Source code for traitsui.ui_editors.data_frame_editor

# (C) Copyright 2004-2023 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX
# All rights reserved.
# This software is provided without warranty under the terms of the BSD
# license included in LICENSE.txt and may be redistributed only under
# the conditions described in the aforementioned license. The license
# is also available online at
# Thanks for using Enthought open source!

import logging
import warnings

from traits.api import (

from traitsui.basic_editor_factory import BasicEditorFactory
from traitsui.editors.tabular_editor import TabularEditor
from traitsui.item import Item
from traitsui.tabular_adapter import TabularAdapter
from traitsui.toolkit import toolkit_object
from traitsui.toolkit_traits import Font
from traitsui.ui_editor import UIEditor
from traitsui.view import View

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class DataFrameAdapter(TabularAdapter): """Generic tabular adapter for data frames""" #: The text to use for a generic entry. text = Property() #: The alignment for each cell alignment = Property(Enum("left", "center", "right")) #: The text to use for a row index. index_text = Property() #: The alignment to use for a row index. index_alignment = Property() #: The font to use for each column font = Property() #: The format to use for each column format = Property() #: The format for each element, or a mapping column ID to format. _formats = Union(Str, Dict, default_value="%s") #: The font for each element, or a mapping column ID to font. _fonts = Union(Font, Dict, default_value="Courier 10") def _get_index_alignment(self): import numpy as np index = getattr(self.object, if np.issubdtype(index.dtype, np.number): return "right" else: return "left" def _get_alignment(self): import numpy as np column = self.item[self.column_id] if np.issubdtype(column.dtype, np.number): return "right" else: return "left" def _get_font(self): if isinstance(self._fonts, toolkit_object("font_trait:TraitsFont")): return self._fonts else: return self._fonts.get(self.column_id, "Courier 10") def _get_format(self): if isinstance(self._formats, str): return self._formats else: return self._formats.get(self.column_id, "%s") def _get_content(self): return self.item[self.column_id].iloc[0] def _get_text(self): format = self.get_format(self.object,, self.row, self.column) return format % self.get_content( self.object,, self.row, self.column ) def _set_text(self, value): df = getattr(self.object, dtype = df.iloc[:, self.column].dtype try: value = dtype.type(value) df.iloc[self.row, self.column] = value except Exception: logger.debug( "User entered invalid value %r for column %r row %r", value, self.column, self.row, exc_info=True, ) def _get_index_text(self): return str(self.item.index[0]) def _set_index_text(self, value): index = getattr(self.object, dtype = index.dtype try: value = dtype.type(value) index.values[self.row] = value except Exception: logger.debug( "User entered invalid value %r for index", value, exc_info=True ) # ---- Adapter methods that are not sensitive to item type ----------------
[docs] def get_item(self, object, trait, row): """Override the base implementation to work with DataFrames This returns a dataframe with one row, rather than a series, since using a dataframe preserves dtypes. """ return getattr(object, trait).iloc[row : row + 1]
[docs] def delete(self, object, trait, row): """Override the base implementation to work with DataFrames Unavoidably does a copy of the data, setting the trait with the new value. """ import pandas as pd df = getattr(object, trait) if 0 < row < len(df) - 1: new_df = pd.concat([df.iloc[:row, :], df.iloc[row + 1 :, :]]) elif row == 0: new_df = df.iloc[row + 1 :, :] else: new_df = df.iloc[:row, :] setattr(object, trait, new_df)
[docs] def insert(self, object, trait, row, value): """Override the base implementation to work with DataFrames Unavoidably does a copy of the data, setting the trait with the new value. """ import pandas as pd df = getattr(object, trait) if 0 < row < len(df) - 1: new_df = pd.concat([df.iloc[:row, :], value, df.iloc[row:, :]]) elif row == 0: new_df = pd.concat([value, df]) else: new_df = pd.concat([df, value]) setattr(object, trait, new_df)
class _DataFrameEditor(UIEditor): """TraitsUI-based editor implementation for data frames""" #: Indicate that the editor is scrollable/resizable: scrollable = True #: Should column titles be displayed: show_titles = Bool(True) #: The tabular adapter being used for the editor view: adapter = Instance(DataFrameAdapter) # -- Private Methods ------------------------------------------------------ def _target_name(self, name): if name: return "object.object." + name else: return "" def _data_frame_view(self): """Return the view used by the editor.""" return View( Item( self._target_name(, id="tabular_editor", show_label=False, editor=TabularEditor( show_titles=self.factory.show_titles, editable=self.factory.editable, adapter=self.adapter, selected=self._target_name(self.factory.selected), selected_row=self._target_name(self.factory.selected_row), selectable=self.factory.selectable, multi_select=self.factory.multi_select, activated=self._target_name(self.factory.activated), activated_row=self._target_name( self.factory.activated_row ), # noqa clicked=self._target_name(self.factory.clicked), dclicked=self._target_name(self.factory.dclicked), scroll_to_row=self._target_name( self.factory.scroll_to_row ), # noqa scroll_to_position_hint=( self.factory.scroll_to_position_hint ), scroll_to_column=self._target_name( self.factory.scroll_to_column ), # noqa right_clicked=self._target_name( self.factory.right_clicked ), # noqa right_dclicked=self._target_name( self.factory.right_dclicked ), # noqa column_clicked=self._target_name( self.factory.column_clicked ), # noqa column_right_clicked=self._target_name( self.factory.column_right_clicked ), # noqa operations=self.factory.operations, update=self._target_name(self.factory.update), refresh=self._target_name(self.factory.refresh), ), ), id="data_frame_editor", resizable=True, ) def init_ui(self, parent): """Creates the Traits UI for displaying the array.""" factory = self.factory if factory.columns != []: columns = [] for column in factory.columns: if isinstance(column, str): title = column column_id = column else: title, column_id = column if column_id not in self.value.columns: continue columns.append((title, column_id)) else: columns = [ (column_id, column_id) for column_id in self.value.columns ] if factory.show_index: index_name = if index_name is None: index_name = "" columns.insert(0, (index_name, "index")) if factory.adapter is not None: self.adapter = factory.adapter self.adapter._formats = factory.formats self.adapter._fonts = factory.fonts if not self.adapter.columns: self.adapter.columns = columns else: self.adapter = DataFrameAdapter( columns=columns, _formats=factory.formats, _fonts=factory.fonts ) return self.edit_traits( view="_data_frame_view", parent=parent, kind="subpanel" )
[docs]class DataFrameEditor(BasicEditorFactory): """Editor factory for basic data frame editor""" #: The editor implementation class. klass = Property() #: Should an index column be displayed. show_index = Bool(True) #: Should column headers be displayed. show_titles = Bool(True) #: Optional list of either column ID or pairs of (column title, column ID). columns = List(Union(Str, Tuple(Str, Str))) #: The format for each element, or a mapping column ID to format. formats = Union(Str, Dict, default_value="%s") #: The font for each element, or a mapping column ID to font. fonts = Union(Font, Dict, default_value="Courier 10") #: The optional extended name of the trait to synchronize the selection #: values with: selected = Str() #: The optional extended name of the trait to synchronize the selection rows #: with: selected_row = Str() #: Whether or not to allow selection. selectable = Bool(True) #: Whether or not to allow for multiple selections multi_select = Bool(False) #: The optional extended name of the trait to synchronize the activated #: value with: activated = Str() #: The optional extended name of the trait to synchronize the activated #: value's row with: activated_row = Str() #: The optional extended name of the trait to synchronize left click data #: with. The data is a TabularEditorEvent: clicked = Str() #: The optional extended name of the trait to synchronize left double click #: data with. The data is a TabularEditorEvent: dclicked = Str() #: The optional extended name of the Event trait that should be used to #: trigger a scroll-to command. The data is an integer giving the row. scroll_to_row = Str() #: Deprecated: Controls behavior of scroll to row and scroll to column scroll_to_row_hint = Property(Str, observe="scroll_to_position_hint") #: (replacement of scroll_to_row_hint, but more clearly named) #: Controls behavior of scroll to row and scroll to column scroll_to_position_hint = Enum("visible", "center", "top", "bottom") #: The optional extended name of the Event trait that should be used to #: trigger a scroll-to command. The data is an integer giving the column. scroll_to_column = Str() #: The optional extended name of the trait to synchronize right click data #: with. The data is a TabularEditorEvent: right_clicked = Str() #: The optional extended name of the trait to synchronize right double #: clicked data with. The data is a TabularEditorEvent: right_dclicked = Str() #: The optional extended name of the trait to synchronize column #: clicked data with. The data is a TabularEditorEvent: column_clicked = Str() #: The optional extended name of the trait to synchronize column #: right clicked data with. The data is a TabularEditorEvent: column_right_clicked = Str() #: Whether or not the entries can be edited. editable = Bool(False) #: What type of operations are allowed on the list: operations = List( Enum("delete", "insert", "append", "edit", "move"), ["delete", "insert", "append", "edit", "move"], ) #: The optional extended name of the trait used to indicate that a complete #: table update is needed: update = Str() #: The optional extended name of the trait used to indicate that the table #: just needs to be repainted. refresh = Str() #: Set to override the default dataframe adapter adapter = Instance(DataFrameAdapter) def _get_klass(self): """The class used to construct editor objects.""" return toolkit_object("data_frame_editor:_DataFrameEditor") def _get_scroll_to_row_hint(self): warnings.warn( "Use of scroll_to_row_hint trait is deprecated. " "Use scroll_to_position_hint instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) return self.scroll_to_position_hint def _set_scroll_to_row_hint(self, hint): warnings.warn( "Use of scroll_to_row_hint trait is deprecated. " "Use scroll_to_position_hint instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) self.scroll_to_position_hint = hint