Source code for envisage.ui.workbench.workbench_plugin

# (C) Copyright 2007-2023 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX
# All rights reserved.
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# Thanks for using Enthought open source!
""" The Envisage workbench plugin. """

from traits.api import Callable, List

# Enthought library imports.
from envisage.api import ExtensionPoint, Plugin, ServiceOffer

# This module's package.
PKG = ".".join(__name__.split(".")[:-1])

[docs]class WorkbenchPlugin(Plugin): """The Envisage workbench plugin. The workbench plugin uses the Pyface workbench to provide the basis of an IDE-like user interface. The interface is made up of perspectives, views and editors. Note that this is not intended to be a 'general-purpose' plugin for user interfaces - it provides an IDE-like style and that is all. If your application requires another style of interface then write another plugin (you can still re-use all the menu, group and action contribution stuff!). """ # The Ids of the extension points that this plugin offers. ACTION_SETS = PKG + ".action_sets" PERSPECTIVES = PKG + ".perspectives" PREFERENCES_PAGES = PKG + ".preferences_pages" WORKBENCH_SERVICE_OFFERS = PKG + ".service_offers" VIEWS = PKG + ".views" # The Ids of the extension points that this plugin contributes to. PREFERENCES = "envisage.preferences" SERVICE_OFFERS = "envisage.service_offers" #### 'IPlugin' interface ################################################## # The plugin's unique identifier. id = "envisage.ui.workbench" # The plugin's name (suitable for displaying to the user). name = "Workbench" #### Extension points offered by this plugin ############################## action_sets = ExtensionPoint( List(Callable), id=ACTION_SETS, desc=""" An action set contains the toobars, menus, groups and actions that you would like to add to top-level workbench windows (i.e. the main application window). You can create new toolbars, menus and groups and/or add to existing ones. Each contribution to this extension point must be a factory that creates an action set, where 'factory' means any callable with the following signature:: callable(**traits) -> IActionSet The easiest way to contribute such a factory is to create a class that derives from 'envisage.ui.action.api.ActionSet'. """, ) perspectives = ExtensionPoint( List(Callable), id=PERSPECTIVES, desc=""" A perspective is simply an arrangment of views around the (optionally hidden) editor area. Each contribution to this extension point must be a factory that creates a perspective, where 'factory' means any callable with the following signature:: callable(**traits) -> IPerspective The easiest way to contribute such a factory is to create a class that derives from 'pyface.workbench.api.IPerspective'. """, ) preferences_pages = ExtensionPoint( List(Callable), id=PREFERENCES_PAGES, desc=""" A preferences page appears in the preferences dialog to allow the user to manipulate some preference values. Each contribution to this extension point must be a factory that creates a preferences page, where 'factory' means any callable with the following signature:: callable(**traits) -> IPreferencesPage The easiest way to contribute such a factory is to create a class that derives from 'apptools.preferences.ui.api.IPreferencesPage'. """, ) service_offers = ExtensionPoint( List(ServiceOffer), id=WORKBENCH_SERVICE_OFFERS, desc=""" Services are simply objects that a plugin wants to make available to other plugins. This extension point allows you to offer 'per window' services that are created 'on-demand' (where 'on demand' means the first time somebody looks up a service of the appropriate protocol). . e.g. my_service_offer = ServiceOffer( protocol = 'acme.IMyService', factory = an_object_or_a_callable_that_creates_one, properties = {'a dictionary' : 'that is passed to the factory'} ) Any properties specified are passed as keywrod arguments to the factory, i.e. the factory signature is:: callable(**properties) """, ) views = ExtensionPoint( List(Callable), id=VIEWS, desc=""" A view provides information to the user to support their current task. Views can contain anything you like(!) and are arranged around the (optionally hidden) editor area. The user can re-arrange views as he/she sees fit. Each contribution to this extension point must be a factory that creates a view, where 'factory' means any callable with the following signature:: callable(**traits) -> IView The easiest way to contribute such a factory is to create a class that derives from 'pyface.workbench.api.View'. It is also common to use a simple function (especially when a view is a representation of a service) e.g:: def foo_view_factory(**traits): ' Create a view that is a representation of a service. ' foo = self.application.get_service('IFoo') return FooView(foo=foo, **traits) """, ) #### Contributions to extension points made by this plugin ################ my_action_sets = List(contributes_to=ACTION_SETS) def _my_action_sets_default(self): """Trait initializer.""" from .default_action_set import DefaultActionSet return [DefaultActionSet] my_preferences = List(contributes_to=PREFERENCES) def _my_preferences_default(self): """Trait initializer.""" return ["pkgfile://envisage.ui.workbench/preferences.ini"] my_preferences_pages = List(contributes_to=PREFERENCES_PAGES) def _my_preferences_pages_default(self): """Trait initializer.""" from .workbench_preferences_page import WorkbenchPreferencesPage return [WorkbenchPreferencesPage] my_service_offers = List(contributes_to=SERVICE_OFFERS) def _my_service_offers_default(self): """Trait initializer.""" preferences_manager_service_offer = ServiceOffer( protocol="apptools.preferences.ui.preferences_manager" ".PreferencesManager", factory=self._create_preferences_manager_service, ) workbench_service_offer = ServiceOffer( protocol="envisage.ui.workbench.workbench.Workbench", factory=self._create_workbench_service, ) return [preferences_manager_service_offer, workbench_service_offer] ########################################################################### # Private interface. ########################################################################### def _create_preferences_manager_service(self, **properties): """Factory method for the preferences manager service.""" from apptools.preferences.ui.api import PreferencesManager preferences_manager = PreferencesManager( pages=[factory() for factory in self.preferences_pages] ) return preferences_manager def _create_workbench_service(self, **properties): """Factory method for the workbench service.""" # We don't actually create the workbench here, we just return a # reference to it. # # fixme: This guard is really just for testing when we have the # workbench plugin as a source egg (i.e. if the egg is on our path # then we get the plugin for any egg-based application, even if it is # not a workbench application!). return getattr(self.application, "workbench", None)