Source code for traitsui.testing.tester.ui_wrapper

# (C) Copyright 2004-2023 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX
# All rights reserved.
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""" Define the top-level object which is responsible for dispatching testing
functionality for a given GUI object. The functionality is exposed via
``UITester``, which is a TraitsUI specific tester.

from contextlib import contextmanager
import textwrap

from traitsui.testing._exception_handling import (
    reraise_exceptions as _reraise_exceptions,
from traitsui.testing._gui import (
    process_cascade_events as _process_cascade_events,
from traitsui.testing.tester import locator
from traitsui.testing.tester.exceptions import (

[docs]class UIWrapper: """ An ``UIWrapper`` has the following responsibilities: (1) Wraps a UI target. (2) Search for a nested UI target within the wrapped UI target. (3) Perform user interaction on the UI target, e.g. mouse click. A UI target is an object which can be searched for nested UI targets, either as intermediate things (like editors or a table widget), or as a leaf widget which can be operated upon (e.g. a mouse click). For example, a ``UIWrapper`` may wrap an instance of traitsui.ui.UI in which more UI targets can be located. A ``UIWrapper`` may also wrap a leaf widget on which user interactions can be performed. For locating a nested UI target, the ``locate`` method is provided. For simulating user interactions such as a mouse click or visual inspection, the ``perform`` and ``inspect`` methods are provided. Parameters ---------- target : any An object on which further UI target can be searched for, or can be a leaf target that can be operated on. registries : list of AbstractTargetRegistry Registries of interaction for different target, in the order of decreasing priority. delay : int, optional Time delay (in ms) in which actions by the wrapper are performed. Note it is propagated through to created child wrappers. The delay allows visual confirmation test code is working as desired. Defaults to 0. auto_process_events : bool, optional Whether to process (cascade) GUI events automatically. Default is True. For tests that launch a modal dialog and rely on a recurring timer to poll if the dialog is closed, it may be necessary to set this flag to false in order to avoid deadlocks. Note that this is propagated through to created child wrappers. Attributes ---------- delay : int Time delay (in ms) in which actions by the wrapper are performed. Note it is propagated through to created child wrappers. The delay allows visual confirmation test code is working as desired. _target : any The UI target currently wrapped for interactions or locating nested components. This is a protected attribute intended to be used for extending the testing API. Usage of this attribute may expose the software's internal structure to the tests, developers should use this attribute with discretion based on context. """ def __init__( self, target, *, registries, delay=0, auto_process_events=True ): self._target = target self._registries = registries self._auto_process_events = auto_process_events self.delay = delay
[docs] def help(self): """Print help messages. (This function is intended for interactive use.) """ # mapping from interaction types to their documentation interaction_to_doc = dict() # mapping from location types to their documentation location_to_doc = dict() # Order registries by their priority (low to high) for registry in self._registries[::-1]: for type_ in registry._get_interactions(self._target): interaction_to_doc[type_] = registry._get_interaction_doc( target=self._target, interaction_class=type_, ) for type_ in registry._get_locations(self._target): location_to_doc[type_] = registry._get_location_doc( target=self._target, locator_class=type_, ) print("Interactions") print("------------") for interaction_type in sorted(interaction_to_doc, key=repr): print(repr(interaction_type)) print( textwrap.indent( interaction_to_doc[interaction_type], prefix=" " ) ) print() if not interaction_to_doc: print("No interactions are supported.") print() print("Locations") print("---------") for locator_type in sorted(location_to_doc, key=repr): print(repr(locator_type)) print( textwrap.indent(location_to_doc[locator_type], prefix=" ") ) print() if not location_to_doc: print("No locations are supported.") print()
[docs] def locate(self, location): """Attempt to resolve the given location and return a new UIWrapper. Parameters ---------- location : any An instance of a location type supported by the current target. e.g. ``traitsui.testing.api.Index(1)`` Returns ------- wrapper : UIWrapper A new UIWrapper for the given location. Raises ------ LocationNotSupported If the given location is not supported. See Also -------- """ return UIWrapper( target=self._get_next_target(location), registries=self._registries, delay=self.delay, auto_process_events=self._auto_process_events, )
[docs] def find_by_name(self, name): """Find a target inside the current target using a name. This is equivalent to calling ``locate(TargetByName(name=name))``. Parameters ---------- name : str A single name for retreiving a target on a UI. Returns ------- wrapper : UIWrapper Raises ------ LocationNotSupported If the current target does not support locating another target by a name. See Also -------- traitsui.testing.tester.locator.TargetByName """ return self.locate(locator.TargetByName(name=name))
[docs] def find_by_id(self, id): """Find a target inside the current target using an id. This is equivalent to calling ``locate(TargetById(id=id))``. Parameters ---------- id : str Id for finding an item in the UI. Returns ------- wrapper : UIWrapper Raises ------ LocationNotSupported If the current target does not support locating another target by a unique identifier. See Also -------- traitsui.testing.tester.locator.TargetById """ return self.locate(locator.TargetById(id=id))
[docs] def perform(self, interaction): """Perform a user interaction that causes side effects. Parameters ---------- interaction : object An instance of an interaction type supported by the current target. e.g. ``traitsui.testing.api.MouseClick()`` Raises ------ InteractionNotSupported If the interaction given is not supported for the current UI target. See Also -------- """ self._perform_or_inspect(interaction)
[docs] def inspect(self, interaction): """Return a value or values for inspection. Parameters ---------- interaction : object An instance of an interaction type supported by the current target. e.g. ``traitsui.testing.api.DisplayedText()`` Returns ------- values : any Any values returned for the given inspection. The type should be documented by the interaction type object. Raises ------ InteractionNotSupported If the interaction given is not supported for the current UI target. See Also -------- """ return self._perform_or_inspect(interaction)
# Private methods ######################################################### def _perform_or_inspect(self, interaction): """Perform a user interaction or a user inspection. Parameters ---------- interaction : instance of interaction type An object defining the interaction. Returns ------- value : any Raises ------ InteractionNotSupported If the given interaction does not have a corresponding implementation for the wrapped UI target. """ supported = [] for registry in self._registries: try: handler = registry._get_handler( target=self._target, interaction=interaction, ) except InteractionNotSupported as e: supported.extend(e.supported) continue else: context = ( _event_processed if self._auto_process_events else _nullcontext ) with context(): return handler(self, interaction) raise InteractionNotSupported( target_class=self._target.__class__, interaction_class=interaction.__class__, supported=supported, ) def _get_next_target(self, location): """Return the next UI target from the given location. Parameters ---------- location : instance of locator type A location for resolving the next target. Returns ------- new_target : any Raises ------ LocationNotSupport If no solver are provided for resolving the given location in the wrapped UI target. """ supported = set() for registry in self._registries: try: handler = registry._get_solver( target=self._target, location=location, ) except LocationNotSupported as e: supported |= set(e.supported) else: if self._auto_process_events: with _reraise_exceptions(): _process_cascade_events() return handler(self, location) raise LocationNotSupported( target_class=self._target.__class__, locator_class=location.__class__, supported=list(supported), )
@contextmanager def _event_processed(): """Context manager to ensure GUI events are processed upon entering and exiting the context. """ with _reraise_exceptions(): _process_cascade_events() try: yield finally: _process_cascade_events() @contextmanager def _nullcontext(): """Equivalent to contextlib.nullcontext() in Python >= 3.7""" yield