Containers and Layout

Chaco containers

It is quite common to need to display multiple data side by side. In order to arrange plots and other components (e.g., colorbars, legends) in a single panel, Chaco uses containers to organize the layout.

Chaco implements 4 different containers: HPlotContainer and VPlotContainer, GridPlotContainer, and OverlayPlotContainer.

All containers are derived from the base class ​BasePlotContainer, and share a common interface:


The constructor of a plot container takes a sequence of components, which are added to the container itself, and a set of keyword arguments, which are used to initialize the parameters of the container. For example:

container = HPlotContainer(scatter_plot, line_plot, spacing=100)

creates a container with horizontal layout containing two plots (scatter_plot and line_plot), with a spacing of 100 pixels between them.


Append one or more plots to the ones already present in the container. For example, this is equivalent to the code above:

container = HPlotContainer(spacing=100)
container.add(line_plot, scatter_plot)

Remove a sequence of components from the container


Inserts a component at a specific position in the components list

Each plot can have only one container, so adding the same plot to a second container will remove it from the first one. In the same way, adding the same plot multiple times will not have create multiple copies. Instead, one should create multiple plots objects.

E.g., this code:

# Create a vertical container containing two horizontal containers
h_container1 = HPlotContainer()
h_container2 = HPlotContainer()
outer_container = VPlotContainer(
    h_container1, h_container2, stack_order="top_to_bottom"

# Add the three plots to the first container
h_container1.add(scatter_plot, line_plot1, line_plot2)

# Now add the first line plot to the second container => it is removed
# from the first, as each plot can only have one container

results in this layout:


HPlotContainer and VPlotContainer

HPlotContainer and VPlotContainer display a set of components in an horizontal and vertical stack, respectively, as shown in these simple examples:

../_images/hplotcontainer.png ../_images/vplotcontainer.png

In both cases, a series of line plots and scatter plots is added to an HPlotContainer or a VPlotContainer:

# Create the data and the PlotData object
x = linspace(-14, 14, 100)
y = sin(x) * x**3
plotdata = ArrayPlotData(x = x, y = y)

# Create a scatter plot
scatter_plot = Plot(plotdata)
scatter_plot.plot(("x", "y"), type="scatter", color="blue")

# Create a line plot
line_plot = Plot(plotdata)
line_plot.plot(("x", "y"), type="line", color="blue")

# Create a horizontal container and put the two plots inside it
container = HPlotContainer(line_plot, scatter_plot)
self.plot = container

HPlotContainer is also used often to display a colorbar or legend to the side of a plot. For example, this plot


was created using a color-mapped scatter plot and a colorbar inside a horizontal container:

# Create the plot
plot = Plot(data)
    ("index", "value", "color"), type="cmap_scatter", color_mapper=jet

# Create the colorbar, handing in the appropriate range and colormap
colormap = plot.color_mapper
colorbar = ColorBar(

colorbar.padding_top = plot.padding_top
colorbar.padding_bottom = plot.padding_bottom

# Create a container to position the plot and the colorbar side-by-side
container = HPlotContainer(plot, colorbar)

HPlotContainer parameters

This is a list of parameters that are specific to HPlotContainer


The order in which components in the plot container are laid out. The default behavior is left-to-right.

stack_order = Enum("left_to_right", "right_to_left")

The amount of space to put between components.

spacing = Float(0.0)

The vertical alignment of objects that don’t span the full height.

valign = Enum("bottom", "top", "center")

VPlotContainer parameters

This is a list of parameters that are specific to VPlotContainer


The order in which components in the plot container are laid out. The default behavior is bottom-to-top.

stack_order = Enum("bottom_to_top", "top_to_bottom")

The amount of space to put between components.:

spacing = Float(0.0)

The horizontal alignment of objects that don’t span the full width.:

halign = Enum("left", "right", "center")

See also

HPlotContainer and VPlotContainer in action. See demo/, demo/, demo/advanced/, and demo/basc/ in the Chaco examples directory.


Just as the name suggests, a GridPlotContainer lays out plots in a regular grid.

Unlike the previous containers, one has to specify in advance the number of rows and columns in the plot. Plots with different sizes and/or aspect ratios are aligned according to the parameters halign and valign.

For example, to generate this plot


one needs to create six plots of fixed height and add them successively (left-to-right, top-to-bottom) to the GridPlotContainer. Plots are aligned to the top by setting valign = 'top'.

The complete code looks like this:

class GridContainerExample(HasTraits):

    plot = Instance(GridPlotContainer)

    traits_view = View(
        Item('plot', editor=ComponentEditor(), show_label=False),

    def _plot_default(self):
        # Create a GridContainer to hold all of our plots: 2 rows, 3 columns
        container = GridPlotContainer(

        # Create x data
        x = linspace(-5, 15.0, 100)
        pd = ArrayPlotData(index = x)

        # Plot some Bessel functions and add the plots to our container
        for i in range(6):
            data_name = 'y{}'.format(i)
            pd.set_data(data_name, jn(i,x))

            plot = Plot(pd)
                ('index', data_name),

            # Set each plot's aspect based on its position in the grid
            plot.set(height=((i % 3) + 1)*50, resizable='h')

            # Add to the grid container

        return container

GridPlotContainer parameters

This is a list of parameters that are specific to GridPlotContainer


The vertical alignment of objects that don’t span the full height.:

valign = Enum("bottom", "top", "center")

The horizontal alignment of objects that don’t span the full width.:

halign = Enum("left", "right", "center")

A tuple or list of (h_spacing, v_spacing), giving spacing values for the horizontal and vertical direction. Default is (0, 0).

See also

GridPlotContainer in action. See demo/basic/ and demo/basic/ in the Chaco examples directory.


Overlay containers OverlayPlotContainer lay out plots on top of each other. The chaco.plot.Plot class in Chaco is a special subclass of OverlayPlotContainer.

Overlay containers can be used to create “inset” plots. In the following code, for instance, we create a zoomable plot with an fixed inset showing the full data:

class OverlayContainerExample(HasTraits):

    plot = Instance(OverlayPlotContainer)

    traits_view = View(
        Item('plot', editor=ComponentEditor(), show_label=False),

    def _plot_default(self):
        # Create data
        x = linspace(-5, 15.0, 100)
        y = jn(3, x)
        pd = ArrayPlotData(index=x, value=y)

        zoomable_plot = Plot(pd)
            ('index', 'value'),

        # Attach tools to the plot
        zoom = ZoomTool(

        # Create a second inset plot, not resizable, not zoom-able
        inset_plot = Plot(pd)
        inset_plot.plot(('index', 'value'), color='blue')
            bounds=[250, 150],
            position=[450, 350],

        # Create a container and add our plots
        container = OverlayPlotContainer()
        return container

The code above generates this plot:


See also

GridPlotContainer in action. See demo/basic/ and demo/advanced/ in the Chaco examples directory. To learn more about sharing axes on overlapping plots, see demo/ and demo/

Sizing, rendering, events

Containers are responsible for a handling communication with the components it contains, including defining the rendering order, dispatching events, and determining sizes.


Containers are the elements that set sizes and do layout. Components within containers declare their preferences, which are taken into account by their container to set their final aspect.

The basic traits that control the layout preferences of a component are:


A string indicating in which directions the component can be resized. Its value is one of '' (not resizable), 'h' (resizable in the horizontal direction), 'v' (resizable in the vertical direction), 'hv' (resizable in both, default).


The ratio of the component’s width to its height. This is used by the component itself to maintain bounds when the bounds are changed independently. Default is None, meaning that the aspect ratio is not enforced.

padding_left, padding_right, padding_top, padding_bottom:

Set the amount of padding space to leave around the component (default is 0). The property padding allows to set all of them as a tuple (left, right, top, bottom).


Controls the behavior when the component’s bounds are set to a value that does not conform its aspect ratio. If True (default), the component centers itself in the free space.


If the component is resizable, this attribute specifies the amount of space that the component would like to get in each dimension, as a tuple (width, height). This attribute can be used to establish relative sizes between resizable components in a container: if one component specifies, say, a fixed preferred width of 50 and another one specifies a fixed preferred width of 100, then the latter component will always be twice as wide as the former.

You can get access to the actual bounds of the component, (including padding and border) using the outer properties:


The x,y point of the lower left corner of the padding outer box around the component. Use set_outer_position() to change these values.


The number of horizontal and vertical pixels in the padding outer box. Use set_outer_bounds() to change these values.

outer_x, outer_y, outer_x2, outer_y2:, :attr:`outer_width, outer_height:

coordinates of lower-left pixel of the box, coordinates of the upper-right pixel of the box, width and height of the outer box in pixels

See also the documentation of the class enable.component.Component for more details about the internal parameters of Chaco components.

The container can set the attribute fit_components to control if it should resize itself to fit its components. Allowed values are '' (do not resize, default), 'h' (resize in the horizontal direction), 'v' (resize in the vertical direction), 'hv' (resize in both).

Rendering order

Every plot component has several layers:

  1. background: Background image, shading, and borders

  2. image: A special layer for plots that render as images. This is in a separate layer since these plots must all render before non-image plots

  3. underlay: Axes and grids

  4. plot: The main plot area itself

  5. selection: Selected content are rendered above normal plot elements to make them stand out. This can be disabled by setting use_selection to False (default).

  6. border: Plot borders

  7. annotation: Lines and text that are conceptually part of the “plot” but need to be rendered on top of everything else in the plot

  8. overlay: Legends, selection regions, and other tool-drawn visual elements

These are defined by DEFAULT_DRAWING_ORDER, and stored in the drawing_order trait.

Complexity arises when you have multiple components in a container: How do their layers affect each other? Do you want the “overlay” layer of a component to draw on top of all components? Do you want the “background” elements to be behind everything else?

This is resolved by the unified_draw trait. The container will draw all layers in succession. If a component sets unified_draw to False (default), the container will ask it to draw the corresponding layer as it is reached in the loop. If unified_draw is True, the whole component will draw in one go when the container reaches the layer specified in the attribute component.draw_layer, which by default is ‘plot’.

For example, if you want a plot to act as an overlay, you could set unified_draw = True and draw_layer = 'overlay'. These values tell the container to render the component when it gets to the ‘overlay’ layer.

Set overlay_border to True if you want the border to draw as part of the overlay; otherwise it draws as part of the background. By default, the border is drawn just inside the plot area; set inset_border to False to draw it just outside the plot area.


A backbuffer provides the ability to render into an offscreen buffer, which is blitted on every draw, until it is invalidated. Various traits such as use_backbuffer and backbuffer_padding control the behavior of the backbuffer. A backbuffer is used for non-OpenGL backends, such as agg and on OS X. If use_backbuffer is False, a backbuffer is never used, even if a backbuffer is referenced by a component.

Dispatching events

The logic of event dispatching is defined in the ‘enable’ library, which defines the superclasses for Chaco’s containers and components. In summary, when a component gets an event, it dispatches it to:

  1. its overlays, in reverse order that they were added and are drawn

  2. itself, so that any event handler methods on itself get called

  3. its underlays, in reverse order that they were added and are drawn

  4. its listener tools

On each of these elements, Chaco looks for a method of the form {component_state}_{event_name}. For example, in response to the user pressing the left mouse button on a tool in state normal (the default state, see Stateful tools), Chaco would look for a method called normal_left_down.

If this exists, the event is dispatched and the component decides whether to handle the element and set event.handled = True, in which case the dispatch chain is interrupted.


If the attribute auto_handle_event of the component is set to True, calling the event method automatically sets event.handled = True.

Possible event names are:

  • left_down

  • left_up

  • left_dclick

  • right_down

  • right_up

  • right_dclick

  • middle_down

  • middle_up

  • middle_dclick

  • mouse_move

  • mouse_wheel

  • mouse_enter

  • mouse_leave

  • key_pressed

  • key_released

  • character

  • dropped_on

  • drag_over

  • drag_enter

  • drag_leave

Most objects default to having just a single event state, which is the “normal” event state. To make a component that handled a left-click, you could subclass PlotComponent, and implement normal_left_down() or normal_left_up(). The signature for handler methods is just one parameter, which is an event object that is an instance of (a subclass of) BasicEvent. Subclasses of BasicEvent are MouseEvent, DragEvent, KeyEvent, and BlobEvent and BlobFrameEvent (for multitouch). It’s fairly easy to extend this event system with new kinds of events and new suffixes (as was done for multitouch).

Events contain a reference to the GUI toolkit window that generated them as event.window. A common pattern is for component to call methods on the window to do things like set a tooltip or create a context menu. A draw or update of the window does not actually happen until the next paint(). By that time, the component no longer has a reference to the event or the event’s window, but uses instead its own reference to the window, self.window.

See also the documentation of the enable library, which gives more details about the event dispatching happening at that level.