Source code for traitsui.editors.tree_editor

# (C) Copyright 2004-2023 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX
# All rights reserved.
# This software is provided without warranty under the terms of the BSD
# license included in LICENSE.txt and may be redistributed only under
# the conditions described in the aforementioned license. The license
# is also available online at
# Thanks for using Enthought open source!

""" Defines the tree editor factory for all traits user interface toolkits.

from traits.api import Any, Dict, Bool, Tuple, Int, List, Instance, Str, Enum

from traitsui.dock_window_theme import DockWindowTheme
from traitsui.editor_factory import EditorFactory
from traitsui.helper import Orientation
from import Action
from traitsui.tree_node import TreeNode

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Trait definitions:
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

#: Size of each tree node icon
IconSize = Tuple((16, 16), Int, Int)

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  The core tree node menu actions:
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

NewAction = "NewAction"
CopyAction = Action(
CutAction = Action(
PasteAction = Action(
DeleteAction = Action(
RenameAction = Action(

[docs]class TreeEditor(EditorFactory): """Editor factory for tree editors.""" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Trait definitions: # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #: Supported TreeNode objects nodes = List(TreeNode) #: Mapping from TreeNode tuples to MultiTreeNodes multi_nodes = Dict() #: The column header labels if any. column_headers = List(Str) #: Are the individual nodes editable? editable = Bool(True) #: Selection mode. selection_mode = Enum("single", "extended") #: Is the editor shared across trees? shared_editor = Bool(False) #: Reference to a shared object editor editor = Instance(EditorFactory) # FIXME: Implemented only in wx backend. #: The DockWindow graphical theme dock_theme = Instance(DockWindowTheme) #: Show icons for tree nodes? show_icons = Bool(True) #: Hide the tree root node? hide_root = Bool(False) #: Layout orientation of the tree and the editor orientation = Orientation #: Number of tree levels (down from the root) that should be automatically #: opened auto_open = Int() #: Size of the tree node icons icon_size = IconSize #: Called when a node is selected on_select = Any() #: Called when a node is clicked on_click = Any() #: Called when a node is double-clicked on_dclick = Any() #: Called when a node is activated on_activated = Any() #: Call when the mouse hovers over a node on_hover = Any() #: The optional extended trait name of the trait to synchronize with the #: editor's current selection: selected = Str() #: The optional extended trait name of the trait that should be assigned #: a node object when a tree node is activated, by double-clicking or #: pressing the Enter key when a node has focus (Note: if you want to #: receive repeated activated events on the same node, make sure the trait #: is defined as an Event): activated = Str() #: The optional extended trait name of the trait that should be assigned #: a node object when a tree node is clicked on (Note: If you want to #: receive repeated clicks on the same node, make sure the trait is defined #: as an Event): click = Str() #: The optional extended trait name of the trait that should be assigned #: a node object when a tree node is double-clicked on (Note: if you want #: to receive repeated double-clicks on the same node, make sure the trait #: is defined as an Event): dclick = Str() #: The optional extended trait name of the trait event that is fired #: whenever the application wishes to veto a tree action in progress (e.g. #: double-clicking a non-leaf tree node normally opens or closes the node, #: but if you are handling the double-click event in your program, you may #: wish to veto the open or close operation). Be sure to fire the veto #: event in the event handler triggered by the operation (e.g. the 'dclick' #: event handler. veto = Str() #: The optional extended trait name of the trait event that is fired when #: the application wishes the currently visible portion of the tree widget #: to repaint itself. refresh = Str() #: Mode for lines connecting tree nodes #: #: * 'appearance': Show lines only when they look good. #: * 'on': Always show lines. #: * 'off': Don't show lines. lines_mode = Enum("appearance", "on", "off") # FIXME: Document as unimplemented or wx specific. #: Whether to alternate row colors or not. alternating_row_colors = Bool(False) #: Any extra vertical padding to add. vertical_padding = Int(0) #: Whether or not to expand on a double-click. expands_on_dclick = Bool(True) #: Whether the labels should be wrapped around, if not an ellipsis is shown #: This works only in the qt backend and if there is only one column in #: tree word_wrap = Bool(False)
# This alias is deprecated and will be removed in TraitsUI 8. ToolkitEditorFactory = TreeEditor