Source code for traitsui.view_element

# (C) Copyright 2004-2023 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX
# All rights reserved.
# This software is provided without warranty under the terms of the BSD
# license included in LICENSE.txt and may be redistributed only under
# the conditions described in the aforementioned license. The license
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# Thanks for using Enthought open source!

""" Defines the abstract ViewElement class that all trait view template items
    (i.e., View, Group, Item, Include) derive from.

import re

from traits.api import AbstractViewElement, Bool, HasPrivateTraits, Instance

from .ui_traits import (

label_pat = re.compile(r"^(.*)\[(.*)\](.*)$", re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)
label_pat2 = re.compile(r"^(.*){(.*)}(.*)$", re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  'ViewElement' class (abstract):
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs]class ViewElement(HasPrivateTraits): """An element of a view."""
[docs] def replace_include(self, view_elements): """Searches the current object's **content** attribute for objects that have an **id** attribute, and replaces each one with an Include object with the same **id** value, and puts the replaced object into the specified ViewElements object. Parameters ---------- view_elements : ViewElements object Object containing Group, Item, and Include objects """ pass # Normally overridden in a subclass
[docs] def is_includable(self): """Returns whether the object is replacable by an Include object.""" return False # Normally overridden in a subclass
[docs]class DefaultViewElement(ViewElement): """A view element that can be used as a default value for traits whose value is a view element. """ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Trait definitions: # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #: The default context object to edit: object = AnObject #: The default editor style to use: style = EditorStyle #: The default dock style to use: dock = DockStyle #: The default notebook tab image to use: image = Image #: The category of elements dragged out of the view: export = ExportType #: Should labels be added to items in a group? show_labels = Bool(True)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Trait definitions: # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The container trait used by ViewSubElements: Container = Instance(ViewElement, factory=DefaultViewElement) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 'ViewSubElement' class (abstract): # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class ViewSubElement(ViewElement): """Abstract class representing elements that can be contained in a view.""" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Trait definitions: # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #: The object this ViewSubElement is contained in; must be a ViewElement. container = Container #: External help context identifier: help_id = HelpId def _split(self, name, value, char, finder, assign, result): """Splits a string at a specified character.""" col = finder(value, char) if col < 0: return value items = (value[:col].strip(), value[col + 1 :].strip()) if items[assign] != "": setattr(self, name, items[assign]) return items[result] def _option(self, string, option, name, value): """Sets a object trait if a specified option string is found.""" col = string.find(option) if col >= 0: string = string[:col] + string[col + len(option) :] setattr(self, name, value) return string def _parse_style(self, value): """Parses any of the one-character forms of the **style** trait.""" value = self._option(value, "$", "style", "simple") value = self._option(value, "@", "style", "custom") value = self._option(value, "*", "style", "text") value = self._option(value, "~", "style", "readonly") value = self._split("style", value, ";", str.rfind, 1, 0) return value def _parse_label(self, value): """Parses a '[label]' value from the string definition.""" match = label_pat.match(value) if match is not None: self._parsed_label() else: match = label_pat2.match(value) empty = False if match is not None: self.label = empty = self.label == "" value = + return (value, empty) def _parsed_label(self): """Handles a label being found in the string definition.""" pass def _repr_value(self, value, prefix="", suffix="", ignore=""): """Returns a "pretty print" version of a specified Item trait value.""" if value == ignore: return "" return "%s%s%s" % (prefix, value, suffix) def _repr_options(self, *names): """Returns a 'pretty print' version of a list of traits.""" result = [] for name in names: value = getattr(self, name) if value != self.trait(name).default_value_for(self, name): result.append((name, repr(value))) if len(result) > 0: n = max([len(name) for name, value in result]) return ",\n".join( ["%s = %s" % (name.ljust(n), value) for name, value in result] ) return None def _indent(self, string, indent=" "): """Indents each line in a specified string by 4 spaces.""" return "\n".join([indent + s for s in string.split("\n")])
# Register ViewElement as implementing AbstractViewElement # TODO: eventually have ViewElement inherit directly AbstractViewElement.register(ViewElement)