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Fluid ExampleΒΆ


#  Copyright (c) 2012, Enthought, Inc.
#  All rights reserved.
""" An example of how the constraints engine can be used to create fluid,
adaptable layouts.

At the top of the layout is an `Html` widget which expands to fill the 
available space. Below the `Html` are four `PushButton` widgets. On the 
left are the Add and Remove buttons, which hug the left side of the window
and stay close to each other. Hugging the bottom right corner is the Share
`PushButton`. Centered is the Change Mode `PushButton`. However, as the 
window gets resized, the Change Mode button may not be able to be centered, 
but it will always leave a gap between it and its two neighbors. This 
type of behavior (selective centering) is difficult-if-not-impossible to
acheive with traditional box style layouts.

from enaml.layout.api import hbox, vbox, spacer, align
from enaml.widgets.api import Window, Html, Container, PushButton

enamldef Main(Window):
        constraints = [
            # Arrange the Html Frame above the horizontal row of butttons
                    add_button, remove_button, spacer, 
                    change_mode_button, spacer, share_button,

            # Weakly align the centers of the Html frame and the center 
            # button. Declaring this constraint as 'weak' is what allows
            # the button to ignore the constraint as he window is resized
            # too small to allow it to be centered.
            align('h_center', html_frame, change_mode_button) | 'weak',

            # Set a sensible minimum height for the frame
            html_frame.height >= 150,
            id: html_frame
            source = '<center><h1>Hello Enaml!</h1></center>'
            id: add_button
            text = 'Add'
            id: remove_button
            text = 'Remove'
            clicked :: print 'removed'
            id: change_mode_button
            text = 'Change Mode'
            id: share_button
            text = 'Share...'

$ enaml-run fluid.enaml