Source code for traitsui.key_bindings

# (C) Copyright 2004-2023 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX
# All rights reserved.
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""" Defines KeyBinding and KeyBindings classes, which manage the mapping of
    keystroke events into method calls on controller objects that are supplied
    by the application.

from traits.api import (
from traits.trait_base import SequenceTypes

from .editors.key_binding_editor import KeyBindingEditor
from .editors.list_editor import ListEditor
from .group import HGroup
from .handler import ModelView
from .item import Item
from .toolkit import toolkit
from .view import View

#: Trait definition for key bindings
Binding = Str(editor=KeyBindingEditor())

[docs]class KeyBinding(HasStrictTraits): """Binds one or two keystrokes to a method.""" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Trait definitions: # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #: First key binding binding1 = Binding #: Second key binding binding2 = Binding #: Description of what application function the method performs description = Str() #: Name of controller method the key is bound to method_name = Str() #: KeyBindings object that "owns" the KeyBinding owner = Instance("KeyBindings")
[docs] def match(self, binding): return any(binding == x for x in {self.binding1, self.binding2})
[docs] def clear_binding(self, binding): if binding == self.binding1: self.binding1 = self.binding2 self.binding2 = "" if binding == self.binding2: self.binding2 = ""
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Traits view definitions: # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- traits_view = View( HGroup( Item("binding1"), Item("binding2"), Item("description", style="readonly"), show_labels=False, ) )
[docs]class KeyBindings(HasPrivateTraits): """A set of key bindings.""" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Trait definitions: # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #: Set of defined key bindings (redefined dynamically) bindings = List(Instance(KeyBinding)) #: Optional prefix to add to each method name prefix = Str() #: Optional suffix to add to each method name suffix = Str() # -- Private Traits ------------------------------------------------------- #: The (optional) list of controllers associated with this KeyBindings #: object. The controllers may also be provided with the 'do' method: controllers = List(transient=True) #: The 'parent' KeyBindings object of this one (if any): parent = Instance("KeyBindings", transient=True) #: The root of the KeyBindings tree this object is part of: root = Property(observe="parent") #: The child KeyBindings of this object (if any): children = List(transient=True) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Traits view definitions: # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, *bindings, **traits): # initialize bindings if len(bindings) == 1 and isinstance(bindings[0], SequenceTypes): bindings = bindings[0] traits.setdefault("bindings", list(bindings)) for binding in traits["bindings"]: binding.owner = self super().__init__(**traits)
[docs] def do(self, event, controllers=[], *args, **kw): """Processes a keyboard event.""" if isinstance(controllers, dict): controllers = list(controllers.values()) elif not isinstance(controllers, SequenceTypes): controllers = [controllers] else: controllers = list(controllers) return self._do( toolkit().key_event_to_name(event), controllers, args, kw.get("recursive", False), )
[docs] def merge(self, key_bindings): """Merges another set of key bindings into this set.""" binding_dic = {} for binding in self.bindings: binding_dic[binding.method_name] = binding for binding in key_bindings.bindings: binding2 = binding_dic.get(binding.method_name) if binding2 is not None: binding2.binding1 = binding.binding1 binding2.binding2 = binding.binding2
[docs] def clone(self, **traits): """Returns a clone of the KeyBindings object.""" return self.__class__(*self.bindings, **traits).trait_set( **self.trait_get("prefix", "suffix") )
[docs] def dispose(self): """Dispose of the object.""" if self.parent is not None: self.parent.children.remove(self) del self.controllers del self.children del self.bindings self.parent = self._root = None
[docs] def edit(self): """Edits a possibly hierarchical set of KeyBindings.""" model_view = KeyBindingsHandler(model=self) ui = model_view.edit_traits()
# -- Property Implementations --------------------------------------------- @cached_property def _get_root(self): root = self while root.parent is not None: root = root.parent return root # -- Event Handlers ------------------------------------------------------- @observe('bindings:items:[binding1,binding2]') def _binding_updated(self, event): if != "": for a_binding in self._match_binding(, skip={event.object}): a_binding.clear_binding( @observe("children.items") def _children_modified(self, event): """Handles child KeyBindings being added to the object.""" # the full children list is changed if isinstance(event.object, KeyBindings): for item in item.parent = self # the contents of the children list are changed else: for item in event.added: item.parent = self # -- Private Methods ------------------------------------------------------ def _get_bindings(self, bindings): """Returns all of the bindings of this object and all of its children.""" bindings.extend(self.bindings) for child in self.children: child._get_bindings(bindings) return bindings def _do(self, key_name, controllers, args, recursive): """Process the specified key for the specified set of controllers for this KeyBindings object and all of its children. """ # Search through our own bindings for a match: for binding in self._match_binding(key_name): method_name = "%s%s%s" % ( self.prefix, binding.method_name, self.suffix, ) for controller in controllers + self.controllers: method = getattr(controller, method_name, None) if method is not None: result = method(*args) if result is not False: return True if binding.method_name == "edit_bindings": self.edit() return True # If recursive, continue searching through a children's bindings: if recursive: for child in self.children: if child._do(key_name, controllers, args, recursive): return True # Indicate no one processed the key: return False def _match_binding(self, binding, skip=frozenset()): """Return all KeyBinding instances that match the given binding. """ return ( a_binding for a_binding in self.bindings if a_binding not in skip and a_binding.match(binding) )
[docs]class KeyBindingsHandler(ModelView): bindings = List(Instance(KeyBinding))
[docs] def key_binding_for(self, binding, key_name): """Returns the current binding for a specified key (if any).""" if key_name != "": for a_binding in self._match_binding(key_name, skip={binding}): return a_binding return None
def _match_binding(self, binding, skip=frozenset()): """Return all KeyBinding instances that match the given binding. """ return ( a_binding for a_binding in self.bindings if a_binding not in skip and a_binding.match(binding) ) def _bindings_default(self): bindings = list(set(self.model.root._get_bindings([]))) bindings.sort(key=lambda x: (x.binding1[-1:], x.binding1)) return bindings traits_view = View( [ Item( "bindings", style="readonly", show_label=False, editor=ListEditor(style="custom"), ), "|{Click on an entry field, then press the key to " "assign. Double-click a field to clear it.}<>", ], title="Update Key Bindings", kind="livemodal", resizable=True, width=0.4, height=0.4, )