Source code for enable.abstract_window

# (C) Copyright 2005-2022 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX
# All rights reserved.
# This software is provided without warranty under the terms of the BSD
# license included in LICENSE.txt and may be redistributed only under
# the conditions described in the aforementioned license. The license
# is also available online at
# Thanks for using Enthought open source!
from functools import reduce

# Major library imports
from numpy import dot

# Enthought library imports
from traits.api import (
    Any, Bool, Event, Float, HasTraits, Instance, List, Property, Tuple, Union,

# Local relative imports
from .base import (
    bounds_to_coordinates, does_disjoint_intersect_coordinates, union_bounds,
from .colors import ColorTrait
from .component import Component
from .container import Container
from .interactor import Interactor

[docs]def Alias(name): return Property( lambda obj: getattr(obj, name), lambda obj, val: setattr(obj, name, val), )
[docs]class AbstractWindow(HasTraits): # The top-level component that this window houses component = Instance(Component) # A reference to the nested component that has focus. This is part of the # manual mechanism for determining keyboard focus. focus_owner = Instance(Interactor, transient=True) # If set, this is the component to which all mouse events are passed, # bypassing the normal event propagation mechanism. mouse_owner = Instance(Interactor, transient=True) # The transform to apply to mouse event positions to put them into the # relative coordinates of the mouse_owner component. mouse_owner_transform = Any(transient=True) # When a component captures the mouse, it can optionally store a # dispatch order for events (until it releases the mouse). mouse_owner_dispatch_history = Union(None, List, transient=True) # A scaling constant applied to any GraphicsContext used for drawing the # window's component. base_pixel_scale = Float(1.0, transient=True) # When True, allow `base_pixel_scale` to be greater than 1 if the # underlying toolkit supports it. high_resolution = Bool(True, transient=True) # The background window of the window. The entire window first gets # painted with this color before the component gets to draw. bgcolor = ColorTrait("syswindow") alt_pressed = Bool(False, transient=True) ctrl_pressed = Bool(False, transient=True) shift_pressed = Bool(False, transient=True) # A container that gets drawn after & on top of the main component, and # which receives events first. overlay = Instance(Container) # When the underlying toolkit control gets resized, this event gets set # to the new size of the window, expressed as a tuple (dx, dy). resized = Event # Whether to enable damaged region handling use_damaged_region = Bool(False, transient=True) # The previous component that handled an event. Used to generate # mouse_enter and mouse_leave events. Right now this can only be # None, self.component, or self.overlay. _prev_event_handler = Instance(Component, transient=True) # (dx, dy) integer size of the Window. _size = Union(None, Tuple, transient=True) # The regions to update upon redraw _update_region = Any(transient=True) # When exceeding this, the entire window is marked damaged to save memory MAX_DAMAGED_REGIONS = 100 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Abstract methods that must be implemented by concrete subclasses # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def set_drag_result(self, result): """ Sets the result that should be returned to the system from the handling of the current drag operation. Valid result values are: "error", "none", "copy", "move", "link", "cancel". These have the meanings associated with their WX equivalents. """ raise NotImplementedError
def _capture_mouse(self): "Capture all future mouse events" raise NotImplementedError def _release_mouse(self): "Release the mouse capture" raise NotImplementedError def _create_key_event(self, event): "Convert a GUI toolkit key event into a KeyEvent" raise NotImplementedError def _create_mouse_event(self, event): "Convert a GUI toolkit mouse event into a MouseEvent" raise NotImplementedError def _redraw(self, coordinates=None): """ Request a redraw of the window, within just the (x,y,w,h) coordinates (if provided), or over the entire window if coordinates is None. """ raise NotImplementedError def _get_control_size(self): "Get the size of the underlying toolkit control" raise NotImplementedError def _create_gc(self, size, pix_format="bgr24"): """ Create a Kiva graphics context of a specified size. This method only gets called when the size of the window itself has changed. To perform pre-draw initialization every time in the paint loop, use _init_gc(). """ raise NotImplementedError def _init_gc(self): """ Gives a GC a chance to initialize itself before components perform layout and draw. This is called every time through the paint loop. """ gc = self._gc if self._update_region == [] or not self.use_damaged_region: self._update_region = None if self._update_region is None: gc.clear(self.bgcolor_) else: # Fixme: should use clip_to_rects update_union = reduce(union_bounds, self._update_region) gc.clip_to_rect(*update_union) def _window_paint(self, event): "Do a GUI toolkit specific screen update" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def set_pointer(self, pointer): """ Sets the current cursor shape. Parameters ---------- pointer: str The name of the cursor shape. Valid values are in :py:attr:`enable.toolkit_constants.pointer_names` """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def set_timer_interval(self, component, interval): "Set up or cancel a timer for a specified component" raise NotImplementedError
def _set_focus(self): "Sets this window to have keyboard focus" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def screen_to_window(self, x, y): "Returns local window coordinates for given global screen coordinates" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_pointer_position(self): """ Returns the current pointer position in local window coordinates. Returns ------- (x, y) : tuple The x,y position of the mouse """ raise NotImplementedError
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Public methods # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def __init__(self, **traits): self._update_region = None self._gc = None self._pointer_owner = None HasTraits.__init__(self, **traits) # Create a default component (if necessary): if self.component is None: self.component = Container() def _component_changed(self, old, new): if old is not None: old.observe( self.component_bounds_updated, "bounds", remove=True ) old.window = None if new is None: self.component = Container() return new.window = self # If possible, size the new component according to the size of the # toolkit control size = self._get_control_size() if new is not None: new.observe(self.component_bounds_updated, "bounds") if size is not None: pix_scale = self.base_pixel_scale if getattr(self.component, "fit_window", False): self.component.outer_position = [0, 0] self.component.outer_bounds = [ size[0] / pix_scale, size[1] / pix_scale ] elif hasattr(self.component, "resizable"): if "h" in self.component.resizable: self.component.outer_x = 0 self.component.outer_width = size[0] / pix_scale if "v" in self.component.resizable: self.component.outer_y = 0 self.component.outer_height = size[1] / pix_scale self._update_region = None self.redraw()
[docs] def component_bounds_updated(self, event): """ Dynamic trait listener that handles our component changing its size. """ self.invalidate_draw() pass
[docs] def set_mouse_owner(self, mouse_owner, transform=None, history=None): """ Handle the 'mouse_owner' being changed Parameters ---------- mouse_owner : :class:`Component` or None The new "mouse owner" component. This component will receive all key and mouse events until a new mouse owner is set. transform : 3x3 :class:`ndarray` or None An affine transform which is applied to events before dispatch history : list of :class:`Interactor` or None A list of interactors which is used to build a tranform (via :py:meth:`get_event_transform`) to be applied to events before dispatch. """ if mouse_owner is None: self._release_mouse() self.mouse_owner = None self.mouse_owner_transform = None self.mouse_owner_dispatch_history = None else: self._capture_mouse() self.mouse_owner = mouse_owner self.mouse_owner_transform = transform self.mouse_owner_dispatch_history = history
[docs] def invalidate_draw(self, damaged_regions=None, self_relative=False): if (damaged_regions is not None and self._update_region is not None and len(self._update_region) < self.MAX_DAMAGED_REGIONS): self._update_region += damaged_regions else: self._update_region = None
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Generic keyboard event handler: # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _handle_key_event(self, event_type, event): """ **event** should be a toolkit-specific opaque object that will be passed in to the backend's _create_key_event() method. It can be None if the the toolkit lacks a native "key event" object. Returns True if the event has been handled within the Enable object hierarchy, or False otherwise. """ # Generate the Enable event key_event = self._create_key_event(event_type, event) if key_event is None: return False self.shift_pressed = key_event.shift_down self.alt_pressed = key_event.alt_down self.control_pressed = key_event.control_down # Dispatch the event to the correct component mouse_owner = self.mouse_owner if mouse_owner is not None: history = self.mouse_owner_dispatch_history if history is not None and len(history) > 0: # Assemble all the transforms transforms = [c.get_event_transform() for c in history] total_transform = reduce(dot, transforms[::-1]) key_event.push_transform(total_transform) elif self.mouse_owner_transform is not None: key_event.push_transform(self.mouse_owner_transform) mouse_owner.dispatch(key_event, event_type) else: # Normal event handling loop if (not key_event.handled) and (self.component is not None): if self.component.is_in(key_event.x, key_event.y): # Fire the actual event self.component.dispatch(key_event, event_type) return key_event.handled # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Generic mouse event handler: # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _handle_mouse_event(self, event_name, event, set_focus=False): """ **event** should be a toolkit-specific opaque object that will be passed in to the backend's _create_mouse_event() method. It can be None if the the toolkit lacks a native "mouse event" object. Returns True if the event has been handled within the Enable object hierarchy, or False otherwise. """ if self._size is None: # PZW: Hack! # We need to handle the cases when the window hasn't been painted # yet, but it's gotten a mouse event. In such a case, we just # ignore the mouse event. If the window has been painted, then # _size will have some sensible value. return False mouse_event = self._create_mouse_event(event) # if no mouse event generated for some reason, return if mouse_event is None: return False mouse_owner = self.mouse_owner if mouse_owner is not None: # A mouse_owner has grabbed the mouse. Check to see if we need to # compose a net transform by querying each of the objects in the # dispatch history in turn, or if we can just apply a saved # top-level transform. history = self.mouse_owner_dispatch_history if history is not None and len(history) > 0: # Assemble all the transforms transforms = [c.get_event_transform() for c in history] total_transform = reduce(dot, transforms[::-1]) mouse_event.push_transform(total_transform) elif self.mouse_owner_transform is not None: mouse_event.push_transform(self.mouse_owner_transform) mouse_owner.dispatch(mouse_event, event_name) self._pointer_owner = mouse_owner else: # Normal event handling loop if self.overlay is not None: # TODO: implement this... pass if (not mouse_event.handled) and (self.component is not None): # Test to see if we need to generate a mouse_leave event if self._prev_event_handler: if not self._prev_event_handler.is_in( mouse_event.x, mouse_event.y): self._prev_event_handler.dispatch( mouse_event, "pre_mouse_leave" ) mouse_event.handled = False self._prev_event_handler.dispatch( mouse_event, "mouse_leave" ) self._prev_event_handler = None if self.component.is_in(mouse_event.x, mouse_event.y): # Test to see if we need to generate a mouse_enter event if self._prev_event_handler != self.component: self._prev_event_handler = self.component self.component.dispatch(mouse_event, "pre_mouse_enter") mouse_event.handled = False self.component.dispatch(mouse_event, "mouse_enter") # Fire the actual event self.component.dispatch(mouse_event, "pre_" + event_name) mouse_event.handled = False self.component.dispatch(mouse_event, event_name) # If this event requires setting the keyboard focus, set the first # component under the mouse pointer that accepts focus as the new focus # owner (otherwise, nobody owns the focus): if set_focus: # If the mouse event was a click, then we set the toolkit's # focus to ourselves if (mouse_event.left_down or mouse_event.middle_down or mouse_event.right_down or mouse_event.mouse_wheel != 0): self._set_focus() if (self.component is not None) and (self.component.accepts_focus): if self.focus_owner is None: self.focus_owner = self.component else: pass return mouse_event.handled # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Generic drag event handler: # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _handle_drag_event(self, event_name, event, set_focus=False): """ **event** should be a toolkit-specific opaque object that will be passed in to the backend's _create_drag_event() method. It can be None if the the toolkit lacks a native "drag event" object. Returns True if the event has been handled within the Enable object hierarchy, or False otherwise. """ if self._size is None: # PZW: Hack! # We need to handle the cases when the window hasn't been painted # yet, but it's gotten a mouse event. In such a case, we just # ignore the mouse event. If the window has been painted, then # _size will have some sensible value. return False drag_event = self._create_drag_event(event) # if no mouse event generated for some reason, return if drag_event is None: return False if self.component is not None: # Test to see if we need to generate a drag_leave event if self._prev_event_handler: if not self._prev_event_handler.is_in( drag_event.x, drag_event.y): self._prev_event_handler.dispatch( drag_event, "pre_drag_leave" ) drag_event.handled = False self._prev_event_handler.dispatch(drag_event, "drag_leave") self._prev_event_handler = None if self.component.is_in(drag_event.x, drag_event.y): # Test to see if we need to generate a mouse_enter event if self._prev_event_handler != self.component: self._prev_event_handler = self.component self.component.dispatch(drag_event, "pre_drag_enter") drag_event.handled = False self.component.dispatch(drag_event, "drag_enter") # Fire the actual event self.component.dispatch(drag_event, "pre_" + event_name) drag_event.handled = False self.component.dispatch(drag_event, event_name) return drag_event.handled
[docs] def set_tooltip(self, tooltip): """ Set the window's tooltip (if necessary) Parameters ---------- tooltip : str The tooltip text. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def redraw(self): """ Requests that the window be redrawn. """ self._redraw()
[docs] def cleanup(self): """ Clean up after ourselves. """ if self.component is not None: self.component.cleanup(self) self.component.parent = None # Break a reference cycle self.component.window = None # Set `component` without triggering traits machinery! # Otherwise a new component will be assigned and the reference # cycle will be reestablished. self.trait_setq(component=None) self.control = None if self._gc is not None: self._gc.window = None self._gc = None
def _needs_redraw(self, bounds): "Determine if a specified region intersects the update region" return does_disjoint_intersect_coordinates( self._update_region, bounds_to_coordinates(bounds) ) def _paint(self, event=None): """ This method is called directly by the UI toolkit's callback mechanism on the paint event. """ if self.control is None: # the window has gone away, but let the window implementation # handle the event as needed self._window_paint(event) return # Create a new GC if necessary size = self._get_control_size() if (self._size != tuple(size)) or (self._gc is None): self._size = tuple(size) self._gc = self._create_gc(size) # Always give the GC a chance to initialize self._init_gc() # Layout components and draw if hasattr(self.component, "do_layout"): self.component.do_layout() gc = self._gc self.component.draw(gc, view_bounds=(0, 0, size[0], size[1])) # damaged_regions = draw_result['damaged_regions'] # FIXME: consolidate damaged regions if necessary if not self.use_damaged_region: self._update_region = None # Perform a paint of the GC to the window (only necessary on backends # that render to an off-screen buffer) self._window_paint(event) self._update_region = [] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Wire up the mouse event handlers # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _on_left_down(self, event): self._handle_mouse_event("left_down", event, set_focus=True) def _on_left_up(self, event): self._handle_mouse_event("left_up", event) def _on_left_dclick(self, event): self._handle_mouse_event("left_dclick", event) def _on_right_down(self, event): self._handle_mouse_event("right_down", event, set_focus=True) def _on_right_up(self, event): self._handle_mouse_event("right_up", event) def _on_right_dclick(self, event): self._handle_mouse_event("right_dclick", event) def _on_middle_down(self, event): self._handle_mouse_event("middle_down", event) def _on_middle_up(self, event): self._handle_mouse_event("middle_up", event) def _on_middle_dclick(self, event): self._handle_mouse_event("middle_dclick", event) def _on_mouse_move(self, event): self._handle_mouse_event("mouse_move", event, 1) def _on_mouse_wheel(self, event): self._handle_mouse_event("mouse_wheel", event) def _on_mouse_enter(self, event): self._handle_mouse_event("mouse_enter", event) def _on_mouse_leave(self, event): self._handle_mouse_event("mouse_leave", event, -1) # Additional event handlers that are not part of normal Interactors def _on_window_enter(self, event): # TODO: implement this to generate a mouse_leave on self.component pass def _on_window_leave(self, event): if self._size is None: # PZW: Hack! # We need to handle the cases when the window hasn't been painted # yet, but it's gotten a mouse event. In such a case, we just # ignore the mouse event. If the window has been painted, then # _size will have some sensible value. self._prev_event_handler = None if self._prev_event_handler: mouse_event = self._create_mouse_event(event) self._prev_event_handler.dispatch(mouse_event, "mouse_leave") self._prev_event_handler = None # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Wire up the keyboard event handlers # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _on_key_pressed(self, event): self._handle_key_event("key_pressed", event) def _on_key_released(self, event): self._handle_key_event("key_released", event) def _on_character(self, event): self._handle_key_event("character", event)