Source code for envisage.ui.tasks.preferences_pane

# (C) Copyright 2007-2023 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX
# All rights reserved.
# This software is provided without warranty under the terms of the BSD
# license included in LICENSE.txt and may be redistributed only under
# the conditions described in the aforementioned license. The license
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# Thanks for using Enthought open source!
# Enthought library imports.
from apptools.preferences.api import PreferencesHelper
from traits.api import Callable, Instance, Str
from traitsui.api import Controller

[docs]class PreferencesPane(Controller): """A panel for configuring application preferences.""" #### 'Controller' interface ############################################### #: The preferences helper for which this pane is a view. model = Instance(PreferencesHelper) #### 'PreferencesPane' interface ########################################## #: An identifier for the pane (unique within a category). id = Str #: The ID of the category in which to place the pane. category = Str("General") #: The pane appears after the pane with this ID. before = Str #: The pane appears after the pane with this ID. after = Str #: The preferences dialog to which the pane belongs. Set by the framework. dialog = Instance("envisage.ui.tasks.preferences_dialog.PreferencesDialog") #: The factory to use for creating the preferences model object, of form: #: #: ``callable(**traits) -> PreferencesHelper`` #: #: If not specified, the preferences helper must be supplied manually. model_factory = Callable #### Private interface #################################################### _model = Instance(PreferencesHelper) ########################################################################### # 'HasTraits' interface. ###########################################################################
[docs] def trait_context(self): """Re-implemented to use a copy of the model that is not connected to the preferences node. """ if self.model is None: if self.model_factory is not None: preferences = self.dialog.application.preferences self.model = self.model_factory(preferences=preferences) else: raise ValueError("A preferences pane must have a model!") self._model = self.model.clone_traits() self._model.preferences = None return {"object": self._model, "controller": self, "handler": self}
########################################################################### # 'Handler' interface. ###########################################################################
[docs] def apply(self, info=None): """Handles the Apply button being clicked.""" trait_names = list( filter(self._model._is_preference_trait, self._model.trait_names()) ) self.model.copy_traits(self._model, trait_names)
[docs] def close(self, info, is_ok): """ Handles the user attempting to close a dialog-based user interface. """ if is_ok: self.apply() return super().close(info, is_ok)