Kiva Drawing In-depth

Kiva State

Kiva is a “stateful” drawing API. What this means is that the graphics context has a collection of state which affects the results of its drawing actions. Furthermore, Kiva enables this state to be managed with a stack such that state can be “pushed” onto the stack before making some temporary changes and then “popped” off the stack to restore the state to a version which no longer includes those changes.

State Components

Here is a list of all the pieces of state tracked by a Kiva graphics context, along with the methods which operate on them:


Kiva has two colors in its graphics state: stroke color and fill color. Stroke color is used for the lines in paths when the drawing mode is STROKE, FILL_STROKE or EOF_FILL_STROKE. Fill color is used for text and for the enclosed sections of paths when the drawing mode is FILL, EOF_FILL, FILL_STROKE, or EOF_FILL_STROKE. Additionally, the fill color can be set by the linear_gradient() and radial_gradient() methods where they are available.


Even though text uses the fill color, text will not be filled with a gradient unless the text drawing mode is TEXT_FILL_STROKE and even that will only work if the backend supports it.

Color values should always be passed in as 3- or 4- tuples. The order of the color components is (R, G, B[, A]) and values must be floating point numbers in the range [0, 1]. Even if a graphics context is not able to draw with alpha blending, it’s still OK to pass a 4 component color value when setting state.

State Stack Management

Graphics context instances have two methods for saving and restoring the state, save_state() (“push”) and restore_state() (“pop”). For robust drawing every “push” should be matched by a corresponding “pop” at some later point, even if there is an error or other exception.

For this reason all graphics contexts are context managers and can use the with keyword to create a block of code where the graphics state is temporarily modified: it is “pushed” at the start of the with block and “popped” at the end. Using the context manager approach provides safety from “temporary” modifications becoming permanent if an uncaught exception is raised while drawing.

In Enable and Chaco, it is frequently the case that a graphics context instance will be passed into a method for the purpose of some drawing. Because it is not reasonable to push the responsibility of state management “up” the call stack, the onus is on the code making state modifications to do them safely so that other changes don’t leak into other code.


Well-behaved code should take care to only modify graphics state inside a with block.



First, the whole example:

import math
from kiva.image import GraphicsContext

gc = GraphicsContext((600, 600))

gc.scale_ctm(2, 2)
gc.translate_ctm(150, 150)

gc.set_stroke_color((0.66, 0.88, 0.66))

for i in range(0, 12):
    theta = i*2*math.pi / 12.0
    with gc:
        gc.translate_ctm(105, 0)
        gc.set_stroke_color((1 - (i / 12), math.fmod(i / 6, 1), i / 12))
        gc.rect(0, 0, 25, 25)

    with gc:
        gc.translate_ctm(20, 0)
        gc.move_to(0, 0)
        gc.line_to(80, 0)

The first part sets up the default graphics state. Here, that includes a scale of 2 in X and Y, a translation of (150, 150) which is affected by the preceeding scale transformation, and some line properties: stroke color, width, join, and cap:

gc.scale_ctm(2, 2)
gc.translate_ctm(150, 150)

gc.set_stroke_color((0.66, 0.88, 0.66))

Then in a loop, we draw twice (the two stroke_path() calls). The first draw uses a with block to temporarily modify the drawing state. It adds more affine transformations: a rotate and a translate. It also changes some line properties: stroke color, width, and cap. A rectangle is then added to the current path and stroked.

    with gc:
        gc.translate_ctm(105, 0)
        gc.set_stroke_color((1 - (i / 12), math.fmod(i / 6, 1), i / 12))
        gc.rect(0, 0, 25, 25)

After leaving the first with block, the state is now restored to its default. A new with block is entered and the current transformation matrix is modified with the same rotation as the first drawing block, but a different translation is applied. The line properties are unchanged and so use the defaults set at the top.

    with gc:
        gc.translate_ctm(20, 0)
        gc.move_to(0, 0)
        gc.line_to(80, 0)


A path is a collection of geometric objects that can be drawn in a graphics context with coloring and an affine transformation applied to it. It is the basic unit of drawing in a graphics context.

Every graphics context instance has a current path which can be manipulated by the Path functions. However, some drawing operations are easier to implement with an independent path instance (specifically draw_path_at_points()).

An independent path instance can be created in two ways. The first is via the get_empty_path() method. The second method is to use the CompiledPath class imported from the backend being used. The interface of a CompiledPath instance is the same as the Path functions (modulo get_empty_path()).

Once you have a path object, it can be drawn by adding it to the graphics context with the add_path() method (which adds the path to the current path) and then calling any of the Drawing functions which operate on the current path.

For certain backends which support it, the draw_path_at_points() method can be used to draw a path object at many different positions with a single function call.


from math import pi
from kiva.image import GraphicsContext

gc = GraphicsContext((600, 600))

path = gc.get_empty_path()
path.move_to(10, 40)
path.line_to(60, 40)
path.line_to(60, 90)

gc.scale_ctm(2, 2)
gc.translate_ctm(150, 150)
for i in range(0, 12):
    gc.rotate_ctm(2*pi / 12.0)
    gc.set_fill_color((i / 12.0, 0.0, 1.0 - (i / 12.0)))

Kiva Image Rendering

Drawing images in kiva is accomplished via draw_image(). A unique feature of drawing images (relative to path drawing) is that you can apply an arbitrary translation and scaling to the image without involving the current transformation matrix.

The signature for draw_image() is straightforward:

abstract AbstractGraphicsContext.draw_image(image, rect=None)[source]

Render an image into a rectangle

  • image – An image. Can be a numpy array, a PIL Image instance, or another GraphicsContext instance.

  • rect – A tuple (x, y, w, h). If not specified then the bounds of the the graphics context are used as the rectangle.

The image object that is passed to draw_image() can be a numpy array, a PIL Image instance, or another GraphicsContext instance of the same backend. If image is a numpy array, it is typically converted to a more convenient format via PIL.Image.fromarray. Therefore, one must be careful about the expected pixel format of the image. If your image is rendering with incorrect colors, this might be the problem. Passing the other allowed versions of image should give a more consistent result.

If image contains an alpha channel and transparent or translucent pixels, this transparency should also be honored by the destination graphics context. However, not all backends may support this.

Regarding the rect argument to draw_image(), if it is not specified then the bounding rectangle of the graphics context will be used. As mentioned before, rect can be used to apply an arbitrary translation and scaling to an image. The translation is the x,y position of the rectangle and the scaling is the ratio of the image’s width and height to those of the rectangle. In every case, rect will be transformed by the current transformation matrix.

Special Considerations

If you only want to draw a subset of an image, you should pass only that subset to draw_image(). The Kiva API does not support defining a “source” rectangle when drawing images, only a “destination”.

If drawing images with some scaling applied, one might wish to have control over the interpolation used when drawing the image. This can be accomplished with the set_image_interpolation() method.


set_image_interpolation() is currently only implemented by the kiva.agg backend. Other backends may have the method, but it is effectively a no-op.

Saving images

One can also save the contents of a graphics context to an image. This is done via the save() method. Different backends support different output formats, and so in most cases you want to render to the graphics context that best matches the output (eg. a raster format for JPEG or PNG, or SVG, PDF and PS backends for the approriate vector formats).

abstract, file_format=None, pil_options=None)[source]

Save the graphics context to a file

Data is always saved in RGB or RGBA format, and converted to that format if not already in it.

If the file_format argument is None, then the file format is inferred from the filename extension, and so is not usually needed.

The pil_options argument is a dictionary of format-specific options that can be passed directly to PIL’s image file writers. For example, this can be used to control the compression level of JPEG or PNG output. Unrecognized options are silently ignored.

Kiva Text Rendering

Drawing text in kiva is accomplished via a few methods on GraphicsContext. There are three basic topics: selecting a font, measuring the size of rendered text, and drawing the text.

Font Selection

Font selection for use with the text rendering capabilities of GraphicsContext can be accomplished in a few different ways depending on the amount of control needed by your drawing code.

Simplest: select_font

The simplest form of font selection is the select_font() method.

select_font(name, size=12)

name is the name of the desired font: “Helvetica Regular”, “Futura Medium Italic”, etc.

size is the size in points.

Supported backends: cairo, celiagg, pdf, ps, qpainter, quartz, svg.

The KivaFont trait and set_font

If you’re already doing your drawing within an application using traits, you can use the KivaFont trait.

KivaFont traits are initialized with a string which describes the font: “Times Italic 18”, “Courier Bold 10”, etc. The value of the trait is a Font instance which can be passed to the set_font() method.

Supported backends: all backends


The KivaFont parser is very simplistic and special-cases some words. For example “roman” means a generic serif-style font family, so for example a face name of “Times New Roman” will not resolve as expected. In these cases, use a Font instance.

Font objects

If you don’t want to rely on the font description parsing in KivaFont, you can also manually construct a Font instance. Once you have a Font instance, it can be passed to the set_font() method. Note that Font is an expression of the desired font. The actual font that is rendererd depends on the capabilities of the Kiva backend, the operating system, and the fonts actually installed on the user’s system.

Font(face_name="", size=12, family=SWISS, weight=WEIGHT_NORMAL, style=NORMAL)

face_name is the font’s name: “Arial”, “Webdings”, “Verdana”, etc.

size is the size in points

family is a constant from kiva.constants. Pick from DEFAULT, SWISS, ROMAN, MODERN, DECORATIVE, SCRIPT, or TELETYPE. If face_name is empty, the value of family will be used to select the desired font.

weight is a weight constant from kiva.constants. Pick from WEIGHT_NORMAL or WEIGHT_BOLD. Some backends support additional weights WEIGHT_THIN, WEIGHT_EXTRALIGHT, WEIGHT_LIGHT, WEIGHT_MEDIUM, WEIGHT_SEMIBOLD, WEIGHT_BOLD, WEIGHT_EXTRABOLD, WEIGHT_HEAVY, WEIGHT_EXTRAHEAVY. Backends that only know about bold and normal weights treat any weight of semi-bold or more as bold, and all others as normal weight.

style is a constant from kiva.constants. Pick from NORMAL or ITALIC.

Supported backends: all backends

Resolving Fonts

In all of the above cases, Kiva attempts to find a good concrete font that matches the specification to do the drawing. However it is possible that the desired font is not available on the system where the code is running. In that case Kiva will fall back to a default font, and Kiva includes a basic font in case all else fails.

Different backends use different mechanisms for font resolution. For example the “qpainter” backend uses Qt’s font resolution system, while the SVG backend translates the font to an SVG font description and leaves it up to the viewer application to find an appropriate font.

However a number of backends do not have any built-in font support, and so in those cases Kiva’s kiva.fonttools module is used to find system font files which match the requirements. Application developers who wish to ship particular fonts as resources with their application can add these to the fonttools management system via the add_application_fonts() function (see Adding Custom Fonts for more details).

Further details are available in the Kiva Font Management section.

Measuring Text

Before drawing text, one often wants to know what the bounding rectangle of the rendered text will be so that the text can be positioned correctly. To do this, the GraphicsContext.get_text_extent() method is used.

get_text_extent(text) -> (x, y, width, height)

text is the string that you want to measure. The currently selected font will be used, so it’s important to set the font before calling this method.

The return value is a tuple which describes a rectangle with its bottom-left corner at (x, y) and a width and height. The rectangle is relative to the origin and not affected by the currently set text transform. The bottom of the rectangle won’t always be 0, depending on the font. It might be a negative number in the situation where glyphs hang below the baseline. In any case, y = 0 is the baseline for the rendered glyphs.


get_text_extent does not respect endline characters. It is assumed that text describes a single line of text. To render multiple lines, one should split the text into individual lines first and then measure and draw each line in sequence. A blank line’s height should be the same as the height of the selected font.

Drawing Text

Text can be drawn in a graphics context with the GraphicsContext.show_text() and GraphicsContext.show_text_at_point() methods.

show_text(text, point=None)

show_text_at_point(text, x, y)

show_text_at_point or show_text with a point=(x, y) argument both do the same thing: Draw a line of text at the given (x, y) coordinate, which represents the horizontal position of the first glyph and the baseline position, respectively.

If show_text is used without a point argument, then the current text position of the graphics context is used. This position can be set via the GraphicsContext.set_text_position() method. Relatedly, the text position can be retrieved with the GraphicsContext.get_text_position() method.


There is also a GraphicsContext.set_text_matrix() method which allows a text-specific affine transform to be set. Unfortunately it’s not implemented uniformly across backends, so it’s recommended not to use it.