Source code for pyanno.abstract_model

# Copyright (c) 2011, Enthought, Ltd.
# Authors: Pietro Berkes <>, Andrey Rzhetsky
# License: Modified BSD license (2-clause)

"""Defines :class:`AbstractModel`, an abstract class that specifies the
interface of pyAnno models.

from traits.has_traits import HasTraits
from traits.trait_types import Int
from pyanno.util import PyannoValueError, MISSING_VALUE
import numpy as np

[docs]class AbstractModel(HasTraits): """Abstract class defining the interface of a pyAnno model. """ # number of label classes nclasses = Int # number of annotators per item nannotators = Int @staticmethod
[docs] def create_initial_state(nclasses): """Factory method returning a model with random initial parameters. Arguments --------- nclasses : int Number of label classes """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def generate_annotations(self, nitems): """Generate a random annotation set from the model. Sample a random set of annotations from the probability distribution defined the current model parameters. Arguments --------- nitems : int Number of items to sample Returns ------- annotations : ndarray, shape = (n_items, n_annotators) annotations[i,j] is the annotation of annotator j for item i """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def mle(self, annotations): """Computes maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) of parameters. Estimate the model parameters from a set of observed annotations using maximum likelihood estimation. Arguments --------- annotations : ndarray, shape = (n_items, n_annotators) annotations[i,j] is the annotation of annotator j for item i """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def map(self, annotations): """Computes maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimate of parameters. Estimate the model parameters from a set of observed annotations using maximum a posteriori estimation. Arguments --------- annotations : ndarray, shape = (n_items, n_annotators) annotations[i,j] is the annotation of annotator j for item i """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def log_likelihood(self, annotations): """Compute the log likelihood of a set of annotations given the model. Returns log P(annotations | current model parameters). Arguments --------- annotations : ndarray, shape = (n_items, n_annotators) annotations[i,j] is the annotation of annotator j for item i Returns ------- log_lhood : float log likelihood of `annotations` """ raise NotImplementedError()
def _compute_total_nsamples(self, nsamples, burn_in_samples, thin_samples): """Compute the total number of samples to generate in order to return `nsamples` samples after burn-in and thinning. This helper function is typically called from the implementation of `samples_posterior_over_accuracy`. """ return nsamples*thin_samples + burn_in_samples def _post_process_samples(self, samples, burn_in_samples, thin_samples): """Eliminate samples, discarding the first `burn_in_samples`, and thinning the rest. This helper function is typically called from the implementation of `samples_posterior_over_accuracy`. """ return samples[burn_in_samples::thin_samples,:]
[docs] def sample_posterior_over_accuracy(self, annotations, nsamples, burn_in_samples=0, thin_samples=1): """Return samples from posterior over the accuracy parameters. Draw samples from `P(accuracy parameters | data, model parameters)`. The accuracy parameters control the probability of an annotator reporting the correct label (the exact nature of these parameters varies from model to model). Arguments --------- annotations : ndarray, shape = (n_items, n_annotators) annotations[i,j] is the annotation of annotator j for item i nsamples : int Number of samples to return (i.e., burn-in and thinning samples are not included) burn_in_samples : int Discard the first `burn_in_samples` during the initial burn-in phase, where the Monte Carlo chain converges to the posterior thin_samples : int Only return one every `thin_samples` samples in order to reduce the auto-correlation in the sampling chain. This is called "thinning" in MCMC parlance. Returns ------- samples : ndarray, shape = (n_samples, ??) Array of samples from the posterior distribution over parameters. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def infer_labels(self, annotations): """Infer posterior distribution over label classes. Compute the posterior distribution over label classes given observed annotations, :math:`P( \mathbf{y} | \mathbf{x})`. Arguments ---------- annotations : ndarray, shape = (n_items, n_annotators) annotations[i,j] is the annotation of annotator j for item i Returns ------- posterior : ndarray, shape = (n_items, n_classes) posterior[i,k] is the posterior probability of class k given the annotation observed in item i. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def are_annotations_compatible(self, annotations): """Returns True if the annotations are compatible with the model. The standard implementation is: valid if the number of annotators is correct, if the classes are between 0 and nclasses-1, and if missing values are marked with :attr:`pyanno.util.MISSING_VALUE` """ masked_annotations =, MISSING_VALUE) if annotations.shape[1] != self.nannotators: return False if annotations.max() >= self.nclasses: return False if masked_annotations.min() < 0: return False return True
def _raise_if_incompatible(self, annotations): if not self.are_annotations_compatible(annotations): raise PyannoValueError('Annotations are incompatible with model ' 'parameters')

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