Source code for traitsui.helper

# (C) Copyright 2004-2023 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX
# All rights reserved.
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""" Defines various helper functions that are useful for creating Traits-based
    user interfaces.

from operator import itemgetter

from traits.api import BaseTraitHandler, CTrait, Enum, TraitError

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Trait definitions:
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Layout orientation for a control and its associated editor
Orientation = Enum("horizontal", "vertical")

# Docking drag bar style:
DockStyle = Enum("horizontal", "vertical", "tab", "fixed")

[docs]def user_name_for(name): """Returns a "user-friendly" name for a specified trait.""" name = name.replace("_", " ") name = name[:1].upper() + name[1:] result = "" last_lower = 0 for c in name: if c.isupper() and last_lower: result += " " last_lower = c.islower() result += c return result
[docs]def commatize(value): """Formats a specified value as an integer string with embedded commas. For example: commatize( 12345 ) returns "12,345". """ s = str(abs(value)) s = s.rjust(((len(s) + 2) / 3) * 3) result = ",".join([s[i : i + 3] for i in range(0, len(s), 3)]).lstrip() if value >= 0: return result return "-" + result
[docs]def enum_values_changed(values, strfunc=str): """Recomputes the mappings for a new set of enumeration values.""" if isinstance(values, dict): data = [(strfunc(v), n) for n, v in values.items()] if len(data) > 0: data.sort(key=itemgetter(0)) col = data[0][0].find(":") + 1 if col > 0: data = [(n[col:], v) for n, v in data] elif not isinstance(values, SequenceTypes): handler = values if isinstance(handler, CTrait): handler = handler.handler if not isinstance(handler, BaseTraitHandler): raise TraitError("Invalid value for 'values' specified") if handler.is_mapped: data = [(strfunc(n), n) for n in] data.sort(key=itemgetter(0)) else: data = [(strfunc(v), v) for v in handler.values] else: data = [(strfunc(v), v) for v in values] names = [x[0] for x in data] mapping = {} inverse_mapping = {} for name, value in data: mapping[name] = value inverse_mapping[value] = name return (names, mapping, inverse_mapping)
[docs]def compute_column_widths(available_space, requested, min_widths, user_widths): """Distribute column space amongst columns based on requested space. Widths requests can be specified as one of the following: - a value greater than 1.0 is treated as a fixed width with no flexibility (ie. a minimum width as specified and a weight of 0.0) - a value between 0.0 and 1.0 is treaded as a flexible width column with the specified width as a weight and a minimum width provided by the min_widths entry. - a value less than or equal to 0.0 is treated as a flexible width column with a weight of 0.1 and a minimum width provided by the min_widths parameter. If user widths are supplied then any non-None values override the requested widths, and are treated as having a flexibility of 0. Space is distributed by evaluating each column from smallest weight to largest and seeing if the weighted proportion of the remaining space is more than the minimum, and if so replacing the width with the weighted width. The column is then removed from the available width and the total weight and the analysis continues. Parameters ---------- available_space : int The available horizontal space. requested : list of numbers The requested width or weight for each column. min_widths : None or list of ints The minimum width for each flexible column user_widths : None or list of int or None Any widths specified by the user resizing the columns manually. Returns ------- widths : list of ints The assigned width for each column """ widths = [] weights = [] if min_widths is None: min_widths = [30] * len(requested) # determine flexibility and default width of each column for request, min_width in zip(requested, min_widths): if request >= 1.0: weights.append(0.0) widths.append(int(request)) else: if request <= 0: weights.append(0.1) else: weights.append(request) widths.append(min_width) # if the user has changed the width of a column manually respect that if user_widths is not None: for i, user_width in enumerate(user_widths): if user_width is not None: widths[i] = user_width weights[i] = 0.0 total_weight = sum(weights) if sum(widths) < available_space and total_weight > 0: # do inflexible first, then work up from smallest to largest for i, weight in sorted(enumerate(weights), key=itemgetter(1, 0)): total_weight = sum(weights) stretched = int(weight / total_weight * available_space) widths[i] = max(stretched, widths[i]) # once we have dealt with a column, it no longer counts as flexible # and its space is no longer available weights[i] = 0.0 available_space -= widths[i] return widths
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Other definitions: # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SequenceTypes = (tuple, list)