pyface.image.image module

Defines the ImageLibrary object used to manage Pyface image libraries.


Returns the contents of the specified file_name.

pyface.image.image.write_file(file_name, data)[source]

Writes the specified data to the specified file.

pyface.image.image.get_python_value(source, name)[source]

Returns the value of a Python symbol loaded from a specified source code string.


Returns a specified time as a text string.

pyface.image.image.add_object_prefix(dict, object, prefix)[source]

Adds all traits from a specified object to a dictionary with a specified name prefix.


Splits a specified image_name into its constituent volume and file names and returns a tuple of the form: ( volume_name, file_name ).

pyface.image.image.join_image_name(volume_name, file_name)[source]

Joins a specified volume_name and file_name into an image name, and return the resulting image name.

class pyface.image.image.FastZipFile[source]

Bases: HasPrivateTraits

Provides fast access to zip files by keeping the underlying zip file open across multiple uses.

path = File()

The path to the zip file:

zf = Property

The open zip file object (if None, the file is closed):

time_stamp = Float()

The time stamp of when the zip file was most recently accessed:

access = Any()

The lock used to manage access to the ‘zf’ trait between the two threads:


Returns the names of all files in the top-level zip file directory.


Returns the contents of the specified file_name from the zip file.


Temporarily closes the zip file (usually while the zip file is being replaced by a different version).

class pyface.image.image.ImageInfo[source]

Bases: HasPrivateTraits

Defines a class that contains information about a specific Traits UI image.

volume = Instance("ImageVolume")

The volume this image belongs to:

name = Str()

The user friendly name of the image:

image_name = Str()

The full image name (e.g. @standard:floppy’):

description = Str()

A description of the image:

category = Str("General")

The category that the image belongs to:

keywords = List(Str)

A list of keywords used to describe/categorize the image:

width = Int()

The image width (in pixels):

height = Int()

The image height (in pixels):

border = HasBorder

The border inset:

content = HasMargin

The margin to use around the content:

label = HasMargin

The margin to use around the label:

alignment = Alignment

The alignment to use for the label:

copyright = Property

The copyright that applies to this image:

license = Property

The license that applies to this image:

image_info_code = Property

A read-only string containing the Python code needed to construct this ImageInfo object:

class pyface.image.image.ImageVolumeInfo[source]

Bases: HasPrivateTraits

description = Str("No volume description specified.")

A general description of the images:

copyright = Str("No copyright information specified.")

The copyright that applies to the images:

license = Str("No license information specified.")

The license that applies to the images:

image_names = List(Str)

The list of image names within the volume the information applies to. Note that an empty list means that the information applies to all images in the volume:

image_volume_info_code = Property

A read-only string containing the Python code needed to construct this ImageVolumeInfo object:

image_volume_info_text = Property

A read-only string containing the text describing the volume info:


Returns a copy of the ImageVolumeInfo object.

class pyface.image.image.ImageVolume[source]

Bases: HasPrivateTraits

name = Str()

The canonical name of this volume:

info = List(ImageVolumeInfo)

The list of volume descriptors that apply to this volume:

category = Str("General")

The category that the volume belongs to:

keywords = List(Str)

A list of keywords used to describe the volume:

aliases = List(Str)

The list of aliases for this volume:

path = File()

The path of the file that defined this volume:

is_zip_file = Bool(True)

Is the path a zip file?

zip_file = Instance(FastZipFile)

The FastZipFile object used to access the underlying zip file:

images = List(ImageInfo)

The list of images available in the volume:

catalog = Property(observe="images")

A dictionary mapping image names to ImageInfo objects:

time_stamp = Str()

The time stamp of when the image library was last modified:

image_volume_code = Property

A read-only string containing the Python code needed to construct this ImageVolume object:

images_code = Property

A read-only string containing the Python code needed to construct the ‘images’ list for this ImageVolume object:

license_text = Property

A read-only string containing the text describing the contents of the volume (description, copyright, license information, and the images they apply to):


Updates the contents of the image volume from the underlying image store, and saves the results.


Saves the contents of the image volume using the current contents of the ImageVolume.


Returns the ImageResource object for the specified image_name.


Returns the image data (i.e. file contents) for the specified image name.


Returns the ImageVolumeInfo object that corresponds to the image specified by image_name.

class pyface.image.image.ZipFileReference[source]

Bases: ResourceReference

zip_file = Instance(FastZipFile)

The zip file to read;

volume_name = Str()

The volume name:

file_name = Str()

The file within the zip file:

cache_file = File()

The name of the cached image file:

filename = Property

The file name of the image (in this case, the cache file name):


Loads the resource.