.. _testing-target-interaction-location: Understanding Target, Interaction and Location ============================================== When one writes a test using |UITester|, three categories of objects are involved. * Target is an object on which we can perform an action (e.g. a mouse click) to modify an application state, or retrieve a GUI application state, or search for other contained targets (e.g. a table widget that contains buttons and text). An instance of |UIWrapper| wraps a target under the protected attribute |UIWrapper._target|. * Interaction is an object that wraps the information for performing an action or retrieving GUI state(s), but it does not necessarily contain information to a Target. For example, both |MouseClick| and |DisplayedText| are interactions that can be used against different targets. An interaction can also be specialized for a specific target if needed. |UIWrapper.perform| and |UIWrapper.inspect| handle an interaction. * Location is an object that wraps the information for searching a target from a container target, but it does not necessarily contain information specific to a Target. For example, both |TargetById| and |TargetByName| are locations for identifying a contained target via an id or a name, which can be used against different targets. A location can also be specialized for a specific target if needed. |UIWrapper.locate| resolves a location. .. _testing-target-is-protected: Why is Target protected? ------------------------ The |UIWrapper._target| attribute is protected because it often exposes implementation details of the GUI component being tested (e.g. it may refer to the Qt specific implementation of a ButtonEditor). Since it is best for tests to avoid dependencies on implementation details, its usage in test code is discouraged. However, this attribute is expected to be used while extending the testing API, which inevitably requires knowledge of the implementation details on the tested components. If the implementation details and the testing support code are not maintained together, tests may be subject to breakages caused by changes to implementation details that do not affect the overall behavior. Developers should evaluate based on context whether they should proceed. .. include:: ../substitutions.rst