Defining Traits: Initialization and Validation

Using the Traits package in a Python program involves the following steps:

  1. Import the names you need from the Traits package traits.api.

  2. Define the traits you want to use.

  1. Define classes derived from HasTraits (or a subclass of HasTraits), with attributes that use the traits you have defined.

In practice, steps 2 and 3 are often combined by defining traits in-line in an attribute definition. This strategy is used in many examples in this guide. However, you can also define traits independently, and reuse the trait definitions across multiple classes and attributes (see Reusing Trait Definitions).

In order to use trait attributes in a class, the class must inherit from the HasTraits class in the Traits package (or from a subclass of HasTraits). The following example defines a class called Person that has a single trait attribute weight, which is initialized to 150.0 and can only take floating point values.

# --- Minimal example of using traits.

from traits.api import HasTraits, Float

class Person(HasTraits):
    weight = Float(150.0)

In this example, the attribute named weight specifies that the class has a corresponding trait called weight. The value associated with the attribute weight (i.e., Float(150.0)) specifies a predefined trait provided with the Traits package, which requires that values assigned be of the standard Python type float. The value 150.0 specifies the default value of the trait.

The value associated with each class-level attribute determines the characteristics of the instance attribute identified by the attribute name. For example:

>>> from minimal import Person
>>> # instantiate the class
>>> joe = Person()
>>> # Show the default value
>>> joe.weight
>>> # Assign new values
>>> joe.weight = 161.9     # OK to assign a float
>>> joe.weight = 162       # OK to assign an int
>>> joe.weight = 'average' # Error to assign a string
Traceback (most recent call last):
traits.trait_errors.TraitError: The 'weight' trait of a Person instance
must be a float, but a value of 'average' <type 'str'> was specified.

In this example, joe is an instance of the Person class defined in the previous example. The joe object has an instance attribute weight, whose initial value is the default value of the Person.weight trait (150.0), and whose assignment is governed by the Person.weight trait’s validation rules. Assigning an integer to weight is acceptable because there is no loss of precision (but assigning a float to an Int trait would cause an error).

The Traits package allows creation of a wide variety of trait types, ranging from very simple to very sophisticated. The following section presents some of the simpler, more commonly used forms.


Unless otherwise stated as safe to do so, avoid naming attributes with the prefix ‘trait’ or ‘_trait’. This avoids overshadowing existing methods on HasTraits.

A note about the Traits package structure

We described above how trait type definitions and the HasTraits class can be imported from the traits.api module. For example:

from traits.api import Float, HasTraits, Int

In fact, the HasTraits class and various trait type classes are defined in other modules nested inside the Traits package structure, but they’re re-imported to traits.api for user convenience. In general, everything you need should be available in either traits.api or one of the other *.api modules inside the package structure (for example, traits.adaptation.api or traits.observation.api). As a matter of best practices, you should import the things you need directly from one of these *.api modules. If you discover that there’s something that you need that’s not available from one of these modules, please discuss with the Traits development team (for example, by opening an issue on the Traits bug tracker).

Predefined Traits

The Traits package includes a large number of predefined traits for commonly used Python data types. In the simplest case, you can assign the trait name to an attribute of a class derived from HasTraits; any instances of the class will have that attribute initialized to the built-in default value for the trait. For example:

account_balance = Float

This statement defines an attribute whose value must be a floating point number, and whose initial value is 0.0 (the built-in default value for Floats).

If you want to use an initial value other than the built-in default, you can pass it as an argument to the trait:

account_balance = Float(10.0)

Most predefined traits are callable [1], and can accept a default value and possibly other arguments; all that are callable can also accept metadata as keyword arguments. (See Other Predefined Traits for information on trait signatures, and see Trait Metadata for information on metadata arguments.)

Predefined Traits for Simple Types

There are two categories of predefined traits corresponding to Python simple types: those that coerce values, and those that cast values. These categories vary in the way that they handle assigned values that do not match the type explicitly defined for the trait. However, they are similar in terms of the Python types they correspond to, and their built-in default values, as listed in the following table.

Predefined defaults for simple types

Coercing Trait

Casting Trait

Python Type

Built-in Default Value







Complex number




Floating point number














Trait Type Coercion

For trait attributes defined using the predefined “coercing” traits, if a value is assigned to a trait attribute that is not of the type defined for the trait, but it can be coerced to the required type, then the coerced value is assigned to the attribute. If the value cannot be coerced to the required type, a TraitError exception is raised. Only widening coercions are allowed, to avoid any possible loss of precision. The following table lists traits that coerce values, and the types that each coerces.

Type coercions permitted for coercing traits


Coercible Types


Floating point number, integer



Trait Type Casting

For trait attributes defined using the predefined “casting” traits, if a value is assigned to a trait attribute that is not of the type defined for the trait, but it can be cast to the required type, then the cast value is assigned to the attribute. If the value cannot be cast to the required type, a TraitError exception is raised. Internally, casting is done using the Python built-in functions for type conversion:

  • bool()

  • complex()

  • float()

  • int()

  • str()

  • bytes()

The following example illustrates the difference between coercing traits and casting traits:

>>> from traits.api import HasTraits, Float, CFloat
>>> class Person(HasTraits):
...    weight  = Float
...    cweight = CFloat
>>> bill = Person()
>>> bill.weight  = 180    # OK, coerced to 180.0
>>> bill.cweight = 180    # OK, cast to float(180)
>>> bill.weight  = '180'  # Error, invalid coercion
Traceback (most recent call last):
traits.trait_errors.TraitError: The 'weight' trait of a Person instance
must be a float, but a value of '180' <type 'str'> was specified.
>>> bill.cweight = '180'  # OK, cast to float('180')
>>> print(bill.cweight)

Other Predefined Traits

The Traits package provides a number of other predefined traits besides those for simple types, corresponding to other commonly used data types; these predefined traits are listed in the following table. Refer to the Traits API Reference, in the section for the module traits.traits, for details. Most can be used either as simple names, which use their built-in default values, or as callables, which can take additional arguments. If the trait cannot be used as a simple name, it is omitted from the Name column of the table.

Predefined traits beyond simple types


Callable Signature


Any([default_value = None, *, factory = None, args = (), kw = {}, **metadata])


Array([dtype = None, shape = None, value = None, **metadata])


ArrayOrNone([dtype = None, shape = None, value = None, **metadata])


Button([label = ‘’, image = None, style = ‘button’, orientation = ‘vertical’, width_padding = 7, height_padding = 5, **metadata])


Callable([value = None, **metadata])


CArray([dtype = None, shape = None, value = None, **metadata])


Code([value = ‘’, minlen = 0, maxlen = sys.maxsize, regex = ‘’, **metadata])


CSet([trait = None, value = None, items = True, **metadata])


Constant(value[, **metadata])


Date(value[, default_value = None, allow_datetime = False, allow_none = False, **metadata])


Datetime(value[, default_value = None, allow_none = False, **metadata])


Dict([key_trait = None, value_trait = None, value = None, items = True, **metadata])


Directory([value = ‘’, auto_set = False, entries = 10, exists = False, **metadata])



Either [2]

Either(val1[, val2, …, valN, **metadata])


Enum(values[, **metadata])


Event([trait = None, **metadata])


Expression([value = ‘0’, **metadata])


File([value = ‘’, filter = None, auto_set = False, entries = 10, exists = False, **metadata])




HTML([value = ‘’, minlen = 0, maxlen = sys.maxsize, regex = ‘’, **metadata])


Instance([klass = None, factory = None, args = None, kw = None, allow_none = True, adapt = None, module = None, **metadata])


List([trait = None, value = None, minlen = 0, maxlen = sys.maxsize, items = True, **metadata])


Map(map[, **metadata])




Password([value = ‘’, minlen = 0, maxlen = sys.maxsize, regex = ‘’, **metadata])


PrefixList(values[, **metadata])


PrefixMap(map[, **metadata])


Property([fget = None, fset = None, fvalidate = None, force = False, handler = None, trait = None, **metadata])

See Property Traits, for details.


Python([value = None, **metadata])


PythonValue([value = None, **metadata])


Range([low = None, high = None, value = None, exclude_low = False, exclude_high = False, *metadata])


ReadOnly([value = Undefined, **metadata])


Regex([value = ‘’, regex = ‘.*’, **metadata])




Set([trait = None, value = None, items = True, **metadata])


String([value = ‘’, minlen = 0, maxlen = sys.maxsize, regex = ‘’, **metadata])


Subclass([value = None, klass = None, allow_none = True, **metadata])




Time(value[, default_value = None, allow_none = False, **metadata])


ToolbarButton([label = ‘’, image = None, style = ‘toolbar’, orientation = ‘vertical’, width_padding = 2, height_padding = 2, **metadata])


Tuple([*traits, **metadata])


Type([value = None, klass = None, allow_none = True, **metadata])


Union(val1[, val2, …, valN, **metadata])




ValidatedTuple([*traits, fvalidate = None, fvalidate_info = ‘’ , **metadata])


WeakRef([klass = ‘traits.HasTraits’, allow_none = False, adapt = ‘yes’, **metadata])


One of the most fundamental and useful predefined trait types is Instance. Instance trait values are an instance of a particular class or its subclasses, as specified by the klass argument. klass can be either an instance of a class or a class itself (note this applies to all python classes, not necessarily just HasTraits subclasses). However, one should typically provide the type or interface they want an instance of, instead of providing an instance of a class.

If klass is an instance or if it is a class and args and kw are not specified, the default value is None. Otherwise, the default value is obtained by calling the callable factory argument (or klass if factory is None) with args and kw. Further, there is the allow_none argument which dictates whether the trait can take on a value of None. However, this does not include the default value for the trait. For example:

# --- Example of Instance trait default values
from traits.api import HasTraits, Instance

class Parent(HasTraits):

class Child(HasTraits):
    # default value is None
    father = Instance(Parent)
    # default value is still None, but None can not be assigned
    grandfather = Instance(Parent, allow_none=False)
    # default value is Parent()
    mother = Instance(Parent, args=())

In the last case, the default Parent instance is not immediately created, but rather is lazily instantiated when the trait is first accessed. The default Parent will also be instantiated if the trait is assigned to and there is a change handler defined on the trait (to detect changes from the default value). For more details on change handlers and trait notification see Trait Notification.

Somewhat surprisingly, mother = Instance(Parent, ()) will also yield a default value of Parent(), even though in that case it is factory that is () not args. This is a result of implementation details, however the recommended way of writing this code is to explicitly pass args by keyword like so mother = Instance(Parent, args=()). Another common mistake is passing in another trait type to Instance. For example, some_trait = Instance(Int). This will likely lead to unexpected behavior and potential errors. Instead simply do some_trait = Int().

This and self

A couple of predefined traits that merit special explanation are This and self. They are intended for attributes whose values must be of the same class (or a subclass) as the enclosing class. The default value of This is None; the default value of self is the object containing the attribute.

The following is an example of using This:

# --- Example of This predefined trait

from traits.api import HasTraits, This

class Employee(HasTraits):
    manager = This

This example defines an Employee class, which has a manager trait attribute, which accepts only other Employee instances as its value. It might be more intuitive to write the following:

# --- Non-working example with self- referencing
#                     class definition
from traits.api import HasTraits, Instance
class Employee(HasTraits):
    manager = Instance(Employee)

However, the Employee class is not fully defined at the time that the manager attribute is defined. Handling this common design pattern is the main reason for providing the This trait.

Note that if a trait attribute is defined using This on one class and is referenced on an instance of a subclass, the This trait verifies values based on the class on which it was defined. For example:

>>> from traits.api import HasTraits, This
>>> class Employee(HasTraits):
...    manager = This
>>> class Executive(Employee):
...  pass
>>> fred = Employee()
>>> mary = Executive()
>>> # The following is OK, because fred's manager can be an
>>> # instance of Employee or any subclass.
>>> fred.manager = mary
>>> # This is also OK, because mary's manager can be an Employee
>>> mary.manager = fred


The map trait ensures that the value assigned to a trait attribute is a key of a specified dictionary, and also assigns the dictionary value corresponding to that key to a shadow attribute.

The following is an example of using Map:

# --- Example of Map predefined trait

from traits.api import HasTraits, Map

class Person(HasTraits):
    married = Map({'yes': 1, 'no': 0}, default_value="yes")

This example defines a Person class which has a married trait attribute which accepts values “yes” and “no”. The default value is set to “yes”. The name of the shadow attribute is the name of the Map attribute followed by an underscore, i.e married_ Instantiating the class produces the following:

>>> from traits.api import HasTraits, Map
>>> bob = Person()
>>> print(bob.married)
>>> print(bob.married_)


Like Map, PrefixMap is created using a dictionary, but in this case, the keys of the dictionary must be strings. Like PrefixList, a string v is a valid value for the trait attribute if it is a prefix of one and only one key k in the dictionary. The actual values assigned to the trait attribute is k, and its corresponding mapped attribute is map[k].

The following is an example of using PrefixMap:

# --- Example of PrefixMap predefined trait

from traits.api import HasTraits, PrefixMap

class Person(HasTraits):
    married = PrefixMap({'yes': 1, 'no': 0}, default_value="yes")

This example defines a Person class which has a married trait attribute which accepts values “yes” and “no” or any unique prefix. The default value is set to “yes”. The name of the shadow attribute is the name of the PrefixMap attribute followed by an underscore, i.e married_ Instantiating the class produces the following:

>>> bob = Person()
>>> print(bob.married)
>>> print(bob.married_)
>>> bob.married = "n" # Setting a prefix
>>> print(bob.married)
>>> print(bob.married_)


Ensures that a value assigned to the attribute is a member of a list of specified string values, or is a unique prefix of one of those values. The values that can be assigned to a trait attribute of type PrefixList is the set of all strings supplied to the PrefixList constructor, as well as any unique prefix of those strings. The actual value assigned to the trait is limited to the set of complete strings assigned to the PrefixList constructor.

The following is an example of using PrefixList:

# --- Example of PrefixList predefined trait

from traits.api import HasTraits, PrefixList

class Person(HasTraits):
    married = PrefixList(["yes", "no"])

This example defines a Person class which has a married trait attribute which accepts values “yes” and “no” or any unique prefix. Instantiating the class produces the following:

>>> bob = Person()
>>> print(bob.married)
>>> bob.married = "n" # Setting a prefix
>>> print(bob.married)


The Union trait accepts a value that is considered valid by at least one of the traits in its definition. It is a simpler and therefore less error-prone alternative to the Either trait, which allows more complex constructs and may sometimes exhibit mysterious validation behaviour. The Union trait however, validates the value assigned to it against each of the traits in its definition in the order they are defined. Union only accepts trait types or trait type instances or None in its definition. Prefer to use Union over Either to remain future proof.

The following is an example of using Union:

# --- Example of Union predefined trait

from traits.api import HasTraits, Union, Int, Float, Instance

class Salary(HasTraits):
    basic = Float
    bonus = Float

class Employee(HasTraits):
    manager_name = Union(Str, None)
    pay = Union(Instance(Salary), Float)

This example defines an Employee class, which has a manager_name trait attribute, which accepts either an Str instance or None as its value, a salary trait that accepts an instance of Salary or Float and will raise a TraitError if a value of any other type is assigned. For example:

>>> from traits.api import HasTraits, Str, Union
>>> class Employee(HasTraits):
...     manager_name = Union(Str, None)
>>> steven = Employee(manager_name="Jenni")
>>> # Here steven's manager is named "Jenni"
>>> # Assigning a value that is neither a string nor None will fail.
>>> steven.manager_name = 5
traits.trait_errors.TraitError: The 'manager_name' trait of an Employee instance must be a string or a None type, but a value of 5 <class 'int'> was specified.

The following example illustrates the difference between Either and Union:

>>> from traits.api import Either, HasTraits, Str, Union
>>> class IntegerClass(HasTraits):
...     primes = Either([2], None, {'3':6}, 5, 7, 11)
>>> i = IntegerClass(primes=2) # Acceptable value, no error
>>> i = IntegerClass(primes=4)
traits.trait_errors.TraitError: The 'primes' trait of an IntegerClass instance must be 2 or None or 5 or 7 or 11 or '3', but a value of 4 <class 'int'> was specified.
>>> # But Union does not allow such declarations.
>>> class IntegerClass(HasTraits):
...     primes = Union([2], None, {'3':6}, 5, 7, 11)
ValueError: Union trait declaration expects a trait type or an instance of trait type or None, but got [2] instead



The Either trait type may eventually be deprecated, and should not be used in new code. Use the more well-behaved Union trait type instead.

Another predefined trait that merits special explanation is Either. The Either trait is intended for attributes that may take a value of more than a single trait type, including None. The default value of Either is None, even if None is not one of the types the user explicitly defines in the constructor, but a different default value can be provided using the default argument.

The following is an example of using Either:

# --- Example of Either predefined trait

from traits.api import HasTraits, Either, Str

class Employee(HasTraits):
    manager_name = Either(Str, None)

This example defines an Employee class, which has a manager_name trait attribute, which accepts either an Str instance or None as its value, and will raise a TraitError if a value of any other type is assigned. For example:

>>> from traits.api import HasTraits, Either, Str
>>> class Employee(HasTraits):
...     manager_name = Either(Str, None)
>>> steven = Employee(manager_name="Jenni")
>>> # Here steven's manager is named "Jenni"
>>> steven.manager_name
>>> eric = Employee(manager_name=None)
>>> # Eric is the boss, so he has no manager.
>>> eric.manager_name is None
>>> # Assigning a value that is neither a string nor None will fail.
>>> steven.manager_name = 5
traits.trait_errors.TraitError: The 'manager_name' trait of an Employee instance must be a string or None, but a value of 5 <type 'int'> was specified.

Migration from Either to Union

  • Static default values are defined on Union via the default_value attribute, whereas Either uses the default attribute. The naming of default_value is consistent with other trait types. For example:

    Either(None, Str(), default="unknown")

    would be changed to:

    Union(None, Str(), default_value="unknown")
  • If a default value is not defined, Union uses the default value from the first trait in its definition, whereas Either uses None.

    For example:

    Either(Int(), Float())

    has a default value of None. However None is not one of the allowed values. If the trait is later set to None from a non-None value, a validation error will occur.

    If the trait definition is changed to:

    Union(Int(), Float())

    Then the default value will be 0, which is the default value of the first trait.

    To keep None as the default, use None as the first item:

    Union(None, Int(), Float())

    With this, None also becomes one of the allowed values.

List of Possible Values

You can define a trait whose possible values include disparate types. To do this, use the predefined Enum trait, and pass it a list of all possible values. The values must all be of simple Python data types, such as strings, integers, and floats, but they do not have to be all of the same type. This list of values can be a typical parameter list, an explicit (bracketed) list, or a variable whose type is list. The first item in the list is used as the default value.

A trait defined in this fashion can accept only values that are contained in the list of permitted values. The default value is the first value specified; it is also a valid value for assignment.

>>> from traits.api import Enum, HasTraits, Str
>>> class InventoryItem(HasTraits):
...    name  = Str # String value, default is ''
...    stock = Enum(None, 0, 1, 2, 3, 'many')
...            # Enumerated list, default value is
...            #'None'
>>> hats = InventoryItem()
>>> = 'Stetson'

>>> print('%s: %s' % (, hats.stock))
Stetson: None

>>> hats.stock = 2      # OK
>>> hats.stock = 'many' # OK
>>> hats.stock = 4      # Error, value is not in \
>>>                     # permitted list
Traceback (most recent call last):
traits.trait_errors.TraitError: The 'stock' trait of an InventoryItem
instance must be None or 0 or 1 or 2 or 3 or 'many', but a value of 4
<type 'int'> was specified.

This defines an InventoryItem class, with two trait attributes, name, and stock. The name attribute is simply a string. The stock attribute has an initial value of None, and can be assigned the values None, 0, 1, 2, 3, and ‘many’. The example then creates an instance of the InventoryItem class named hats, and assigns values to its attributes.

When the list of possible values can change during the lifetime of the object, one can specify another trait that holds the list of possible values:

>>> from traits.api import Enum, HasTraits, List
>>> class InventoryItem(HasTraits):
...    possible_stock_states = List([None, 0, 1, 2, 3, 'many'])
...    stock = Enum(0, values="possible_stock_states")
...            # Enumerated list, default value is 0. The list of
...            # allowed values is whatever possible_stock_states holds

>>> hats = InventoryItem()
>>> hats.stock
>>> hats.stock = 2      # OK
>>> hats.stock = 4      # TraitError like above
Traceback (most recent call last):
traits.trait_errors.TraitError: The 'stock' trait of an InventoryItem
instance must be None or 0 or 1 or 2 or 3 or 'many', but a value of 4
<type 'int'> was specified.

>>> hats.possible_stock_states.append(4)  # Add 4 to list of allowed values
>>> hats.stock = 4      # OK

Trait Metadata

Trait objects can contain metadata attributes, which fall into three categories:

  • Internal attributes, which you can query but not set.

  • Recognized attributes, which you can set to determine the behavior of the trait.

  • Arbitrary attributes, which you can use for your own purposes.

You can specify values for recognized or arbitrary metadata attributes by passing them as keyword arguments to callable traits. The value of each keyword argument becomes bound to the resulting trait object as the value of an attribute having the same name as the keyword.

Internal Metadata Attributes

The following metadata attributes are used internally by the Traits package, and can be queried:

  • array: Indicates whether the trait is an array.

  • default: Returns the default value for the trait, if known; otherwise it returns Undefined.

  • default_kind: Returns a string describing the type of value returned by the default attribute for the trait. The possible values are:

    • value: The default attribute returns the actual default value.

    • list: A copy of the list default value.

    • dict: A copy of the dictionary default value.

    • self: The default value is the object the trait is bound to; the default attribute returns Undefined.

    • factory: The default value is created by calling a factory; the default attribute returns Undefined.

    • method: The default value is created by calling a method on the object the trait is bound to; the default attribute returns Undefined.

  • delegate: The name of the attribute on this object that references the object that this object delegates to.

  • inner_traits: Returns a tuple containing the “inner” traits for the trait. For most traits, this is empty, but for List and Dict traits, it contains the traits that define the items in the list or the keys and values in the dictionary.

  • parent: The trait from which this one is derived.

  • prefix: A prefix or substitution applied to the delegate attribute. See Deferring Trait Definitions for details.

  • trait_type: Returns the type of the trait, which is typically a handler derived from TraitType.

  • type: One of the following, depending on the nature of the trait:

    • constant

    • delegate

    • event

    • property

    • trait

Recognized Metadata Attributes

The following metadata attributes are not predefined, but are recognized by HasTraits objects:

  • desc: A string describing the intended meaning of the trait. It is used in exception messages and fly-over help in user interface trait editors.

  • editor: Specifies an instance of a subclass of TraitEditor to use when creating a user interface editor for the trait. Refer to the TraitsUI User Manual for more information on trait editors.

  • label: A string providing a human-readable name for the trait. It is used to label trait attribute values in user interface trait editors.

  • comparison_mode: Indicates when trait change notifications should be generated based upon the result of comparing the old and new values of a trait assignment. This should be a member of the ComparisonMode enumeration class.

  • transient: A Boolean indicating that the trait value is not persisted when the object containing it is persisted. The default value for most predefined traits is False (the value will be persisted if its container is). You can set it to True for traits whose values you know you do not want to persist. Do not set it to True on traits where it is set internally to False, as doing so is likely to create unintended consequences. See Persistence for more information.

Other metadata attributes may be recognized by specific predefined traits.

Accessing Metadata Attributes

Here is an example of setting trait metadata using keyword arguments:

# --- Example of trait keywords
from traits.api import HasTraits, Str

class Person(HasTraits):
    first_name = Str('',
                     desc='first or personal name',
                     label='First Name')
    last_name =  Str('',
                     desc='last or family name',
                     label='Last Name')

In this example, in a user interface editor for a Person object, the labels “First Name” and “Last Name” would be used for entry fields corresponding to the first_name and last_name trait attributes. If the user interface editor supports rollover tips, then the first_name field would display “first or personal name” when the user moves the mouse over it; the last_name field would display “last or family name” when moused over.

To get the value of a trait metadata attribute, you can use the trait() method on a HasTraits object to get a reference to a specific trait, and then access the metadata attribute:

# --- Example of accessing trait metadata attributes
from traits.api import HasTraits, Int, List, Float, Str, \
                                 Instance, Any, TraitType

class Foo(HasTraits): pass

class Test(HasTraits):
    i = Int(99)
    lf = List(Float)
    foo = Instance(Foo, ())
    any = Any("123")

t = Test()

print(t.trait('i').default)                        # 99
print(t.trait('i').default_kind)                   # value
print(t.trait('i').inner_traits)                   # ()
print(t.trait('i').is_trait_type(Int))             # True
print(t.trait('i').is_trait_type(Float))           # False

print(t.trait('lf').default)                       # []
print(t.trait('lf').default_kind)                  # list
         # (<traits.traits.CTrait object at 0x01B24138>,)
print(t.trait('lf').is_trait_type(List))           # True
print(t.trait('lf').is_trait_type(TraitType))      # True
print(t.trait('lf').is_trait_type(Float))          # False
print(t.trait('lf').inner_traits[0].is_trait_type(Float)) # True

print(t.trait('foo').default)                      # <undefined>
print(t.trait('foo').default_kind)                 # factory
print(t.trait('foo').inner_traits)                 # ()
print(t.trait('foo').is_trait_type(Instance))      # True
print(t.trait('foo').is_trait_type(List))          # False

print(t.trait('any').default)                      # 123
print(t.trait('any').default_kind)                 # value
print(t.trait('any').inner_traits)                 # ()
print(t.trait('any').is_trait_type(Any))           # True
print(t.trait('any').is_trait_type(Str))           # False
