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# (C) Copyright 2005-2024 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX
# All rights reserved.
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# Thanks for using Enthought open source!
from import Mapping, MutableMapping
from functools import partial
import inspect

import numpy as np
import tables

from .dict_node import H5DictNode
from .table_node import H5TableNode

[docs]def get_atom(dtype): """Return a PyTables Atom for the given dtype or dtype string.""" return tables.Atom.from_dtype(np.dtype(dtype))
[docs]def iterator_length(iterator): return sum(1 for _ in iterator)
def _update_wrapped_docstring(wrapped, original=None): PREAMBLE = """\ ** H5Group wrapper for H5File.{func_name}: ** Note that the first argument is a nodepath relative to the group, rather than an absolute path. Below is the original docstring: """.format( func_name=wrapped.__name__ ) wrapped.__doc__ = PREAMBLE + inspect.cleandoc(original.__doc__) return wrapped
[docs]def h5_group_wrapper(original): return partial(_update_wrapped_docstring, original=original)
[docs]class H5File(Mapping): """File object for HDF5 files. This class wraps PyTables to provide a cleaner, but only implements an interface for accessing arrays. Parameters ---------- filename : str or a `tables.File` instance Filename for an HDF5 file, or a PyTables `File` object. mode : str Mode to open the file: 'r' : Read-only 'w' : Write; create new file (an existing file would be deleted). 'a' : Read and write to file; create if not existing 'r+': Read and write to file; must already exist delete_existing : bool If True, an existing node will be deleted when a `create_*` method is called. Otherwise, a ValueError will be raise. auto_groups : bool If True, `create_array` will automatically create parent groups. auto_open : bool If True, open the file automatically on initialization. Otherwise, you can call `` explicitly after initialization. chunked : bool If True, the default behavior of `create_array` will be a chunked array (see PyTables `create_carray`). """ exists_error = ( "'{}' exists in '{}'; set `delete_existing` attribute " "to True to overwrite existing calculations." ) def __init__( self, filename, mode="r+", delete_existing=False, auto_groups=True, auto_open=True, h5filters=None, ): self.mode = mode self.delete_existing = delete_existing self.auto_groups = auto_groups if h5filters is None: self.h5filters = tables.Filters( complib="blosc", complevel=5, shuffle=True ) self._h5 = None if isinstance(filename, tables.File): pyt_file = filename filename = pyt_file.filename if pyt_file.isopen: self._h5 = pyt_file self.filename = filename if auto_open:
[docs] def open(self): if not self.is_open: self._h5 = tables.open_file(self.filename, mode=self.mode)
[docs] def close(self): if self.is_open: self._h5.close() self._h5 = None
@property def root(self): return self["/"] @property def is_open(self): return self._h5 is not None def __str__(self): return str(self._h5) def __repr__(self): return repr(self._h5) def __contains__(self, node_path): return node_path in self._h5 def __getitem__(self, node_path): try: node = self._h5.get_node(node_path) except tables.NoSuchNodeError: msg = "Node {0!r} not found in {1!r}" raise NameError(msg.format(node_path, self.filename)) return _wrap_node(node) def __iter__(self): return (_wrap_node(n) for n in self._h5.iter_nodes(where="/")) def __len__(self): return iterator_length(self)
[docs] def iteritems(self, path="/"): """ Iterate over node paths and nodes of the h5 file. """ for node in self._h5.walk_nodes(where=path): node_path = node._v_pathname yield node_path, _wrap_node(node)
[docs] def create_array( self, node_path, array_or_shape, dtype=None, chunked=False, extendable=False, **kwargs ): """Create node to store an array. Parameters ---------- node_path : str PyTable node path; e.g. '/path/to/node'. array_or_shape : array or shape tuple Array or shape tuple for an array. If given a shape tuple, the `dtype` parameter must also specified. dtype : str or numpy.dtype Data type of array. Only necessary if `array_or_shape` is a shape. chunked : bool Controls whether the array is chunked. extendable : {None | bool} Controls whether the array is extendable. kwargs : key/value pairs Keyword args passed to PyTables `File.create_(c|e)array`. """ self._check_node(node_path) self._assert_valid_path(node_path) h5 = self._h5 if isinstance(array_or_shape, tuple): if dtype is None: msg = "`dtype` must be specified if only given array shape." raise ValueError(msg) array = None dtype = dtype shape = array_or_shape else: array = array_or_shape dtype = shape = array.shape path, name = self.split_path(node_path) if extendable: shape = (0,) + shape[1:] atom = get_atom(dtype) node = h5.create_earray( path, name, atom, shape, filters=self.h5filters, **kwargs ) if array is not None: node.append(array) elif chunked: atom = get_atom(dtype) node = h5.create_carray( path, name, atom, shape, filters=self.h5filters, **kwargs ) if array is not None: node[:] = array else: if array is None: array = np.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype) node = h5.create_array(path, name, array, **kwargs) return node
[docs] def create_group(self, group_path, **kwargs): """Create group. Parameters ---------- group_path : str PyTable group path; e.g. '/path/to/group'. kwargs : key/value pairs Keyword args passed to PyTables `File.create_group`. """ self._check_node(group_path) self._assert_valid_path(group_path) path, name = self.split_path(group_path) self._h5.create_group(path, name, **kwargs) return self[group_path]
[docs] def create_dict(self, node_path, data=None, **kwargs): """Create dict node at the specified path. Parameters ---------- node_path : str Path to node where data is stored (e.g. '/path/to/my_dict') data : dict Data for initialization, if desired. """ self._check_node(node_path) self._assert_valid_path(node_path) H5DictNode.add_to_h5file(self, node_path, data=data, **kwargs) return self[node_path]
[docs] def create_table(self, node_path, description, **kwargs): """Create table node at the specified path. Parameters ---------- node_path : str Path to node where data is stored (e.g. '/path/to/my_dict') description : dict or numpy dtype object The description of the columns in the table. This is either a dict of column name -> dtype items or a numpy record array dtype. For more information, see the documentation for Table in pytables. """ self._check_node(node_path) self._assert_valid_path(node_path) H5TableNode.add_to_h5file(self, node_path, description, **kwargs) return self[node_path]
def _check_node(self, node_path): """Check if node exists and create parent groups if necessary. Either raise error or delete depending on `delete_existing` attribute. """ if self.auto_groups: path, name = self.split_path(node_path) self._create_required_groups(path) if node_path in self: if self.delete_existing: if isinstance(self[node_path], H5Group): self.remove_group(node_path, recursive=True) else: self.remove_node(node_path) else: msg = self.exists_error.format(node_path, self.filename) raise ValueError(msg) def _create_required_groups(self, path): if path not in self: parent, missing = self.split_path(path) # Call recursively to ensure that all parent groups exist. self._create_required_groups(parent) self.create_group(path)
[docs] def remove_node(self, node_path): """Remove node Parameters ---------- node_path : str PyTable node path; e.g. '/path/to/node'. """ node = self[node_path] if isinstance(node, H5Group): msg = "{!r} is a group. Use `remove_group` to remove group nodes." raise ValueError(msg.format(node.pathname)) node._f_remove()
[docs] def remove_group(self, group_path, **kwargs): """Remove group Parameters ---------- group_path : str PyTable group path; e.g. '/path/to/group'. """ self[group_path]._h5_group._g_remove(**kwargs)
@classmethod def _assert_valid_path(self, node_path): if "attrs" in node_path.split("/"): raise ValueError("'attrs' is an invalid node name.")
[docs] @classmethod def split_path(cls, node_path): """Split node path returning the base path and node name. For example: '/path/to/node' will return '/path/to' and 'node' Parameters ---------- node_path : str PyTable node path; e.g. '/path/to/node'. """ i = node_path.rfind("/") if i == 0: return "/", node_path[1:] else: return node_path[:i], node_path[i + 1:]
[docs] @classmethod def join_path(cls, *args): """Join parts of an h5 path. For example, the 3 argmuments 'path', 'to', 'node' will return '/path/to/node'. Parameters ---------- args : str Parts of path to be joined. """ path = "/".join(part.strip("/") for part in args) if not path.startswith("/"): path = "/" + path return path
[docs]class H5Attrs(MutableMapping): """An attributes dictionary for an h5 node. This intercepts `__setitem__` so that python sequences can be converted to numpy arrays. This helps preserve the readability of our HDF5 files by other (non-python) programs. """ def __init__(self, node_attrs): self._node_attrs = node_attrs def __delitem__(self, key): del self._node_attrs[key] def __getitem__(self, key): return self._node_attrs[key] def __iter__(self): return iter(self.keys()) def __len__(self): return len(self._node_attrs._f_list()) def __setitem__(self, key, value): if isinstance(value, tuple) or isinstance(value, list): value = np.array(value) self._node_attrs[key] = value
[docs] def get(self, key, default=None): return default if key not in self else self[key]
[docs] def keys(self): return self._node_attrs._f_list()
[docs] def values(self): return [self[k] for k in self.keys()]
[docs] def items(self): return [(k, self[k]) for k in self.keys()]
[docs]class H5Group(Mapping): """A group node in an H5File. This is a thin wrapper around PyTables' Group object to expose attributes and maintain the dict interface of H5File. """ def __init__(self, pytables_group): self._h5_group = pytables_group self.attrs = H5Attrs(self._h5_group._v_attrs) def __contains__(self, node_path): return node_path in self._h5_group def __str__(self): return str(self._h5_group) def __repr__(self): return repr(self._h5_group) def __getitem__(self, node_path): parts = node_path.split("/") # PyTables stores children as attributes node = self._h5_group.__getattr__(parts[0]) node = _wrap_node(node) if len(parts) == 1: return node else: return node["/".join(parts[1:])] def __iter__(self): return (_wrap_node(c) for c in self._h5_group) def __len__(self): return iterator_length(self) @property def pathname(self): return self._h5_group._v_pathname @property def name(self): return self._h5_group._v_name @property def filename(self): return self._h5_group._v_file.filename @property def root(self): return _wrap_node(self._h5_group._v_file.root) @property def children_names(self): return list(self._h5_group._v_children.keys()) @property def subgroup_names(self): return list(self._h5_group._v_groups.keys())
[docs] def iter_groups(self): """ Iterate over `H5Group` nodes that are children of this group. """ groups = self._h5_group._v_groups # not using the groups.values() method here, because groups is a # `proxydict` object whose .values() method is non-lazy. Related: # PyTables/PyTables#784. return (_wrap_node(groups[group_name]) for group_name in groups)
[docs] @h5_group_wrapper(H5File.create_group) def create_group(self, group_subpath, delete_existing=False, **kwargs): return self._delegate_to_h5file( "create_group", group_subpath, delete_existing=delete_existing, **kwargs )
[docs] @h5_group_wrapper(H5File.remove_group) def remove_group(self, group_subpath, **kwargs): return self._delegate_to_h5file( "remove_group", group_subpath, **kwargs )
[docs] @h5_group_wrapper(H5File.create_array) def create_array( self, node_subpath, array_or_shape, dtype=None, chunked=False, extendable=False, **kwargs ): return self._delegate_to_h5file( "create_array", node_subpath, array_or_shape, dtype=dtype, chunked=chunked, extendable=extendable, **kwargs )
[docs] @h5_group_wrapper(H5File.create_table) def create_table(self, node_subpath, description, *args, **kwargs): return self._delegate_to_h5file( "create_table", node_subpath, description, *args, **kwargs )
[docs] @h5_group_wrapper(H5File.create_dict) def create_dict(self, node_subpath, data=None, **kwargs): return self._delegate_to_h5file( "create_dict", node_subpath, data=data, **kwargs )
[docs] @h5_group_wrapper(H5File.remove_node) def remove_node(self, node_subpath, **kwargs): return self._delegate_to_h5file("remove_node", node_subpath, **kwargs)
def _delegate_to_h5file( self, function_name, node_subpath, *args, **kwargs ): delete_existing = kwargs.pop("delete_existing", False) h5 = H5File(self._h5_group._v_file, delete_existing=delete_existing) group_path = h5.join_path(self.pathname, node_subpath) func = getattr(h5, function_name) return func(group_path, *args, **kwargs)
def _wrap_node(node): """ Wrap PyTables node object, if necessary. """ if isinstance(node, tables.Group): if H5DictNode.is_dict_node(node): node = H5DictNode(node) else: node = H5Group(node) elif H5TableNode.is_table_node(node): node = H5TableNode(node) return node