Source code for pyanno.modelB

# Copyright (c) 2011, Enthought, Ltd.
# Authors: Pietro Berkes <>, Bob Carpenter
# License: Modified BSD license (2-clause)

"""This module defines the class ModelB, a Bayesian generalization
of the model proposed in (Dawid et al., 1979).


* Dawid, A. P. and A. M. Skene. 1979.  Maximum likelihood
  estimation of observer error-rates using the EM algorithm.  Applied
  Statistics, 28(1):20--28.

from traits.api import Int, Array
import numpy as np
from pyanno.abstract_model import AbstractModel
from pyanno.util import (random_categorical, create_band_matrix,
                         normalize, dirichlet_llhood,
                         is_valid, SMALLEST_FLOAT, PyannoValueError, labels_count)

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

ALPHA_DEFAULT = [16., 4., 2., 1.]

[docs]class ModelB(AbstractModel): """Bayesian generalization of the model proposed in (Dawid et al., 1979). Model B is a hierarchical generative model over annotations. The model assumes the existence of "true" underlying labels for each item, which are drawn from a categorical distribution, :math:`\pi`. Annotators report this labels with some noise, depending on their accuracy, :math:`\\theta`. The model parameters are: - `pi[k]` is the probability of label k - `theta[j,k,k']` is the probability that annotator j reports label k' for an item whose real label is k, i.e. P( annotator j chooses k' | real label = k) The parameters themselves are random variables with hyperparameters - `beta` are the parameters of a Dirichlet distribution over `pi` - `alpha[k,:]` are the parameters of Dirichlet distributions over `theta[j,k,:]` See the documentation for a more detailed description of the model. **References:** * Dawid, A. P. and A. M. Skene. 1979. Maximum likelihood estimation of observer error-rates using the EM algorithm. Applied Statistics, 28(1):20--28. * Rzhetsky A., Shatkay, H., and Wilbur, W.J. (2009). "How to get the most from your curation effort", PLoS Computational Biology, 5(5). """ ######## Model traits # number of label classes nclasses = Int # number of annotators nannotators = Int #### Model parameters # pi[k] is the prior probability of class k pi = Array(dtype=float, shape=(None,)) # theta[j,k,:] is P(annotator j chooses : | real label = k) theta = Array(dtype=float, shape=(None, None, None)) #### Hyperparameters # beta[:] are the parameters of the Dirichlet prior over pi[:] beta = Array(dtype=float, shape=(None,)) # alpha[k,:] are the parameters of the Dirichlet prior over theta[j,k,:] alpha = Array(dtype=float, shape=(None, None)) def __init__(self, nclasses, nannotators, pi, theta, alpha=None, beta=None, **traits): """Create an instance of ModelB. Arguments ---------- nclasses : int Number of possible annotation classes nannotators : int Number of annotators pi : ndarray, shape = (n_classes,) pi[k] is the prior probability of class k. theta : ndarray, shape = (n_annotators, n_classes, n_classes) theta[j,k,k'] is the probability of annotator j reporting class k', while the true label is k. alpha : ndarray, shape = (n_classes, n_classes) Parameters of Dirichlet prior over annotator choices Default: peaks at correct annotation, decays to 1 beta : ndarray Parameters of Dirichlet prior over model categories Default: beta[i] = 2.0 """ self.nclasses = nclasses self.nannotators = nannotators self.pi = pi self.theta = theta # initialize prior parameters if not specified if alpha is not None: self.alpha = alpha.copy() else: self.alpha = self.default_alpha(nclasses) if beta is not None: self.beta = beta.copy() else: self.beta = self.default_beta(nclasses) super(ModelB, self).__init__(**traits) ##### Model and data generation methods ################################### @staticmethod
[docs] def create_initial_state(nclasses, nannotators, alpha=None, beta=None): """Factory method returning a model with random initial parameters. It is often more convenient to use this factory method over the constructor, as one does not need to specify the initial model parameters. The parameters theta and pi, controlling accuracy and prevalence, are initialized at random from the prior alpha and beta: :math:`\\theta_j^k \sim \mathrm{Dirichlet}(\mathbf{\\alpha_k})` :math:`\pi \sim \mathrm{Dirichlet}(\mathbf{\\beta})` If not defined, the prior parameters alpha ad beta are defined as described below. Arguments --------- nclasses : int Number of label classes nannotators : int Number of annotators alpha : ndarray Parameters of Dirichlet prior over annotator choices Default value is a band matrix that peaks at the correct annotation, with a value of 16 and decays to 1 with diverging classes. This prior is ideal for ordinal annotations. beta : ndarray Parameters of Dirichlet prior over model categories Default value for beta[i] is 1.0 . Returns ------- model : :class:`~ModelB` Instance of ModelB """ # NOTE: this is Bob Carpenter's prior; it is a *very* strong prior # over alpha for ordinal data, and becomes stronger for larger number # of classes. What is a sensible prior? # if alpha is None: # alpha = np.empty((nclasses, nclasses)) # for k1 in xrange(nclasses): # for k2 in xrange(nclasses): # # using Bob Carpenter's choice as a prior # alpha[k1,k2] = max(1, (nclasses + (0.5 if k1 == k2 else 0) # - abs(k1 - k2)) ** 4) # # if beta is None: # beta = 2.*np.ones(shape=(nclasses,)) if alpha is None: alpha = ModelB.default_alpha(nclasses) if beta is None: beta = ModelB.default_beta(nclasses) # generate random distributions of prevalence and accuracy pi = np.random.dirichlet(beta) theta = ModelB._random_theta(nclasses, nannotators, alpha) return ModelB(nclasses, nannotators, pi, theta, alpha, beta)
@staticmethod def _random_theta(nclasses, nannotators, alpha): theta = np.empty((nannotators, nclasses, nclasses)) for j in xrange(nannotators): for k in xrange(nclasses): theta[j, k, :] = np.random.dirichlet(alpha[k, :]) return theta @staticmethod
[docs] def default_beta(nclasses): return np.ones((nclasses,))
[docs] def default_alpha(nclasses): return create_band_matrix(nclasses, ALPHA_DEFAULT)
[docs] def generate_labels(self, nitems): """Generate random labels from the model.""" return random_categorical(self.pi, nitems)
[docs] def generate_annotations_from_labels(self, labels): """Generate random annotations from the model, given labels The method samples random annotations from the conditional probability distribution of annotations, :math:`x_i^j` given labels, :math:`y_i`: :math:`x_i^j \sim \mathrm{Categorical}(\mathbf{\\theta_j^{y_i}})` Arguments ---------- labels : ndarray, shape = (n_items,), dtype = int Set of "true" labels Returns ------- annotations : ndarray, shape = (n_items, n_annotators) annotations[i,j] is the annotation of annotator j for item i """ nitems = labels.shape[0] annotations = np.empty((nitems, self.nannotators), dtype=int) for j in xrange(self.nannotators): for i in xrange(nitems): annotations[i,j] = ( random_categorical(self.theta[j,labels[i],:], 1)) return annotations
[docs] def generate_annotations(self, nitems): """Generate a random annotation set from the model. Sample a random set of annotations from the probability distribution defined the current model parameters: 1) Label classes are generated from the prior distribution, pi 2) Annotations are generated from the conditional distribution of annotations given classes, theta Arguments --------- nitems : int Number of items to sample Returns ------- annotations : ndarray, shape = (n_items, n_annotators) annotations[i,j] is the annotation of annotator j for item i """ labels = self.generate_labels(nitems) return self.generate_annotations_from_labels(labels) ##### Parameters estimation methods ####################################### # TODO start from sample frequencies
[docs] def map(self, annotations, epsilon=0.00001, init_accuracy=0.6, max_epochs=1000): """Computes maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimation of parameters. Estimate the parameters :attr:`theta` and :attr:`pi` from a set of observed annotations using maximum a posteriori estimation. Arguments ---------- annotations : ndarray, shape = (n_items, n_annotators) annotations[i,j] is the annotation of annotator j for item i epsilon : float The estimation is interrupted when the objective function has changed less than `epsilon` on average over the last 10 iterations initial_accuracy : float Initialize the accuracy parameters, `theta` to a set of distributions where theta[j,k,k'] = initial_accuracy if k==k', and (1-initial_accuracy) / (n_classes - 1) max_epoch : int Interrupt the estimation after `max_epoch` iterations """ self._raise_if_incompatible(annotations) map_em_generator = self._map_em_step(annotations, init_accuracy) self._parameter_estimation(map_em_generator, epsilon, max_epochs)
[docs] def mle(self, annotations, epsilon=1e-5, init_accuracy=0.6, max_epochs=1000): """Computes maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) of parameters. Estimate the parameters :attr:`theta` and :attr:`pi` from a set of observed annotations using maximum likelihood estimation. Arguments ---------- annotations : ndarray, shape = (n_items, n_annotators) annotations[i,j] is the annotation of annotator j for item i epsilon : float The estimation is interrupted when the objective function has changed less than `epsilon` on average over the last 10 iterations initial_accuracy : float Initialize the accuracy parameters, `theta` to a set of distributions where theta[j,k,k'] = initial_accuracy if k==k', and (1-initial_accuracy) / (n_classes - 1) max_epoch : int Interrupt the estimation after `max_epoch` iterations """ self._raise_if_incompatible(annotations) mle_em_generator = self._mle_em_step(annotations, init_accuracy) self._parameter_estimation(mle_em_generator, epsilon, max_epochs)
def _parameter_estimation(self, learning_iterator, epsilon, max_epochs): if epsilon < 0.0: raise PyannoValueError("epsilon < 0.0") if max_epochs < 0: raise PyannoValueError("max_epochs < 0") info_str = "Epoch={0:6d} obj={1:+10.4f} diff={2:10.4f}"'Start parameters optimization...') epoch = 0 obj_history = [] diff = np.inf for objective, prev_est, cat_est, acc_est in learning_iterator: logger.debug(info_str.format(epoch, objective, diff)) obj_history.append(objective) # stopping conditions if epoch > max_epochs: break if epoch > 10: diff = (obj_history[epoch] - obj_history[epoch-10]) / 10.0 if abs(diff) < epsilon: break epoch += 1'Parameters optimization finished') # update internal parameters self.pi = prev_est self.theta = acc_est return cat_est def _map_em_step(self, annotations, init_accuracy=0.6): # TODO move argument checking to traits # if not np.all(beta > 0.): # raise ValueError("beta should be larger than 0") # if not np.all(alpha > 0.): # raise ValueError("alpha should be larger than 0") # # if annotations.shape != (nitems, nannotators): # raise ValueError("size of `annotations` should be nitems x nannotators") # if init_accuracy < 0.0 or init_accuracy > 1.0: # raise ValueError("init_accuracy not in [0,1]") # if len(alpha) != nclasses: # raise ValueError("len(alpha) != K") # for k in xrange(nclasses): # if len(alpha[k]) != nclasses: # raise ValueError("len(alpha[k]) != K") # if len(beta) != nclasses: # raise ValueError("len(beta) != K") # True if annotations is missing missing_mask_nclasses = self._missing_mask(annotations) # prevalence is P( category ) prevalence = self._compute_prevalence() accuracy = self._initial_accuracy(init_accuracy) while True: # Expectation step (E-step) # compute marginal likelihood P(category[i] | model, data) log_likelihood, unnorm_category = ( self._log_likelihood_core(annotations, prevalence, accuracy, missing_mask_nclasses) ) log_prior = self._log_prior(prevalence, accuracy) # category is P(category[i] = k | model, data) category = unnorm_category / unnorm_category.sum(1)[:,None] # return here with E[cat|prev,acc] and LL(prev,acc;y) yield (log_prior+log_likelihood, prevalence, category, accuracy) # Maximization step (M-step) # update parameters to maximize likelihood prevalence = self._compute_prevalence(category) accuracy = self._compute_accuracy(category, annotations, use_prior=True) def _mle_em_step(self, annotations, init_accuracy=0.6): # True if annotations is missing missing_mask_nclasses = self._missing_mask(annotations) # prevalence is P( category ) prevalence = np.empty((self.nclasses,)) prevalence.fill(1. / float(self.nclasses)) accuracy = self._initial_accuracy(init_accuracy) while True: # Expectation step (E-step) # compute marginal likelihood P(category[i] | model, data) log_likelihood, unnorm_category = ( self._log_likelihood_core(annotations, prevalence, accuracy, missing_mask_nclasses) ) # category is P(category[i] = k | model, data) category = unnorm_category / unnorm_category.sum(1)[:,None] # return here with E[cat|prev,acc] and LL(prev,acc;y) yield (log_likelihood, prevalence, category, accuracy) # Maximization step (M-step) # update parameters to maximize likelihood prevalence = normalize(category.sum(0)) accuracy = self._compute_accuracy(category, annotations, use_prior=False) def _compute_prevalence(self, category=None): """Return prevalence, P( category ).""" beta_prior_count = self.beta - 1. if category is None: # initialize at the *mode* of the distribution return normalize(beta_prior_count) else: return normalize(beta_prior_count + category.sum(0)) def _initial_accuracy(self, init_accuracy): """Return initial setting for accuracy.""" nannotators = self.nannotators nclasses = self.nclasses # accuracy[j,k,k'] is P(annotation_j = k' | category=k) accuracy = np.empty((nannotators, nclasses, nclasses)) accuracy.fill((1. - init_accuracy) / (nclasses - 1.)) for k in xrange(nclasses): accuracy[:, k, k] = init_accuracy return accuracy def _compute_accuracy(self, category, annotations, use_prior): """Return accuracy, P(annotation_j = k' | category=k) Helper function to compute an estimate of the accuracy parameters theta, given labels and annotations. Returns ------- accuracy : ndarray, shape = (n_annotators, n_classes, n_classes) accuracy[j,k,k'] = P(annotation_j = k' | category=k). """ nitems, nannotators = annotations.shape # alpha - 1 : the mode of a Dirichlet is (alpha_i - 1) / (alpha_0 - K) alpha_prior_count = self.alpha - 1. valid_mask = is_valid(annotations) annotators = np.arange(nannotators)[None,:] if use_prior: accuracy = np.tile(alpha_prior_count, (nannotators, 1, 1)) else: accuracy = np.zeros((nannotators, self.nclasses, self.nclasses)) for i in xrange(nitems): valid = valid_mask[i,:] accuracy[annotators[:,valid],:,annotations[i,valid]] += category[i,:] accuracy /= accuracy.sum(2)[:, :, None] return accuracy def _compute_category(self, annotations, prevalence, accuracy, missing_mask_nclasses=None, normalize=True): """Compute P(category[i] = k | model, annotations). Arguments ---------- annotations : ndarray Array of annotations prevalence : ndarray Gamma parameters accuracy : ndarray Theta parameters missing_mask_nclasses : ndarray, shape=(nitems, nannotators, n_classes) Mask with True at missing values, tiled in the third dimension. If None, it is computed, but it can be specified to speed-up computations. normalize : bool If False, do not normalize the distribution. Returns ------- category : ndarray, shape = (n_items, n_classes) category[i,k] is the (unnormalized) probability of class k for item i """ nitems, nannotators = annotations.shape # compute mask of invalid entries in annotations if necessary if missing_mask_nclasses is None: missing_mask_nclasses = self._missing_mask(annotations) # unnorm_category is P(category[i] = k | model, data), unnormalized unnorm_category = np.tile(prevalence.copy(), (nitems, 1)) # mask missing annotations annotators = np.arange(nannotators)[None, :] tmp =[annotators, :, annotations], mask=missing_mask_nclasses) unnorm_category *= if normalize: return unnorm_category / unnorm_category.sum(1)[:,None] return unnorm_category def _missing_mask(self, annotations): missing_mask = ~ is_valid(annotations) missing_mask_nclasses = np.tile(missing_mask[:, :, None], (1, 1, self.nclasses)) return missing_mask_nclasses ##### Model likelihood methods ############################################
[docs] def log_likelihood(self, annotations): """Compute the log likelihood of a set of annotations given the model. Returns log P(annotations | current model parameters). Arguments ---------- annotations : ndarray, shape = (n_items, n_annotators) annotations[i,j] is the annotation of annotator j for item i Returns ------- log_lhood : float log likelihood of `annotations` """ self._raise_if_incompatible(annotations) missing_mask_nclasses = self._missing_mask(annotations) llhood, _ = self._log_likelihood_core(annotations, self.pi, self.theta, missing_mask_nclasses) return llhood
def _log_likelihood_core(self, annotations, prevalence, accuracy, missing_mask_nclasses): unnorm_category = self._compute_category(annotations, prevalence, accuracy, missing_mask_nclasses, normalize=False) llhood = np.log(unnorm_category.sum(1)).sum() if np.isnan(llhood): llhood = SMALLEST_FLOAT return llhood, unnorm_category def _log_prior(self, prevalence, accuracy): alpha = self.alpha log_prior = dirichlet_llhood(prevalence, self.beta) for j in xrange(self.nannotators): for k in xrange(self.nclasses): log_prior += dirichlet_llhood(accuracy[j,k,:], alpha[k]) return log_prior ##### Sampling posterior over parameters ##################################
[docs] def sample_posterior_over_accuracy(self, annotations, nsamples, burn_in_samples=0, thin_samples=1, return_all_samples=True): """Return samples from posterior distribution over theta given data. Samples are drawn using Gibbs sampling, i.e., alternating between sampling from the conditional distribution of theta given the annotations and the label classes, and sampling from the conditional distribution of the classes given theta and the annotations. This results in a fast-mixing sampler, and so the parameters controlling burn-in and thinning can be set to a small number of samples. Arguments ---------- annotations : ndarray, shape = (n_items, n_annotators) annotations[i,j] is the annotation of annotator j for item i nsamples : int number of samples to draw from the posterior burn_in_samples : int Discard the first `burn_in_samples` during the initial burn-in phase, where the Monte Carlo chain converges to the posterior thin_samples : int Only return one every `thin_samples` samples in order to reduce the auto-correlation in the sampling chain. This is called "thinning" in MCMC parlance. return_all_samples : bool If True, return not only samples for the parameters theta, but also for the parameters pi, and the label classes, y. Returns ------- samples : ndarray, shape = (n_samples, n_annotators, nclasses, nclasses) samples[i,...] is one sample from the posterior distribution over the parameters `theta` (theta, pi, labels) : tuple of ndarray If the keyword argument `return_all_samples` is set to True, return a tuple with the samples for the parameters theta, the parameters pi, and the label classes, y """ self._raise_if_incompatible(annotations) nsamples = self._compute_total_nsamples(nsamples, burn_in_samples, thin_samples)'Start collecting samples...') # use Gibbs sampling nitems, nannotators = annotations.shape nclasses = self.nclasses alpha_prior = self.alpha beta_prior = self.beta # arrays holding the current samples theta_samples = np.empty((nsamples, nannotators, nclasses, nclasses)) if return_all_samples: pi_samples = np.empty((nsamples, nclasses)) label_samples = np.empty((nsamples, nitems)) theta_curr = self.theta.copy() pi_curr = self.pi.copy() label_curr = np.empty((nitems,), dtype=int) for sidx in xrange(nsamples): if ((sidx+1) % 50) == 0:'... collected {} samples'.format(sidx+1)) ####### A: sample labels given annotations, theta and pi ### compute posterior over label classes given theta and pi category_distr = self._compute_category(annotations, pi_curr, theta_curr) ### sample from the categorical distribution over labels # 1) precompute cumulative distributions cum_distr = category_distr.cumsum(1) # 2) precompute random values rand = np.random.random(nitems) for i in xrange(nitems): # 3) samples from i-th categorical distribution label_curr[i] = cum_distr[i,:].searchsorted(rand[i]) ####### B: sample theta given annotations and label classes # 1) compute alpha parameters of Dirichlet posterior alpha_post = np.tile(alpha_prior, (nannotators, 1, 1)) for l in range(nannotators): for k in range(nclasses): for i in range(nclasses): alpha_post[l,k,i] += ((label_curr==k) & (annotations[:,l]==i)).sum() # 2) sample thetas for l in range(nannotators): for k in range(nclasses): theta_curr[l,k,:] = np.random.dirichlet(alpha_post[l,k,:]) ####### C: sample pi given label classes # 1) compute beta parameters of dirichlet posterior # number of labels of class k count = np.bincount(label_curr, minlength=nclasses) beta_hat = beta_prior + count pi_curr = np.random.dirichlet(beta_hat) # copy current samples theta_samples[sidx,...] = theta_curr if return_all_samples: pi_samples[sidx,:] = pi_curr label_samples[sidx,:] = label_curr theta_samples = self._post_process_samples(theta_samples, burn_in_samples, thin_samples) if return_all_samples: pi_samples = self._post_process_samples(pi_samples, burn_in_samples, thin_samples) label_samples = self._post_process_samples(label_samples, burn_in_samples, thin_samples) return (theta_samples, pi_samples, label_samples) return theta_samples ##### Posterior distributions #############################################
[docs] def infer_labels(self, annotations): """Infer posterior distribution over label classes. Compute the posterior distribution over label classes given observed annotations, :math:`P( \mathbf{y} | \mathbf{x}, \\theta, \omega)`. Arguments ---------- annotations : ndarray, shape = (n_items, n_annotators) annotations[i,j] is the annotation of annotator j for item i Returns ------- posterior : ndarray, shape = (n_items, n_classes) posterior[i,k] is the posterior probability of class k given the annotation observed in item i. """ self._raise_if_incompatible(annotations) category = self._compute_category(annotations, self.pi, self.theta) return category ##### Compute accuracy ###################################################
[docs] def annotator_accuracy(self): """Return the accuracy of each annotator. Compute a summary of the a-priori accuracy of each annotator, i.e., P( annotator j is correct ). This can be computed from the parameters theta and pi, as P( annotator j is correct ) = \sum_k P( annotator j reports k | label is k ) P( label is k ) = \sum_k theta[j,k,k] * pi[k] Returns ------- accuracy : ndarray, shape = (n_annotators, ) accuracy[j] = P( annotator j is correct ) """ accuracy = np.zeros((self.nannotators,)) for k in range(self.nclasses): accuracy += self.theta[:,k,k] * self.pi[k] return accuracy
[docs] def annotator_accuracy_samples(self, theta_samples, pi_samples): """Return samples from the accuracy of each annotator. Given samples from the posterior of accuracy parameters theta (see :method:`sample_posterior_over_accuracy`), compute samples from the posterior distribution of the annotator accuracy, i.e., P( annotator j is correct | annotations). See also :method:`sample_posterior_over_accuracy`, :method:`annotator_accuracy` Returns ------- accuracy : ndarray, shape = (n_annotators, ) accuracy[j] = P( annotator j is correct ) """ nsamples = theta_samples.shape[0] accuracy = np.zeros((nsamples, self.nannotators,)) for k in range(self.nclasses): accuracy += theta_samples[:,:,k,k] * pi_samples[:,k,np.newaxis] return accuracy

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