# Copyright (c) 2011, Enthought, Ltd.
# Authors: Pietro Berkes <pberkes@enthought.com>, Andrey Rzhetsky,
# Bob Carpenter
# License: Modified BSD license (2-clause)
"""Utility functions."""
import numpy as np
from numpy import log
from numpy.core import getlimits
from scipy.special import gammaln
import time
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
#: In annotations arrays, this is the value used to indicate missing values
#: Smallest possible floating point number, somtimes used instead of -np.inf
#: to make numberical calculation return a meaningful value
SMALLEST_FLOAT = getlimits.finfo(np.float).min
[docs]class PyannoValueError(ValueError):
"""ValueError subclass raised by pyAnno functions and methods.
[docs]def random_categorical(distr, nsamples):
"""Return an array of samples from a categorical distribution.
distr : ndarray
distr[i] is the probability of item i
nsamples : int
Number of samples to draw from the distribution
samples : ndarray, shape = (n_samples, )
Samples from the distribution
assert np.allclose(distr.sum(), 1., atol=1e-8)
cumulative = distr.cumsum()
return cumulative.searchsorted(np.random.random(nsamples))
[docs]def ninf_to_num(x):
"""Substitute -inf with smallest floating point number."""
is_neg_inf = np.isneginf(x)
x[is_neg_inf] = SMALLEST_FLOAT
return x
[docs]def dirichlet_llhood(theta, alpha):
"""Compute the log likelihood of theta under Dirichlet(alpha).
theta : ndarray
Categorical probability distribution. theta[i] is the probability
of item i. Elements of the array have to sum to 1.0 (not forced for
efficiency reasons)
alpha : ndarray
Parameters of the Dirichlet distribution
log_likelihood : float
Log lihelihood of theta given alpha
# substitute -inf with SMALLEST_FLOAT, so that 0*log(0) is 0 when necessary
log_theta = ninf_to_num(log(theta))
#log_theta = np.nan_to_num(log_theta)
return (gammaln(alpha.sum())
- (gammaln(alpha)).sum()
+ ((alpha - 1.) * log_theta).sum())
# TODO remove default condition when x[i] == 0.
[docs]def normalize(x, dtype=float):
"""Returns a normalized distribution (sums to 1.0).
If x consists only of zero element, the returned array has elements
1/n , where n is the length of x.
x = np.asarray(x, dtype=dtype)
z = x.sum()
if z <= 0:
x = np.ones_like(x)
z = float(len(x))
return x / z
[docs]def create_band_matrix(shape, diagonal_elements):
"""Create a symmetrical band matrix from a list of elements.
shape : int
Width of the matrix
diagonal_elements : list or array
List of elements in the first row. If the list is smaller than `shape`,
the last element is used to fill the the remaining items.
diagonal_elements = np.asarray(diagonal_elements)
def diag(i,j):
x = np.absolute(i-j)
x = np.minimum(diagonal_elements.shape[0]-1, x).astype(int)
return diagonal_elements[x]
return np.fromfunction(diag, (shape, shape))
# TODO clean up and simplify and rename
[docs]def compute_counts(annotations, nclasses):
"""Transform annotation data in counts format.
At the moment, it is hard coded for 8 annotators, 3 annotators active at
any time.
annotations : ndarray, shape = (n_items, 8)
Annotations array
nclasses : int
Numer of label classes
data : ndarray, shape = (n_classes^3, 9)
data[i,m] is the number of times the combination of annotators
number m voted according to pattern i
index = np.array([[0, 1, 2],
[1, 2, 3],
[2, 3, 4],
[3, 4, 5],
[4, 5, 6],
[5, 6, 7],
[0, 6, 7],
[0, 1, 7]], int)
m = annotations.shape[0]
n = annotations.shape[1]
annotations = np.asarray(annotations, dtype=int)
if n != 8:
raise ValueError('Number of annotators must be 8')
# compute counts of 3-annotator patterns for 8 triplets of annotators
data = np.zeros((nclasses ** 3, 8), dtype=int)
# transform each triple of annotations into a code in base `nclasses`
for i in range(m):
ind = np.where(annotations[i, :] >= 0)
code = annotations[i, ind[0][0]] * (nclasses ** 2) +\
annotations[i, ind[0][1]] * nclasses +\
annotations[i, ind[0][2]]
# o = index of possible combination of annotators in the loop design
o = -100
for j in range(8):
k = 0
for l in range(3):
if index[j, l] == ind[0][l]:
k += 1
if k == 3:
o = j
if o >= 0:
data[code, o] += 1
logger.debug(str(code) + " " + str(ind) + " = homeless code")
return data
[docs]def labels_count(annotations, nclasses, missing_val=MISSING_VALUE):
"""Compute the total count of labels in observed annotations.
annotations : ndarray, shape = (n_items, n_annotators)
annotations[i,j] is the annotation made by annotator j on item i
nclasses : int
Number of label classes in `annotations`
missing_val : int
Value used to indicate missing values in the annotations.
Default is :attr:`MISSING_VALUE`
count : ndarray, shape = (n_classes, )
count[k] is the number of elements of class k in `annotations`
valid = annotations!=missing_val
nobservations = valid.sum()
if nobservations == 0:
# no valid observations
raise PyannoValueError('No valid annotations')
return np.bincount(annotations[valid], minlength=nclasses)
[docs]def labels_frequency(annotations, nclasses, missing_val=MISSING_VALUE):
"""Compute the total frequency of labels in observed annotations.
annotations : ndarray, shape = (n_items, n_annotators)
annotations[i,j] is the annotation made by annotator j on item i
nclasses : int
Number of label classes in `annotations`
missing_val : int
Value used to indicate missing values in the annotations.
Default is :attr:`MISSING_VALUE`
freq : ndarray, shape = (n_classes, )
freq[k] is the frequency of elements of class k in `annotations`, i.e.
their count over the number of total of observed (non-missing) elements
valid = annotations!=missing_val
nobservations = valid.sum()
if nobservations == 0:
# no valid observations
raise PyannoValueError('No valid annotations')
return (np.bincount(annotations[valid], minlength=nclasses)
/ float(nobservations))
[docs]def is_valid(annotations):
"""Return True if annotation is valid.
An annotation is valid if it is not equal to the missing value,
return annotations != MISSING_VALUE
[docs]def majority_vote(annotations):
"""Compute an estimate of the real class by majority vote.
In case of ties, return the class with smallest number.
annotations : ndarray, shape = (n_items, n_annotators)
annotations[i,j] is the annotation made by annotator j on item i
vote : ndarray, shape = (n_items, )
vote[i] is the majority vote estimate for item i
nitems = annotations.shape[0]
valid = is_valid(annotations)
vote = np.empty((nitems,), dtype=int)
for i in xrange(nitems):
count = np.bincount(annotations[i,valid[i,:]])
vote[i] = count.argmax()
return vote
[docs]def string_wrap(st, mode):
st = str(st)
if mode == 1:
st = "\033[1;29m" + st + "\033[0m"
elif mode == 2:
st = "\033[1;34m" + st + "\033[0m"
elif mode == 3:
st = "\033[1;44m" + st + "\033[0m"
elif mode == 4:
st = "\033[1;35m" + st + "\033[0m"
elif mode == 5:
st = "\033[1;33;44m" + st + "\033[0m"
elif mode == 5:
st = "\033[1;47;34m" + st + "\033[0m"
st = st + ' '
return st
[docs]class benchmark(object):
"""Simple context manager to simplify benchmarking.
Usage: ::
with benchmark('fast computation'):
def __init__(self,name):
self.name = name
def __enter__(self):
print '---- start ----'
self.start = time.time()
def __exit__(self,ty,val,tb):
end = time.time()
print '---- stop ----'
print("%s : %0.3f seconds" % (self.name, end-self.start))
return False