical separator line.
The orientation of the separator line.
The line style for the separator.
The thickness of the outer separator line.
The thickness of the inner separator line. This only has an effect for the ‘sunken’ and ‘raised’ line styles.
Hug width is redefined as a property to be computed based on the orientation of the separator unless overridden by the user.
Hug height is redefined as a property to be computed based on the orientation of the separator unless overridden by the user.
alias of __NoInterface__
Bases: enaml.qt.qt_control.QtControl
A Qt implementation of an Enaml Separator.
Handle the ‘set_orientation’ action from the Enaml widget.
Handle the ‘set_line_style’ action from the Enaml widget.
Handle the ‘set_line_width’ action from the Enaml widget.