# Copyright (c) 2011, Enthought, Ltd.
# Authors: Pietro Berkes <pberkes@enthought.com>, Andrey Rzhetsky
# License: Modified BSD license (2-clause)
"""This module defines functions to sample from a distribution given its
log likelihood.
import numpy as np
from pyanno.util import PyannoValueError
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]def sample_distribution(likelihood, x0, arguments, step,
nsamples, x_lower, x_upper):
"""General-purpose sampling routine for MCMC sampling.
Draw samples from a distribution given its unnormalized log likelihood
using the Metropolis-Hasting Monte Carlo algorithm.
It is recommended to optimize the step size, `step`, using the function
:func:`optimize_step_size` in order to reduce the autocorrelation between
successive samples.
likelihood : function(params, arguments)
Function returning the *unnormalized* log likelihood of data given
the parameters. The function accepts two arguments:
`params` is the vector of parameters; `arguments` contains any
additional argument that is needed to compute the log likelihood.
x0 : ndarray, shape = (n_parameters, )
Initial parameters value.
arguments : any
Additional argument passed to the function `likelihood`.
step : ndarray, shape = (n_parameters, )
Width of the proposal distribution over the parameters.
nsamples : int
Number of samples to draw from the distribution.
x_lower : ndarray, shape = (n_parameters, )
Lower bound for the parameters.
x_upper : ndarray, shape = (n_parameters, )
Upper bound for the parameters.
logger.info('Start collecting samples...')
dim = len(x0)
# array of samples
samples = np.zeros((nsamples, dim))
# current sample
x_curr = x0.copy()
# log likelihood of current sample
llhood = likelihood(x0, arguments)
for i in range(nsamples):
if (i + 1) % 100 == 0:
logger.info('... collected {} samples'.format(i+1))
sum_log_q_ratio = 0.
x_old = x_curr.copy()
for j in range(dim):
xj, log_q_ratio = sample_from_proposal_distribution(
x_old[j], step[j], x_lower[j], x_upper[j]
sum_log_q_ratio += log_q_ratio
x_curr[j] = xj
llhood_new = likelihood(x_curr, arguments)
# rejection step; reject with probability `alpha`
alpha = min(1, np.exp(llhood_new - llhood + sum_log_q_ratio))
if np.random.random() < alpha:
# accept
llhood = llhood_new
# reject
x_curr = x_old
samples[i,:] = x_curr
return samples
[docs]def optimize_step_size(likelihood, x0, arguments,
x_lower, x_upper,
recomputing_cycle, target_rejection_rate, tolerance):
"""Compute optimum jump for MCMC estimation of credible intervals.
Adjust jump size in Metropolis-Hasting MC to achieve target rejection rate.
Jump size is estimated for each parameter separately.
likelihood : function(params, arguments)
Function returning the *unnormalized* log likelihood of data given
the parameters. The function accepts two arguments:
`params` is the vector of parameters; `arguments` contains any
additional argument that is needed to compute the log likelihood.
x0 : ndarray, shape = (n_parameters, )
Initial parameters value.
arguments : any
Additional argument passed to the function `likelihood`.
x_lower : ndarray, shape = (n_parameters, )
Lower bound for the parameters.
x_upper : ndarray, shape = (n_parameters, )
Upper bound for the parameters.
n_samples : int
Total number of samples to draw during the optimization.
recomputing_cycle : int
Number of samples over which the rejection rates are computed. After
`recomputing_cycle` samples, the step size is adapted and the
rejection rates are reset to 0.
target_rejection_rate : float
Target rejection rate. If the rejection rate over the latest cycle is
closer than `tolerance` to this target, the optimization phase is
tolerance : float
Tolerated deviation from `target_rejection_rate`.
step : ndarray, shape = (n_parameters, )
The final optimized step size.
logger.info('Estimate optimal step size')
dim = len(x0)
# rejection rate for each paramter separately
rejection_rate = np.zeros((dim,))
# initial jump sizes
step = (x_upper - x_lower) / 100.
# *x_curr* is the current samples of the parameters
x_curr = x0.copy()
# log likelihood of current sample
llhood = likelihood(x0, arguments)
for i in range(n_samples):
# we need to evaluate every dimension separately to have an estimate
# of the rejection rate per parameter
for j in range(dim):
xj_old = x_curr[j]
# draw new sample
xj, log_q_ratio = sample_from_proposal_distribution(
xj_old, step[j], x_lower[j], x_upper[j]
x_curr[j] = xj
llhood_new = likelihood(x_curr, arguments)
# rejection step; accept with probability `alpha`
alpha = min(1, np.exp(llhood_new - llhood + log_q_ratio))
if np.random.random() < alpha:
llhood = llhood_new
rejection_rate[j] += 1. / recomputing_cycle
x_curr[j] = xj_old
# adjust step size every `recomputing cycle` steps
if i % recomputing_cycle == 0 and i > 0:
logger.info('{} samples, adapt step size'.format(i))
logger.debug('Rejection rate: ' + repr(rejection_rate))
logger.debug('Step size: ' +repr(step))
step, terminate = _adjust_jump(step,
if terminate == True:
logger.debug('Step size within accepted range -- '
'exit optimization phase')
# reset all rejection rates
rejection_rate *= 0.
return step
# TODO: simplify, move stopping condition ("check") to optimize_step_size
def _adjust_jump(step, rejection_rate, target_reject_rate, tolerance):
"""Adapt step size to get closer to target rejection rate.
step : list
new step sizes
terminate : bool
True if all rejection rates are within the required limits
terminate = True
for j in xrange(step.shape[0]):
step[j] = max(1e-6, step[j])
if rejection_rate[j] != 0:
if abs(rejection_rate[j] - target_reject_rate) > tolerance:
step[j] *= (target_reject_rate / rejection_rate[j])
terminate = False
elif rejection_rate[j] == 0:
step[j] *= 5.
terminate = False
return step, terminate
# TODO vectorize this to sample from all dimensions at once
[docs]def sample_from_proposal_distribution(theta, step, lower, upper):
"""Returns one sample from the proposal distribution.
theta : float
current parameter value
step : float
width of the proposal distribution over `theta`
lower : float
lower bound for `theta`
upper : float
upper bound for `theta`
theta_new : float
new sample from the distribution over theta
log_q_ratio : float
log-ratio of probability of new value given old value
to probability of old value given new value
if theta < lower or theta > upper:
raise PyannoValueError('Parameter values out or range')
# *a* is a uniform random number
a = np.random.random()
# boundary conditions
if theta == upper:
theta = upper - a * min(step, upper - lower)
q_new_to_old = -np.log(2 * min(step, upper - theta))
q_old_to_new = -np.log(min(step, upper - lower))
log_q_ratio = q_new_to_old - q_old_to_new
return theta, log_q_ratio
if theta == lower:
theta = lower + a * min(step, upper - lower)
q_new_to_old = -np.log(2. * min(step, theta - lower))
q_old_to_new = -np.log(min(step, upper - lower))
log_q_ratio = q_new_to_old - q_old_to_new
return theta, log_q_ratio
# go to the 'left'
if a > 0.5:
theta_old = theta
#jump interval is *theta*, choose uniformly
theta -= np.random.random() * min(step, theta_old - lower)
#transition probability from old to new
q_old_to_new = -np.log(min(step, theta_old - lower))
q_new_to_old = -np.log(min(step, upper - theta))
log_q_ratio = q_new_to_old - q_old_to_new
return theta, log_q_ratio
# go to the 'right'
# jump interval is *upper_limit*-*theta*, choose uniformly
theta_old = theta
theta += np.random.random() * min(step, upper - theta_old)
q_old_to_new = -np.log(min(step, upper - theta_old))
q_new_to_old = -np.log(min(step, theta - lower))
log_q_ratio = q_new_to_old - q_old_to_new
return theta, log_q_ratio