Source code for traitsui.testing.tester.tests.test_ui_wrapper

# (C) Copyright 2004-2023 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX
# All rights reserved.
# This software is provided without warranty under the terms of the BSD
# license included in LICENSE.txt and may be redistributed only under
# the conditions described in the aforementioned license. The license
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# Thanks for using Enthought open source!

import io
import textwrap
import unittest
from unittest import mock

from pyface.api import GUI

from traits.api import HasTraits, Int
from traits.testing.api import UnittestTools
from traitsui.tests._tools import (
from traitsui.testing.tester._abstract_target_registry import (
from traitsui.testing.tester.exceptions import (
from traitsui.testing.tester.target_registry import (
from traitsui.testing.tester.ui_wrapper import (

[docs]def example_ui_wrapper(**kwargs): """Return an instance of UIWrapper for testing purposes. Parameters ---------- **kwargs Values to use instead of the default values. Returns ------- wrapper: UIWrapper """ values = dict( target=None, registries=[], ) values.update(kwargs) return UIWrapper(**values)
[docs]class StubRegistry(AbstractTargetRegistry): """A stub implementation of the AbstractTargetRegistry for testing""" def __init__( self, handler=None, solver=None, supported_interaction_classes=(), supported_locator_classes=(), interaction_doc="", location_doc="", ): self.handler = handler self.solver = solver self.supported_interaction_classes = supported_interaction_classes self.supported_locator_classes = supported_locator_classes self.interaction_doc = interaction_doc self.location_doc = location_doc def _get_handler(self, target, interaction): if interaction.__class__ not in self.supported_interaction_classes: raise InteractionNotSupported( target_class=target.__class__, interaction_class=interaction.__class__, supported=list(self.supported_interaction_classes), ) return self.handler def _get_interactions(self, target): return set(self.supported_interaction_classes) def _get_interaction_doc(self, target, interaction_class): return self.interaction_doc def _get_solver(self, target, location): if location.__class__ not in self.supported_locator_classes: raise LocationNotSupported( target_class=target.__class__, locator_class=location.__class__, supported=list(self.supported_locator_classes), ) return self.solver def _get_locations(self, target): return set(self.supported_locator_classes) def _get_location_doc(self, target, locator_class): return self.location_doc
# Use of perform/inspect requires the GUI event loop
[docs]@requires_toolkit([ToolkitName.qt, ToolkitName.wx]) class TestUIWrapperInteractionRegistries(unittest.TestCase): """Test the logic regarding the order of (interaction) registries."""
[docs] def test_registry_priority(self): # If two registries have a handler for the same target and interaction # types, the first register is used. registry1 = StubRegistry( handler=lambda w, l: 1, supported_interaction_classes=[str], ) registry2 = StubRegistry( handler=lambda w, l: 2, supported_interaction_classes=[str], ) wrapper = example_ui_wrapper( registries=[registry2, registry1], ) value = wrapper.inspect("some string") self.assertEqual(value, 2) # reverse order wrapper = example_ui_wrapper(registries=[registry1, registry2]) value = wrapper.inspect("some other string") self.assertEqual(value, 1)
[docs] def test_registry_selection(self): # If the first registry says it can't handle the interaction, the next # registry is tried. registry1 = StubRegistry() registry2_handler = mock.Mock() registry2 = StubRegistry( handler=registry2_handler, supported_interaction_classes=[int], ) wrapper = example_ui_wrapper( registries=[registry1, registry2], ) wrapper.perform(123) self.assertEqual(registry2_handler.call_count, 1)
[docs] def test_registry_all_declined(self): # If none of the registries can support an interaction, the # exception raised provide information on what actions are # supported. wrapper = example_ui_wrapper( registries=[ StubRegistry(supported_interaction_classes=[int]), StubRegistry(supported_interaction_classes=[float]), ], ) with self.assertRaises(InteractionNotSupported) as exception_context: wrapper.perform(None) self.assertCountEqual( exception_context.exception.supported, [int, float], )
# Use of locate requires the GUI event loop
[docs]@requires_toolkit([ToolkitName.qt, ToolkitName.wx]) class TestUIWrapperLocationRegistry(unittest.TestCase): """Test the use of registries with locate."""
[docs] def test_location_registry_priority(self): registry1 = StubRegistry( solver=lambda w, l: 1, supported_locator_classes=[str], ) registry2 = StubRegistry( solver=lambda w, l: 2, supported_locator_classes=[str], ) wrapper = example_ui_wrapper( registries=[registry2, registry1], ) new_wrapper = wrapper.locate("some string") self.assertEqual(new_wrapper._target, 2) # swap the order wrapper = example_ui_wrapper( registries=[registry1, registry2], ) new_wrapper = wrapper.locate("some other string") self.assertEqual(new_wrapper._target, 1)
[docs] def test_location_registry_selection(self): # If the first registry says it can't handle the interaction, the next # registry is tried. def solver2(wrapper, location): return 2 registry1 = StubRegistry() registry2 = StubRegistry( solver=solver2, supported_locator_classes=[str], ) wrapper = example_ui_wrapper( registries=[registry1, registry2], ) new_wrapper = wrapper.locate("some string") self.assertEqual(new_wrapper._target, 2) self.assertEqual( new_wrapper._registries, wrapper._registries, )
[docs] def test_registry_all_declined(self): # If none of the registries can support a location, the # exception raised provide information on what actions are # supported. wrapper = example_ui_wrapper( registries=[ StubRegistry(supported_locator_classes=[int]), StubRegistry(supported_locator_classes=[float]), ], ) with self.assertRaises(LocationNotSupported) as exception_context: wrapper.locate(None) self.assertCountEqual( exception_context.exception.supported, [int, float], )
[docs]class TestUIWrapperHelp(unittest.TestCase): """Test calling"""
[docs] def test_help_message(self): class Action: """Say hello. Say bye. """ pass class Locator: """Return anything you like. Good day! """ pass registry1 = TargetRegistry() registry1.register_interaction( target_class=str, interaction_class=Action, handler=mock.Mock(), ) registry2 = TargetRegistry() registry2.register_location( target_class=str, locator_class=Locator, solver=mock.Mock(), ) wrapper = example_ui_wrapper( target="dummy", registries=[registry1, registry2] ) # when stream = io.StringIO() with mock.patch("sys.stdout", stream): # then self.assertEqual( stream.getvalue(), textwrap.dedent( f"""\ Interactions ------------ {Action!r} Say hello. Say bye. Locations --------- {Locator!r} Return anything you like. Good day! """ ), )
[docs] def test_help_message_priority_interactions(self): # The first registry in the list has the highest priority # The last registry in the list has the least priority high_priority_registry = StubRegistry( supported_locator_classes=[str], supported_interaction_classes=[float], interaction_doc="Interaction: I get a higher priority.", location_doc="Location: I get a higher priority.", ) low_priority_registry = StubRegistry( supported_locator_classes=[str], supported_interaction_classes=[float], interaction_doc="Interaction: I get a lower priority.", location_doc="Location: I get a lower priority.", ) # Put higher priority registry first. wrapper = example_ui_wrapper( target="dummy", registries=[high_priority_registry, low_priority_registry], ) # when stream = io.StringIO() with mock.patch("sys.stdout", stream): # then self.assertEqual( stream.getvalue(), textwrap.dedent( f"""\ Interactions ------------ {float!r} Interaction: I get a higher priority. Locations --------- {str!r} Location: I get a higher priority. """ ), )
[docs] def test_help_message_nothing_is_supported(self): registry = TargetRegistry() wrapper = example_ui_wrapper(registries=[registry]) # when stream = io.StringIO() with mock.patch("sys.stdout", stream): # then self.assertEqual( stream.getvalue(), textwrap.dedent( """\ Interactions ------------ No interactions are supported. Locations --------- No locations are supported. """ ), )
[docs]class NumberHasTraits(HasTraits): number = Int()
[docs]@requires_toolkit([ToolkitName.qt, ToolkitName.wx]) class TestUIWrapperEventProcessed(unittest.TestCase, UnittestTools): """Test GUI events are processed and exceptions from the GUI event loop are handled. """
[docs] def test_event_processed(self): # Test GUI events are processed such that the trait is changed. gui = GUI() model = NumberHasTraits() def handler(wrapper, action): gui.set_trait_later(model, "number", 2) wrapper = example_ui_wrapper( registries=[ StubRegistry( handler=handler, supported_interaction_classes=[float], ), ], ) with self.assertTraitChanges(model, "number"): wrapper.perform(2.123)
[docs] def test_event_processed_prior_to_resolving_location(self): # Test GUI events are processed prior to resolving location gui = GUI() model = NumberHasTraits() gui.set_trait_later(model, "number", 2) def solver(wrapper, location): return model.number wrapper = example_ui_wrapper( registries=[ StubRegistry( solver=solver, supported_locator_classes=[float], ) ], ) new_wrapper = wrapper.locate(4.567) self.assertEqual(new_wrapper._target, 2)
[docs] def test_event_processed_with_exception_captured(self): # Test exceptions in the GUI event loop are captured and then cause # the test to error. gui = GUI() def raise_error(): raise ZeroDivisionError() def handler(wrapper, action): gui.invoke_later(raise_error) wrapper = example_ui_wrapper( registries=[ StubRegistry( handler=handler, supported_interaction_classes=[float], ), ], ) with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError), self.assertLogs("traitsui"): wrapper.perform(1.234)
[docs] def test_exception_not_in_gui(self): # Exceptions from code executed outside of the event loop are # propagated as is. def handler(wrapper, action): raise ZeroDivisionError() wrapper = example_ui_wrapper( registries=[ StubRegistry( handler=handler, supported_interaction_classes=[float], ), ], ) with self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError): wrapper.perform(9.99)
[docs] def test_perform_event_processed_optional(self): # Allow event processing to be switched off. gui = GUI() side_effect = mock.Mock() def handler(wrapper, action): gui.invoke_later(side_effect) wrapper = example_ui_wrapper( registries=[ StubRegistry( handler=handler, supported_interaction_classes=[float], ), ], auto_process_events=False, ) # With auto_process_events set to False, events are not automatically # processed. wrapper.perform(12.345) self.addCleanup(process_cascade_events) self.assertEqual(side_effect.call_count, 0)
[docs] def test_locate_event_processed_optional(self): # Allow event processing to be switched off. gui = GUI() side_effect = mock.Mock() gui.invoke_later(side_effect) self.addCleanup(process_cascade_events) def solver(wrapper, location): return 1 wrapper = example_ui_wrapper( registries=[ StubRegistry( solver=solver, supported_locator_classes=[float], ), ], auto_process_events=False, ) # With auto_process_events set to False, events are not automatically # processed. new_wrapper = wrapper.locate(1.234) self.assertEqual(side_effect.call_count, 0) self.assertFalse(new_wrapper._auto_process_events)