


An attributes dictionary for an h5 node.

This intercepts __setitem__ so that python sequences can be converted to numpy arrays. This helps preserve the readability of our HDF5 files by other (non-python) programs.

get(k[, d])D[k] if k in D, else d.  d defaults to None.[source]
items()a set-like object providing a view on D’s items[source]
keys()a set-like object providing a view on D’s keys[source]
values()an object providing a view on D’s values[source]
class, mode='r+', delete_existing=False, auto_groups=True, auto_open=True, h5filters=None)[source]


File object for HDF5 files.

This class wraps PyTables to provide a cleaner, but only implements an interface for accessing arrays.

  • filename (str or a tables.File instance) – Filename for an HDF5 file, or a PyTables File object.

  • mode (str) –

    Mode to open the file:

    ’r’ : Read-only ‘w’ : Write; create new file (an existing file would be deleted). ‘a’ : Read and write to file; create if not existing ‘r+’: Read and write to file; must already exist

  • delete_existing (bool) – If True, an existing node will be deleted when a create_* method is called. Otherwise, a ValueError will be raise.

  • auto_groups (bool) – If True, create_array will automatically create parent groups.

  • auto_open (bool) – If True, open the file automatically on initialization. Otherwise, you can call explicitly after initialization.

  • chunked (bool) – If True, the default behavior of create_array will be a chunked array (see PyTables create_carray).

create_array(node_path, array_or_shape, dtype=None, chunked=False, extendable=False, **kwargs)[source]

Create node to store an array.

  • node_path (str) – PyTable node path; e.g. ‘/path/to/node’.

  • array_or_shape (array or shape tuple) – Array or shape tuple for an array. If given a shape tuple, the dtype parameter must also specified.

  • dtype (str or numpy.dtype) – Data type of array. Only necessary if array_or_shape is a shape.

  • chunked (bool) – Controls whether the array is chunked.

  • extendable ({None | bool}) – Controls whether the array is extendable.

  • kwargs (key/value pairs) – Keyword args passed to PyTables File.create_(c|e)array.

create_dict(node_path, data=None, **kwargs)[source]

Create dict node at the specified path.

  • node_path (str) – Path to node where data is stored (e.g. ‘/path/to/my_dict’)

  • data (dict) – Data for initialization, if desired.

create_group(group_path, **kwargs)[source]

Create group.

  • group_path (str) – PyTable group path; e.g. ‘/path/to/group’.

  • kwargs (key/value pairs) – Keyword args passed to PyTables File.create_group.

create_table(node_path, description, **kwargs)[source]

Create table node at the specified path.

  • node_path (str) – Path to node where data is stored (e.g. ‘/path/to/my_dict’)

  • description (dict or numpy dtype object) – The description of the columns in the table. This is either a dict of column name -> dtype items or a numpy record array dtype. For more information, see the documentation for Table in pytables.

exists_error = "'{}' exists in '{}'; set `delete_existing` attribute to True to overwrite existing calculations."
property is_open

Iterate over node paths and nodes of the h5 file.

classmethod join_path(*args)[source]

Join parts of an h5 path.

For example, the 3 argmuments ‘path’, ‘to’, ‘node’ will return ‘/path/to/node’.


args (str) – Parts of path to be joined.

remove_group(group_path, **kwargs)[source]

Remove group


group_path (str) – PyTable group path; e.g. ‘/path/to/group’.


Remove node


node_path (str) – PyTable node path; e.g. ‘/path/to/node’.

property root
classmethod split_path(node_path)[source]

Split node path returning the base path and node name.

For example: ‘/path/to/node’ will return ‘/path/to’ and ‘node’


node_path (str) – PyTable node path; e.g. ‘/path/to/node’.



A group node in an H5File.

This is a thin wrapper around PyTables’ Group object to expose attributes and maintain the dict interface of H5File.

property children_names
create_array(node_subpath, array_or_shape, dtype=None, chunked=False, extendable=False, **kwargs)[source]

** H5Group wrapper for H5File.create_array: ** Note that the first argument is a nodepath relative to the group, rather than an absolute path. Below is the original docstring:

Create node to store an array.

  • node_path (str) – PyTable node path; e.g. ‘/path/to/node’.

  • array_or_shape (array or shape tuple) – Array or shape tuple for an array. If given a shape tuple, the dtype parameter must also specified.

  • dtype (str or numpy.dtype) – Data type of array. Only necessary if array_or_shape is a shape.

  • chunked (bool) – Controls whether the array is chunked.

  • extendable ({None | bool}) – Controls whether the array is extendable.

  • kwargs (key/value pairs) – Keyword args passed to PyTables File.create_(c|e)array.

create_dict(node_subpath, data=None, **kwargs)[source]

** H5Group wrapper for H5File.create_dict: ** Note that the first argument is a nodepath relative to the group, rather than an absolute path. Below is the original docstring:

Create dict node at the specified path.

  • node_path (str) – Path to node where data is stored (e.g. ‘/path/to/my_dict’)

  • data (dict) – Data for initialization, if desired.

create_group(group_subpath, delete_existing=False, **kwargs)[source]

** H5Group wrapper for H5File.create_group: ** Note that the first argument is a nodepath relative to the group, rather than an absolute path. Below is the original docstring:

Create group.

  • group_path (str) – PyTable group path; e.g. ‘/path/to/group’.

  • kwargs (key/value pairs) – Keyword args passed to PyTables File.create_group.

create_table(node_subpath, description, *args, **kwargs)[source]

** H5Group wrapper for H5File.create_table: ** Note that the first argument is a nodepath relative to the group, rather than an absolute path. Below is the original docstring:

Create table node at the specified path.

  • node_path (str) – Path to node where data is stored (e.g. ‘/path/to/my_dict’)

  • description (dict or numpy dtype object) – The description of the columns in the table. This is either a dict of column name -> dtype items or a numpy record array dtype. For more information, see the documentation for Table in pytables.

property filename

Iterate over H5Group nodes that are children of this group.

property name
property pathname
remove_group(group_subpath, **kwargs)[source]

** H5Group wrapper for H5File.remove_group: ** Note that the first argument is a nodepath relative to the group, rather than an absolute path. Below is the original docstring:

Remove group


group_path (str) – PyTable group path; e.g. ‘/path/to/group’.

remove_node(node_subpath, **kwargs)[source]

** H5Group wrapper for H5File.remove_node: ** Note that the first argument is a nodepath relative to the group, rather than an absolute path. Below is the original docstring:

Remove node


node_path (str) – PyTable node path; e.g. ‘/path/to/node’.

property root
property subgroup_names[source]

Return a PyTables Atom for the given dtype or dtype string.[source][source]