Source code for apptools.scripting.recorder

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Code to support recording to a readable and executable Python script.

    - Support for dictionaries?

import builtins
import warnings

from traits.api import (
from traits.util.camel_case import camel_case_to_python

# `_RegistryData` class.
class _RegistryData(HasTraits):
    # Object's script ID
    script_id = Property(Str)

    # Path to object in object hierarchy.
    path = Property(Str)

    # Parent data for this object if any.
    parent_data = Instance("_RegistryData", allow_none=True)

    # The name of the trait on the parent which is this object.
    trait_name_on_parent = Str("")

    # List of traits we are listening for on this object.
    names = List(Str)

    # Nested recordable instances on the object.
    sub_recordables = List(Str)

    # List of traits that are lists.
    list_names = List(Str)

    _script_id = Str("")

    # Non-public interface.
    def _get_path(self):
        pdata = self.parent_data
        path = ""
        if pdata is not None:
            pid = pdata.script_id
            ppath = pdata.path
            tnop = self.trait_name_on_parent
            if "[" in tnop:
                # If the object is a nested object through an iterator,
                # we instantiate it and don't refer to it through the
                # path, this makes scripting convenient.
                if len(ppath) == 0:
                    path = pid + "." + tnop
                    path = ppath + "." + tnop
                path = ppath + "." + tnop

        return path

    def _get_script_id(self):
        sid = self._script_id
        if len(sid) == 0:
            pdata = self.parent_data
            sid = pdata.script_id + "." + self.trait_name_on_parent
        return sid

    def _set_script_id(self, id):
        self._script_id = id

# `RecorderError` class.
[docs]class RecorderError(Exception): pass
############################################################################### # `Recorder` class. ###############################################################################
[docs]class Recorder(HasTraits): # The lines of code recorded. lines = List(Str) # Are we recording or not? recording = Bool(False, desc="if script recording is enabled or not") # The Python script we have recorded so far. This is just a # convenience trait for the `get_code()` method. script = Property(Str) ######################################## # Private traits. # Dict used to store information on objects registered. It stores a # unique name for the object and its path in the object hierarchy # traversed. _registry = Dict # Reverse registry with keys as script_id and object as value. _reverse_registry = Dict # A mapping to generate unique names for objects. The key is the # name used (which is something derived from the class name of the # object) and the value is an integer describing the number of times # that variable name has been used earlier. _name_map = Dict(Str, Int) # A list of special reserved script IDs. This is handy when you # want a particular object to have an easy to read script ID and not # the default one based on its class name. This leads to slightly # easier to read scripts. _special_ids = List # What are the known names in the script? By known names we mean # names which are actually bound to objects. _known_ids = List(Str) # The known types in the namespace. _known_types = List(Str) # A guard to check if we are currently in a recorded function call, # in which case we don't want to do any recording. _in_function = Bool(False) ########################################################################### # `Recorder` interface. ###########################################################################
[docs] def record(self, code): """Record a string to be stored to the output file. Parameters ---------- code : str A string of text. """ if self.recording and not self._in_function: lines = self.lines # Analyze the code and add extra code if needed. self._analyze_code(code) # Add the code. lines.append(code)
[docs] def register( self, object, parent=None, trait_name_on_parent="", ignore=None, known=False, script_id=None, ): """Register an object with the recorder. This sets up the object for recording. By default all traits (except those starting and ending with '_') are recorded. For attributes that are themselves recordable, one may mark traits with a 'record' metadata as follows: - If metadata `record=False` is set, the nested object will not be recorded. - If `record=True`, then that object is also recorded if it is not `None`. If the object is a list or dict that is marked with `record=True`, the list is itself not listened to for changes but all its contents are registered. If the `object` has a trait named `recorder` then this recorder instance will be set to it if possible. Parameters ---------- object : Instance(HasTraits) The object to register in the registry. parent : Instance(HasTraits) An optional parent object in which `object` is contained trait_name_on_parent : str An optional trait name of the `object` in the `parent`. ignore : list(str) An optional list of trait names on the `object` to be ignored. known : bool Optional specification if the `object` id is known on the interpreter. This is needed if you are manually injecting code to define/create an object. script_id : str Optionally specify a script_id to use for this object. It is not guaranteed that this ID will be used since it may already be in use. """ registry = self._registry # Do nothing if the object is already registered. if object in registry: return # When parent is specified the trait_name_on_parent must also be. if parent is not None: assert len(trait_name_on_parent) > 0 if ignore is None: ignore = [] if isinstance(object, HasTraits): # Always ignore these. ignore.extend(["trait_added", "trait_modified"]) sub_recordables = list(object.traits(record=True).keys()) # Find all the trait names we must ignore. ignore.extend(object.traits(record=False).keys()) # The traits to listen for. tnames = [ t for t in object.trait_names() if not t.startswith("_") and not t.endswith("_") and t not in ignore ] # Find all list traits. trts = object.traits() list_names = [] for t in tnames: tt = trts[t].trait_type if ( hasattr(tt, "default_value_type") and tt.default_value_type == 5 ): list_names.append(t) else: # No traits, so we can't do much. sub_recordables = [] tnames = [] list_names = [] # Setup the registry data. # If a script id is supplied try and use it. sid = "" if script_id is not None: r_registry = self._reverse_registry while script_id in r_registry: script_id = "%s1" % script_id sid = script_id # Add the chosen id to special_id list. self._special_ids.append(sid) if parent is None: pdata = None if len(sid) == 0: sid = self._get_unique_name(object) else: pdata = self._get_registry_data(parent) tnop = trait_name_on_parent if "[" in tnop: # If the object is a nested object through an iterator, # we instantiate it and don't refer to it through the # path, this makes scripting convenient. sid = self._get_unique_name(object) # Register the object with the data. data = _RegistryData( script_id=sid, parent_data=pdata, trait_name_on_parent=trait_name_on_parent, names=tnames, sub_recordables=sub_recordables, list_names=list_names, ) registry[object] = data # Now get the script id of the object -- note that if sid is '' # above then the script_id is computed from that of the parent. sid = data.script_id # Setup reverse registry so we can get the object from the # script_id. self._reverse_registry[sid] = object # Record the script_id if the known argument is explicitly set to # True. if known: self._known_ids.append(sid) # Try and set the recorder attribute if necessary. if hasattr(object, "recorder"): try: object.recorder = self except Exception as e: msg = "Cannot set 'recorder' trait of object %r: " "%s" % ( object, e, ) warnings.warn(msg, warnings.RuntimeWarning) if isinstance(object, HasTraits): # Add handler for lists. for name in list_names: object.on_trait_change( self._list_items_listner, "%s_items" % name ) # Register all sub-recordables. for name in sub_recordables: obj = getattr(object, name) if isinstance(obj, list): # Don't register the object itself but register its # children. for i, child in enumerate(obj): attr = "%s[%d]" % (name, i) self.register( child, parent=object, trait_name_on_parent=attr ) elif obj is not None: self.register( obj, parent=object, trait_name_on_parent=name ) # Listen for changes to the trait itself so the newly # assigned object can also be listened to. object.on_trait_change(self._object_changed_handler, name) # Now add listner for the object itself. object.on_trait_change(self._listner, tnames)
[docs] def unregister(self, object): """Unregister the given object from the recorder. This inverts the logic of the `register(...)` method. """ registry = self._registry # Do nothing if the object isn't registered. if object not in registry: return data = registry[object] # Try and unset the recorder attribute if necessary. if hasattr(object, "recorder"): try: object.recorder = None except Exception as e: msg = "Cannot unset 'recorder' trait of object %r:" "%s" % ( object, e, ) warnings.warn(msg, warnings.RuntimeWarning) if isinstance(object, HasTraits): # Remove all list_items handlers. for name in data.list_names: object.on_trait_change( self._list_items_listner, "%s_items" % name, remove=True ) # Unregister all sub-recordables. for name in data.sub_recordables: obj = getattr(object, name) if isinstance(obj, list): # Unregister the children. for i, child in enumerate(obj): self.unregister(child) elif obj is not None: self.unregister(obj) # Remove the trait handler for trait assignments. object.on_trait_change( self._object_changed_handler, name, remove=True ) # Now remove listner for the object itself. object.on_trait_change(self._listner, data.names, remove=True) # Remove the object data from the registry etc. if data.script_id in self._known_ids: self._known_ids.remove(data.script_id) del self._reverse_registry[data.script_id] del registry[object]
[docs] def save(self, file): """Save the recorded lines to the given file. It does not close the file. """ file.write(self.get_code()) file.flush()
[docs] def record_function(self, func, args, kw): """Record a function call given the function and its arguments.""" if self.recording and not self._in_function: # Record the function name and arguments. call_str = self._function_as_string(func, args, kw) # Call the function. try: self._in_function = True result = func(*args, **kw) finally: self._in_function = False # Register the result if it is not None. if func.__name__ == "__init__": f_self = args[0] code = self._import_class_string(f_self.__class__) self.lines.append(code) return_str = self._registry.get(f_self).script_id else: return_str = self._return_as_string(result) if len(return_str) > 0: self.lines.append("%s = %s" % (return_str, call_str)) else: self.lines.append("%s" % (call_str)) else: result = func(*args, **kw) return result
[docs] def ui_save(self): """Save recording to file, pop up a UI dialog to find out where and close the file when done. """ from pyface.api import FileDialog, OK wildcard = "Python files (*.py)|*.py|" + FileDialog.WILDCARD_ALL dialog = FileDialog( title="Save Script", action="save as", wildcard=wildcard ) if == OK: fname = dialog.path f = open(fname, "w") f.close()
[docs] def clear(self): """Clears all previous recorded state and unregisters all registered objects.""" # First unregister any registered objects. registry = self._registry while len(registry) > 0: self.unregister(list(registry.keys())[0]) # Clear the various lists. self.lines[:] = [] self._registry.clear() self._known_ids[:] = [] self._name_map.clear() self._reverse_registry.clear() self._known_types[:] = [] self._special_ids[:] = []
[docs] def get_code(self): """Returns the recorded lines as a string of printable code.""" return "\n".join(self.lines) + "\n"
[docs] def is_registered(self, object): """Returns True if the given object is registered with the recorder.""" return object in self._registry
[docs] def get_script_id(self, object): """Returns the script_id of a registered object. Useful when you want to manually add a record statement.""" return self._get_registry_data(object).script_id
[docs] def get_object_path(self, object): """Returns the path in the object hierarchy of a registered object. Useful for debugging.""" return self._get_registry_data(object).path
[docs] def write_script_id_in_namespace(self, script_id): """If a script_id is not known in the current script's namespace, this sets it using the path of the object or actually instantiating it. If this is not possible (since the script_id matches no existing object), nothing is recorded but the framework is notified that the particular script_id is available in the namespace. This is useful when you want to inject code in the namespace to create a particular object. """ if not self.recording: return known_ids = self._known_ids if script_id not in known_ids: obj = self._reverse_registry.get(script_id) # Add the ID to the known_ids. known_ids.append(script_id) if obj is not None: data = self._registry.get(obj) result = "" if len(data.path) > 0: # Record code for instantiation of object. result = "%s = %s" % (script_id, data.path) else: # This is not the best thing to do but better than # nothing. result = self._import_class_string(obj.__class__) cls = obj.__class__.__name__ result += "\n%s = %s()" % (script_id, cls) if len(result) > 0: self.lines.extend(result.split("\n"))
########################################################################### # Non-public interface. ########################################################################### def _get_unique_name(self, obj): """Return a unique object name (a string). Note that this does not cache the object, so if called with the same object 3 times you'll get three different names. """ cname = obj.__class__.__name__ nm = self._name_map result = "" builtin = False if cname in builtins.__dict__: builtin = True if hasattr(obj, "__name__"): cname = obj.__name__ else: cname = camel_case_to_python(cname) special_ids = self._special_ids while len(result) == 0 or result in special_ids: if cname in nm: id = nm[cname] + 1 nm[cname] = id result = "%s%d" % (cname, id) else: nm[cname] = 0 # The first id doesn't need a number if it isn't builtin. if builtin: result = "%s0" % (cname) else: result = cname return result def _get_registry_data(self, object): """Get the data for an object from registry.""" data = self._registry.get(object) if data is None: msg = ( "Recorder: Can't get script_id since object %s not registered" ) raise RecorderError(msg % (object)) return data def _listner(self, object, name, old, new): """The listner for trait changes on an object. This is called by child listners or when any of the recordable object's traits change when recording to a script is enabled. Parameters: ----------- object : Object which has changed. name : extended name of attribute that changed. old : Old value. new : New value. """ if self.recording and not self._in_function: new_repr = repr(new) sid = self._get_registry_data(object).script_id if len(sid) == 0: msg = "%s = %r" % (name, new) else: msg = "%s.%s = %r" % (sid, name, new) if new_repr.startswith("<") and new_repr.endswith(">"): self.record("# " + msg) else: self.record(msg) def _list_items_listner(self, object, name, old, event): """The listner for *_items on list traits of the object.""" # Set the path of registered objects in the modified list and # all their children. This is done by unregistering the object # and re-registering them. This is slow but. registry = self._registry sid = registry.get(object).script_id trait_name = name[:-6] items = getattr(object, trait_name) for (i, item) in enumerate(items): if item in registry: data = registry.get(item) tnop = data.trait_name_on_parent if len(tnop) > 0: data.trait_name_on_parent = "%s[%d]" % (trait_name, i) # Record the change. if self.recording and not self._in_function: index = event.index removed = event.removed added = event.added nr = len(removed) slice = "[%d:%d]" % (index, index + nr) rhs = [self._object_as_string(item) for item in added] rhs = ", ".join(rhs) obj = "%s.%s" % (sid, name[:-6]) msg = "%s%s = [%s]" % (obj, slice, rhs) self.record(msg) def _object_changed_handler(self, object, name, old, new): """Called when a child recordable object has been reassigned.""" registry = self._registry if old is not None: if old in registry: self.unregister(old) if new is not None: if new not in registry: self.register(new, parent=object, trait_name_on_parent=name) def _get_script(self): return self.get_code() def _analyze_code(self, code): """Analyze the code and return extra code if needed.""" lhs = "" try: lhs = code.split()[0] except IndexError: pass if "." in lhs: ob_name = lhs.split(".")[0] self.write_script_id_in_namespace(ob_name) def _function_as_string(self, func, args, kw): """Return a string representing the function call.""" func_name = func.__name__ func_code = func.__code__ # Even if func is really a decorated method it never shows up as # a bound or unbound method here, so we have to inspect the # argument names to figure out if this is a method or function. if func_code.co_argcount > 0 and func_code.co_varnames[0] == "self": # This is a method, the first argument is bound to self. f_self = args[0] # Convert the remaining arguments to strings. argl = [self._object_as_string(arg) for arg in args[1:]] # If this is __init__ we special case it. if func_name == "__init__": # Register the object. self.register(f_self, known=True) func_name = f_self.__class__.__name__ else: sid = self._object_as_string(f_self) func_name = "%s.%s" % (sid, func_name) else: argl = [self._object_as_string(arg) for arg in args] # Convert the keyword args. kwl = [ "%s=%s" % (key, self._object_as_string(value)) for key, value in kw.items() ] argl.extend(kwl) # Make a string representation of the args, kw. argstr = ", ".join(argl) return "%s(%s)" % (func_name, argstr) def _is_arbitrary_object(self, object): """Return True if the object is an arbitrary non-primitive object. We assume that if the hex id of the object is in its string representation then it is an arbitrary object. """ ob_id = id(object) orepr = repr(object) hex_id = "%x" % ob_id return hex_id.upper() in orepr.upper() def _object_as_string(self, object): """Return a string representing the object.""" registry = self._registry if object in registry: # Return script id if the object is known; create the script # id on the namespace if needed before that. sid = registry.get(object).script_id base_id = sid.split(".")[0] self.write_script_id_in_namespace(base_id) return sid else: if not self._is_arbitrary_object(object): return repr(object) # If we get here, we just register the object and call ourselves # again to do the needful. self.register(object) return self._object_as_string(object) def _return_as_string(self, object): """Return a string given a returned object from a function.""" result = "" ignore = (float, complex, bool, int, str) if object is not None and type(object) not in ignore: # If object is not know, register it. registry = self._registry if object not in registry: self.register(object) result = registry.get(object).script_id # Since this is returned it is known on the namespace. known_ids = self._known_ids if result not in known_ids: known_ids.append(result) return result def _import_class_string(self, cls): """Import a class if needed.""" cname = cls.__name__ result = "" if cname not in builtins.__dict__: mod = cls.__module__ typename = "%s.%s" % (mod, cname) if typename not in self._known_types: result = "from %s import %s" % (mod, cname) self._known_types.append(typename) return result