apptools.scripting.recorder module

Code to support recording to a readable and executable Python script.

  • Support for dictionaries?

class apptools.scripting.recorder.Recorder[source]

Bases: HasTraits


Clears all previous recorded state and unregisters all registered objects.


Returns the recorded lines as a string of printable code.


Returns the path in the object hierarchy of a registered object. Useful for debugging.


Returns the script_id of a registered object. Useful when you want to manually add a record statement.


Returns True if the given object is registered with the recorder.


Record a string to be stored to the output file.


code (str) – A string of text.

record_function(func, args, kw)[source]

Record a function call given the function and its arguments.

register(object, parent=None, trait_name_on_parent='', ignore=None, known=False, script_id=None)[source]

Register an object with the recorder. This sets up the object for recording.

By default all traits (except those starting and ending with ‘_’) are recorded. For attributes that are themselves recordable, one may mark traits with a ‘record’ metadata as follows:

  • If metadata record=False is set, the nested object will not be recorded.

  • If record=True, then that object is also recorded if it is not None.

If the object is a list or dict that is marked with record=True, the list is itself not listened to for changes but all its contents are registered.

If the object has a trait named recorder then this recorder instance will be set to it if possible.

  • object (Instance(HasTraits)) – The object to register in the registry.

  • parent (Instance(HasTraits)) – An optional parent object in which object is contained

  • trait_name_on_parent (str) – An optional trait name of the object in the parent.

  • ignore (list(str)) – An optional list of trait names on the object to be ignored.

  • known (bool) – Optional specification if the object id is known on the interpreter. This is needed if you are manually injecting code to define/create an object.

  • script_id (str) – Optionally specify a script_id to use for this object. It is not guaranteed that this ID will be used since it may already be in use.


Save the recorded lines to the given file. It does not close the file.


Save recording to file, pop up a UI dialog to find out where and close the file when done.


Unregister the given object from the recorder. This inverts the logic of the register(…) method.


If a script_id is not known in the current script’s namespace, this sets it using the path of the object or actually instantiating it. If this is not possible (since the script_id matches no existing object), nothing is recorded but the framework is notified that the particular script_id is available in the namespace. This is useful when you want to inject code in the namespace to create a particular object.

exception apptools.scripting.recorder.RecorderError[source]

Bases: Exception