Source code for traitsui.editor

# (C) Copyright 2004-2023 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX
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""" Defines the abstract Editor class, which represents an editing control for
    an object trait in a Traits-based user interface.

from contextlib import contextmanager
from functools import partial

from traits.api import (
from traits.trait_base import not_none, xgetattr, xsetattr

from .editor_factory import EditorFactory

from .context_value import ContextValue

from .undo import UndoItem

from .item import Item

# Reference to an EditorFactory object
factory_trait = Instance(EditorFactory)

[docs]class Editor(HasPrivateTraits): """Represents an editing control for an object trait in a Traits-based user interface. """ #: The UI (user interface) this editor is part of: ui = Instance("traitsui.ui.UI", clean_up=True) #: Full name of the object the editor is editing (e.g. #: 'object.link1.link2'): object_name = Str("object") #: The object this editor is editing (e.g. object.link1.link2): object = Instance(HasTraits, clean_up=True) #: The name of the trait this editor is editing (e.g. 'value'): name = ReadOnly() #: The context object the editor is editing (e.g. object): context_object = Property() #: The extended name of the object trait being edited. That is, #: '' minus the context object name at the beginning. For #: example: 'link1.link2.value': extended_name = Property() #: Original value of (e.g. object.link1.link2.value): old_value = Any(clean_up=True) #: Text description of the object trait being edited: description = ReadOnly() #: The Item object used to create this editor: item = Instance(Item, (), clean_up=True) #: The GUI widget defined by this editor: control = Any(clean_up=True) #: The GUI label (if any) defined by this editor: label_control = Any(clean_up=True) #: Is the underlying GUI widget enabled? enabled = Bool(True) #: Is the underlying GUI widget visible? visible = Bool(True) #: Is the underlying GUI widget scrollable? scrollable = Bool(False) #: The EditorFactory used to create this editor: factory = Instance(EditorFactory, clean_up=True) #: Is the editor updating the value? updating = Bool(False) #: Current value for value = Property() #: Current value of object trait as a string: str_value = Property() #: The trait the editor is editing (not its value, but the trait itself): value_trait = Property() #: The current editor invalid state status: invalid = Bool(False) # -- private trait definitions ------------------------------------------ #: A set to track values being updated to prevent infinite recursion. _no_trait_update = Set(Str) #: A list of all values synchronized to. _user_to = List(Tuple(Any, Str, Callable)) #: A list of all values synchronized from. _user_from = List(Tuple(Str, Callable)) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Editor interface # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # -- Abstract methods ---------------------------------------------------
[docs] def init(self, parent): """Create and initialize the underlying toolkit widget. This method must be overriden by subclasses. Implementations must ensure that the :attr:`control` trait is set to an appropriate toolkit object. Parameters ---------- parent : toolkit control The parent toolkit object of the editor's toolkit objects. """ raise NotImplementedError("This method must be overriden.")
[docs] def update_editor(self): """Updates the editor when the value changes externally to the editor. This should normally be overridden in a subclass. """ pass
[docs] def error(self, excp): """Handles an error that occurs while setting the object's trait value. Parameters ---------- excp : Exception The exception which occurred. """ from pyface.api import information information( parent=self.get_control_widget(), title=self.description + " value error", message=str(excp), text_format='plain', )
[docs] def set_focus(self): """Assigns focus to the editor's underlying toolkit widget. This method must be overriden by subclasses. """ raise NotImplementedError("This method must be overriden.")
[docs] def set_tooltip_text(self, control, text): """Sets the tooltip for a toolkit control to the provided text. This method must be overriden by subclasses. Parameters ---------- text : str The text to use for the tooltip. control : toolkit control The toolkit control that is having the tooltip set. """ raise NotImplementedError("This method must be overriden.")
[docs] def string_value(self, value, format_func=None): """Returns the text representation of a specified object trait value. This simply delegates to the factory's `string_value` method. Sub-classes may choose to override the default implementation. Parameters ---------- value : any The value being edited. format_func : callable or None A function that takes a value and returns a string. """ return self.factory.string_value(value, format_func)
[docs] def restore_prefs(self, prefs): """Restores saved user preference information for the editor. Editors with state may choose to override this. It will only be used if the editor has an `id` value. Parameters ---------- prefs : dict A dictionary of preference values. """ pass
[docs] def save_prefs(self): """Returns any user preference information for the editor. Editors with state may choose to override this. It will only be used if the editor has an `id` value. Returns ------- prefs : dict or None A dictionary of preference values, or None if no preferences to be saved. """ return None
# -- Editor life-cycle methods ------------------------------------------
[docs] def prepare(self, parent): """Finish setting up the editor. Parameters ---------- parent : toolkit control The parent toolkit object of the editor's toolkit objects. """ name = self.extended_name if name != "None": self.context_object.on_trait_change( self._update_editor, name, dispatch="ui" ) self.init(parent) self._sync_values() self.update_editor()
[docs] def dispose(self): """Disposes of the contents of an editor. This disconnects any synchronised values and resets references to other objects. Subclasses may chose to override this method to perform additional clean-up. """ if self.ui is None: return name = self.extended_name if name != "None": self.context_object.on_trait_change( self._update_editor, name, remove=True ) for name, handler in self._user_from: self.on_trait_change(handler, name, remove=True) for object, name, handler in self._user_to: object.on_trait_change(handler, name, remove=True) # Break linkages to references we no longer need: for name in self.trait_names(clean_up=True): setattr(self, name, None)
# -- Undo/redo methods --------------------------------------------------
[docs] def log_change(self, undo_factory, *undo_args): """Logs a change made in the editor with undo/redo history. Parameters ---------- undo_factory : callable Callable that creates an undo item. Often self.get_undo_item. *undo_args Any arguments to pass to the undo factory. """ ui = self.ui # Create an undo history entry if we are maintaining a history: undoable = ui._undoable if undoable >= 0: history = ui.history if history is not None: item = undo_factory(*undo_args) if item is not None: if undoable == # Create a new undo transaction: history.add(item) else: # Extend the most recent undo transaction: history.extend(item)
[docs] def get_undo_item(self, object, name, old_value, new_value): """Creates an undo history entry. Can be overridden in a subclass for special value types. Parameters ---------- object : HasTraits instance The object being modified. name : str The name of the trait that is to be changed. old_value : any The original value of the trait. new_value : any The new value of the trait. """ return UndoItem( object=object, name=name, old_value=old_value, new_value=new_value )
# -- Trait synchronization code -----------------------------------------
[docs] def sync_value( self, user_name, editor_name, mode="both", is_list=False, is_event=False, ): """Synchronize an editor trait and a user object trait. Also sets the initial value of the editor trait from the user object trait (for modes 'from' and 'both'), and the initial value of the user object trait from the editor trait (for mode 'to'), as long as the relevant traits are not events. Parameters ---------- user_name : str The name of the trait to be used on the user object. If empty, no synchronization will be set up. editor_name : str The name of the relevant editor trait. mode : str, optional; one of 'to', 'from' or 'both' The direction of synchronization. 'from' means that trait changes in the user object should be propagated to the editor. 'to' means that trait changes in the editor should be propagated to the user object. 'both' means changes should be propagated in both directions. The default is 'both'. is_list : bool, optional If true, synchronization for item events will be set up in addition to the synchronization for the object itself. The default is False. is_event : bool, optional If true, this method won't attempt to initialize the user object or editor trait values. The default is False. """ if user_name == "": return key = "%s:%s" % (user_name, editor_name) parts = user_name.split(".") if len(parts) == 1: user_object = self.context_object xuser_name = user_name else: user_object = self.ui.context[parts[0]] xuser_name = ".".join(parts[1:]) user_name = parts[-1] if mode in {"from", "both"}: self._bind_from(key, user_object, xuser_name, editor_name, is_list) if not is_event: # initialize editor value from user value with self.raise_to_debug(): user_value = xgetattr(user_object, xuser_name) setattr(self, editor_name, user_value) if mode in {"to", "both"}: self._bind_to(key, user_object, xuser_name, editor_name, is_list) if mode == "to" and not is_event: # initialize user value from editor value with self.raise_to_debug(): editor_value = xgetattr(self, editor_name) xsetattr(user_object, xuser_name, editor_value)
# -- Utility methods -----------------------------------------------------
[docs] def parse_extended_name(self, name): """Extract the object, name and a getter from an extended name Parameters ---------- name : str The extended name to parse. Returns ------- object, name, getter : any, str, callable The object from the context, the (extended) name of the attributes holding the value, and a callable which gets the current value from the context. """ base_name, __, name = name.partition(".") if name: object = self.ui.context[base_name] else: name = base_name object = self.context_object return (object, name, partial(xgetattr, object, name))
[docs] def set_tooltip(self, control=None): """Sets the tooltip for a specified toolkit control. This uses the tooltip_text method to get the text to use. Parameters ---------- control : optional toolkit control The toolkit control that is having the tooltip set. If None then the editor's control is used. Returns ------- tooltip_set : bool Whether or not a tooltip value could be set. """ text = self.tooltip_text() if text is None: return False if control is None: control = self.control self.set_tooltip_text(control, text) return True
[docs] def tooltip_text(self): """Get the text for a tooltip, checking various sources. This checks for text from, in order: - the editor's description trait - the base trait's 'tooltip' metadata - the base trait's 'desc' metadata Returns ------- text : str or None The text for the tooltip, or None if no suitable text can be found. """ if self.description: return self.description base_trait = self.object.base_trait( text = base_trait.tooltip if text is not None: return text text = base_trait.desc if text is not None: return "Specifies " + text return None
[docs] def get_control_widget(self): """Get the concrete widget for the control. The default implementation returns the control, however some editors in some backends may store a layout or sizer instead of a proper widget or control, which may not be suitable for certain usages. """ return self.control
# -- Utility context managers --------------------------------------------
[docs] @contextmanager def no_trait_update(self, name): """Context manager that blocks updates from the named trait.""" if name in self._no_trait_update: yield return self._no_trait_update.add(name) try: yield finally: self._no_trait_update.remove(name)
[docs] @contextmanager def raise_to_debug(self): """Context manager that uses raise to debug to raise exceptions.""" try: yield except Exception: from traitsui.api import raise_to_debug raise_to_debug()
[docs] @contextmanager def updating_value(self): """Context manager to handle updating value.""" if self.updating: yield return self.updating = True try: yield finally: self.updating = False
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # object interface # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def __init__(self, parent, **traits): """Initializes the editor object.""" super().__init__(**traits) try: self.old_value = getattr(self.object, except AttributeError: ctrait = self.object.base_trait( if ctrait.type == "event" or == "spring": # Getting the attribute will fail for 'Event' traits: self.old_value = Undefined else: raise # Synchronize the application invalid state status with the editor's: self.sync_value(self.factory.invalid, "invalid", "from") # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # private methods # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _update_editor(self, object, name, old_value, new_value): """Performs updates when the object trait changes. This is designed to be used as a trait listener. """ # If background threads have modified the trait the editor is bound to, # their trait notifications are queued to the UI thread. It is possible # that by the time the UI thread dispatches these events, the UI the # editor is part of has already been closed. So we need to check if we # are still bound to a live UI, and if not, exit immediately: if self.ui is None: return # If the notification is for an object different than the one actually # being edited, it is due to editing an item of the form: #, where one of the 'link' objects may have # been modified. In this case, we need to rebind the current object # being edited: if object is not self.object: self.object = self.ui.get_extended_value(self.object_name) # If the editor has gone away for some reason, disconnect and exit: if self.control is None: self.context_object.on_trait_change( self._update_editor, self.extended_name, remove=True ) return # Log the change that was made (as long as the Item is not readonly # or it is not for an event): if ( != "readonly" and object.base_trait(name).type != "event" ): # Indicate that the contents of the UI have been changed: self.ui.modified = True if self.updating: self.log_change( self.get_undo_item, object, name, old_value, new_value ) # If the change was not caused by the editor itself: if not self.updating: # Update the editor control to reflect the current object state: self.update_editor() def _sync_values(self): """Initialize and synchronize editor and factory traits Initializes and synchronizes (as needed) editor traits with the value of corresponding factory traits. The name of the factory trait and the editor trait must match and the factory trait needs to have ``sync_value`` metadata set. The strategy followed is: - for each factory trait with ``sync_value`` metadata: 1. if the value is a :class:`ContextValue` instance then call :meth:`sync_value` with the ``name`` from the context value. 2. if the trait has ``sync_name`` metadata, look at the referenced trait value and if it is a non-empty string then use this value as the name of the value in the context. 3. otherwise initialize the current value of the factory trait to the corresponding value of the editor. - synchronization mode in cases 1 and 2 is taken from the ``sync_value`` metadata of the editor trait first and then the ``sync_value`` metadata of the factory trait if that is empty. - if the value is a container type, then the `is_list` metadata is set to """ factory = self.factory for name, trait in factory.traits(sync_value=not_none).items(): value = getattr(factory, name) self_trait = self.trait(name) if self_trait.sync_value: mode = self_trait.sync_value else: mode = trait.sync_value if isinstance(value, ContextValue): self.sync_value(, name, mode, bool(self_trait.is_list), self_trait.type == "event", ) elif ( trait.sync_name is not None and getattr(factory, trait.sync_name, "") != "" ): # Note: this is implemented as a stepping stone from things # like ``low_name`` and ``high_name`` to using context values. sync_name = getattr(factory, trait.sync_name) self.sync_value( sync_name, name, mode, bool(self_trait.is_list), self_trait.type == "event", ) elif mode != "to" and value is not Undefined: setattr(self, name, value) def _bind_from(self, key, user_object, xuser_name, editor_name, is_list): """Bind trait change handlers from a user object to the editor. Parameters ---------- key : str The key to use to guard against recursive updates. user_object : object The object in the TraitsUI context that is being bound. xuser_name: : str The extended name of the trait to be used on the user object. editor_name : str The name of the relevant editor trait. is_list : bool, optional If true, synchronization for item events will be set up in addition to the synchronization for the object itself. The default is False. """ def user_trait_modified(new): if key not in self._no_trait_update: with self.no_trait_update(key), self.raise_to_debug(): xsetattr(self, editor_name, new) user_object.on_trait_change(user_trait_modified, xuser_name) self._user_to.append((user_object, xuser_name, user_trait_modified)) if is_list: def user_list_modified(event): if ( isinstance(event, TraitListEvent) and key not in self._no_trait_update ): with self.no_trait_update(key), self.raise_to_debug(): n = event.index getattr(self, editor_name)[ n : n + len(event.removed) ] = event.added items = xuser_name + "_items" user_object.on_trait_change(user_list_modified, items) self._user_to.append((user_object, items, user_list_modified)) def _bind_to(self, key, user_object, xuser_name, editor_name, is_list): """Bind trait change handlers from a user object to the editor. Parameters ---------- key : str The key to use to guard against recursive updates. user_object : object The object in the TraitsUI context that is being bound. xuser_name: : str The extended name of the trait to be used on the user object. editor_name : str The name of the relevant editor trait. is_list : bool, optional If true, synchronization for item events will be set up in addition to the synchronization for the object itself. The default is False. """ def editor_trait_modified(new): if key not in self._no_trait_update: with self.no_trait_update(key), self.raise_to_debug(): xsetattr(user_object, xuser_name, new) self.on_trait_change(editor_trait_modified, editor_name) self._user_from.append((editor_name, editor_trait_modified)) if is_list: def editor_list_modified(event): if key not in self._no_trait_update: with self.no_trait_update(key), self.raise_to_debug(): n = event.index value = xgetattr(user_object, xuser_name) value[n : n + len(event.removed)] = event.added self.on_trait_change(editor_list_modified, editor_name + "_items") self._user_from.append( (editor_name + "_items", editor_list_modified) ) def __set_value(self, value): """Set the value of the trait the editor is editing. This calls the appropriate setattr method on the handler to perform the actual change. """ with self.updating_value(): try: handler = self.ui.handler obj_name = self.object_name name = method = ( getattr(handler, "%s_%s_setattr" % (obj_name, name), None) or getattr(handler, "%s_setattr" % name, None) or getattr(handler, "setattr") ) method(, self.object, name, value) except TraitError as excp: self.error(excp) raise # -- Traits property getters and setters -------------------------------- @cached_property def _get_context_object(self): """Returns the context object the editor is using In some cases a proxy object is edited rather than an object directly in the context, in which case we return ``self.object``. """ object_name = self.object_name context_key = object_name.split(".", 1)[0] if (object_name != "") and (context_key in self.ui.context): return self.ui.context[context_key] # This handles the case of a 'ListItemProxy', which is not in the # ui.context, but is the editor 'object': return self.object @cached_property def _get_extended_name(self): """Returns the extended trait name being edited.""" return ("%s.%s" % (self.object_name,".", 1)[1] def _get_value_trait(self): """Returns the trait the editor is editing (Property implementation).""" return self.object.trait( def _get_value(self): """Returns the value of the trait the editor is editing.""" return getattr(self.object,, Undefined) def _set_value(self, value): """Set the value of the trait the editor is editing. Dispatches via the TraitsUI Undo/Redo mechanisms to make change reversible, if desired. """ if self.ui and != "None": self.ui.do_undoable(self.__set_value, value) def _get_str_value(self): """Returns the text representation of the object trait.""" return self.string_value(getattr(self.object,, Undefined))