Tips and Tricks

The tips and tricks included in this section may enhance your EDM experience.


If you use the Bash shell for interacting with EDM, we provide a nice auto-completion script that you can enable.

Click here to download the script.

Save the script to a convenient location, and then source it in your startup script. For example, if you place the auto-completion script in your $HOME directory, add the following to your ~/.bashrc file:

source ~/edm-completion.bash

In order to set this up for all users, copy this script to the /opt/local/etc/bash_completion.d directory on OSX or to the /etc/bash_completion.d directory on Linux.

In order to activate auto-completion restart your shell, or manually source your ~/.bashrc. Now, pressing the Tab key while writing a EDM command will return a set of suggestions:

$ edm environments<tab><tab>
create   export   import   list     prefix   remove   upgrade

Currently, this feature only works for commands and subcommands. EDM’s inline help, which is described in the following section, can be used to obtain more information about command options and arguments.

Getting help

The EDM command line application has extensive inline help that can be used to explore the tool’s functionality and save time. Inline help is available for all EDM commands/subcommands and can be invoked using the -h/--help option:

$ edm [COMMAND [SUBCOMMAND]] --help

Appending -h/--help to any EDM command guarantees that the command will be a no-op, so the user can freely explore the CLI without disturbing the working environment.

Example: clearing the cache

In this example, we will use EDM’s inline help facility to find a command to non-interactively delete downloaded eggs from the cache. To begin, we must first find a command to manipulate the EDM cache:

$ edm --help
Usage: edm [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.

List of commands:
  available-runtimes  List available runtimes.
  cache               Perform operations on the EDM cache.
  check-connection    Check connection to configured server.

Additional help topics:
  configuration         Learn how to configure EDM

Topics in the Additional help topics section offer detailed inline documentation of different EDM features for quick reference. To access the help text for a given TOPIC, simply do:

$ edm help TOPIC

We see from the help output that the cache command might have what we are looking for. We then get the inline help for cache to see what subcommands it offers:

$ edm cache -h
Usage: edm cache [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Perform operations on the EDM cache.

  -h, --help  Show this message and exit.

  info   Cache size information.
  list   List cache contents.
  purge  Free disk space by clearing EDM caches.

The next step is a predictable one:

$ edm cache purge -h
Usage: edm cache purge [OPTIONS]

  Free disk space by clearing EDM caches.

  --all              Operate on runtime and package caches.
  --runtimes         Operate on runtime cache only.
  --packages         Operate on package cache only.
  --downloaded-only  Target downloaded fixtures only.
  --extracted-only   Target extracted fixtures only.
  -y, --yes          If given, always assume yes to every prompt, and run non-
  -h, --help         Show this message and exit.

With this information, we can construct the EDM command that we want:

$ edm cache purge --packages --downloaded-only -y


To make the CLI more user friendly, EDM offers aliases for some commands:




envs, env

