# (C) Copyright 2005-2022 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX
# All rights reserved.
# This software is provided without warranty under the terms of the BSD
# license included in LICENSE.txt and may be redistributed only under
# the conditions described in the aforementioned license. The license
# is also available online at http://www.enthought.com/licenses/BSD.txt
# Thanks for using Enthought open source!
import functools
from traits.observation._anytrait_filter import anytrait_filter
from traits.observation._dict_item_observer import DictItemObserver
from traits.observation._filtered_trait_observer import FilteredTraitObserver
from traits.observation._list_item_observer import ListItemObserver
from traits.observation._metadata_filter import MetadataFilter
from traits.observation._named_trait_observer import NamedTraitObserver
from traits.observation._observer_graph import ObserverGraph
from traits.observation._set_item_observer import SetItemObserver
#: Maximum number of parsed observer expressions stored in the LRU caches
# ObserverExpression is a public user interface for constructing ObserverGraph.
[docs]class ObserverExpression:
ObserverExpression is an object for describing what traits are being
observed for change notifications. It can be passed directly to
``HasTraits.observe`` method or the ``observe`` decorator.
An ObserverExpression is typically created using one of the top-level
functions provided in this module, e.g. ``trait``.
__slots__ = ()
[docs] def __or__(self, expression):
""" Create a new expression that matches this expression OR
the given expression.
e.g. ``trait("age") | trait("number")`` will match either trait
**age** or trait **number** on an object.
expression : ObserverExpression
new_expression : ObserverExpression
return ParallelObserverExpression(self, expression)
[docs] def then(self, expression):
""" Create a new expression by extending this expression with
the given expression.
e.g. ``trait("child").then( trait("age") | trait("number") )``
on an object matches ``child.age`` or ``child.number`` on the object.
expression : ObserverExpression
new_expression : ObserverExpression
return SeriesObserverExpression(self, expression)
[docs] def match(self, filter, notify=True):
""" Create a new expression for observing traits using the
given filter.
Events emitted (if any) will be instances of
filter : callable(str, CTrait) -> bool
A callable that receives the name of a trait and the corresponding
trait definition. The returned bool indicates whether the trait
is observed. In order to remove an existing observer with the
equivalent filter, the filter callables must compare equally. The
callable must also be hashable.
notify : bool, optional
Whether to notify for changes. Default is to notify.
new_expression : ObserverExpression
return self.then(match(filter=filter, notify=notify))
[docs] def anytrait(self, notify=True):
""" Create a new expression for observing all traits.
Events emitted (if any) will be instances of
notify : bool, optional
Whether to notify for changes. Default is to notify.
new_expression : ObserverExpression
return self.match(filter=anytrait_filter, notify=notify)
[docs] def dict_items(self, notify=True, optional=False):
""" Create a new expression for observing items inside a dict.
Events emitted (if any) will be instances of
If an expression with ``dict_items`` is further extended, the
**values** of the dict will be given to the next item in the
expression. For example, the following observes a trait named "number"
on any object that is one of the values in the dict named "mapping"::
notify : bool, optional
Whether to notify for changes. Default is to notify.
optional : bool, optional
Whether to ignore this if the upstream object is not a dict.
Default is false and an error will be raised if the object is not
a dict.
new_expression : ObserverExpression
return self.then(dict_items(notify=notify, optional=optional))
[docs] def list_items(self, notify=True, optional=False):
""" Create a new expression for observing items inside a list.
Events emitted (if any) will be instances of
e.g. ``trait("containers").list_items()`` for observing mutations
to a list named ``containers``.
e.g. ``trait("containers").list_items().trait("value")`` for observing
the trait ``value`` on any items in the list ``containers``.
notify : bool, optional
Whether to notify for changes. Default is to notify.
optional : bool, optional
Whether to ignore this if the upstream object is not a list.
Default is false and an error will be raised if the object is not
a list.
new_expression : ObserverExpression
return self.then(list_items(notify=notify, optional=optional))
[docs] def set_items(self, notify=True, optional=False):
""" Create a new expression for observing items inside a set.
Events emitted (if any) will be instances of
notify : bool, optional
Whether to notify for changes. Default is to notify.
optional : bool, optional
Whether to ignore this if the upstream object is not a set.
Default is false and an error will be raised if the object is not
a set.
new_expression : ObserverExpression
return self.then(set_items(notify=notify, optional=optional))
[docs] def trait(self, name, notify=True, optional=False):
""" Create a new expression for observing a trait with the exact
name given.
Events emitted (if any) will be instances of
name : str
Name of the trait to match.
notify : bool, optional
Whether to notify for changes. Default is to notify.
optional : bool, optional
If true, skip this observer if the requested trait is not found.
Default is false, and an error will be raised if the requested
trait is not found.
new_expression : ObserverExpression
return self.then(trait(name=name, notify=notify, optional=optional))
def _as_graphs(self):
""" Return all the ObserverGraph for the observer framework to attach
This is considered private to the users and to modules outside of the
``observation`` subpackage, but public to modules within the
``observation`` subpackage.
graphs : list of ObserverGraph
return self._create_graphs(branches=[])
def _create_graphs(self, branches):
""" Return a list of ObserverGraph with the given branches.
branches : list of ObserverGraph
Graphs to be used as branches.
graphs : list of ObserverGraph
raise NotImplementedError("'_create_graphs' must be implemented.")
[docs]class SingleObserverExpression(ObserverExpression):
""" Container of ObserverExpression for wrapping a single observer.
__slots__ = ("_observer",)
def __init__(self, observer):
self._observer = observer
def __hash__(self):
return hash((type(self).__name__, self._observer))
[docs] def __eq__(self, other):
return (
type(self) is type(other)
and self._observer == other._observer
def _create_graphs(self, branches):
return [
ObserverGraph(node=self._observer, children=branches),
[docs]class SeriesObserverExpression(ObserverExpression):
""" Container of ObserverExpression for joining expressions in series.
first : ObserverExpression
Left expression to be joined in series.
second : ObserverExpression
Right expression to be joined in series.
__slots__ = ("_first", "_second")
def __init__(self, first, second):
self._first = first
self._second = second
def __hash__(self):
return hash((type(self).__name__, self._first, self._second))
[docs] def __eq__(self, other):
return (
type(self) is type(other)
and self._first == other._first
and self._second == other._second
def _create_graphs(self, branches):
branches = self._second._create_graphs(branches=branches)
return self._first._create_graphs(branches=branches)
[docs]class ParallelObserverExpression(ObserverExpression):
""" Container of ObserverExpression for joining expressions in parallel.
left : ObserverExpression
Left expression to be joined in parallel.
right : ObserverExpression
Right expression to be joined in parallel.
__slots__ = ("_left", "_right")
def __init__(self, left, right):
self._left = left
self._right = right
def __hash__(self):
return hash((type(self).__name__, self._left, self._right))
[docs] def __eq__(self, other):
return (
type(self) is type(other)
and self._left == other._left
and self._right == other._right
def _create_graphs(self, branches):
left_graphs = self._left._create_graphs(branches=branches)
right_graphs = self._right._create_graphs(branches=branches)
return left_graphs + right_graphs
[docs]def join(*expressions):
""" Convenient function for joining many expressions in series
using ``ObserverExpression.then``
*expressions : iterable of ObserverExpression
new_expression : ObserverExpression
Joined expression.
return functools.reduce(lambda e1, e2: e1.then(e2), expressions)
[docs]def dict_items(notify=True, optional=False):
""" Create a new expression for observing items inside a dict.
Events emitted (if any) will be instances of
If an expression with ``dict_items`` is further extended, the
**values** of the dict will be given to the next item in the expression.
For example, the following observes a trait named "number" on any object
that is one of the values in the dict named "mapping"::
notify : bool, optional
Whether to notify for changes. Default is to notify.
optional : bool, optional
Whether to ignore this if the upstream object is not a dict.
Default is false and an error will be raised if the object is not
a dict.
new_expression : ObserverExpression
observer = DictItemObserver(notify=notify, optional=optional)
return SingleObserverExpression(observer)
[docs]def list_items(notify=True, optional=False):
""" Create a new expression for observing items inside a list.
Events emitted (if any) will be instances of
e.g. ``trait("containers").list_items()`` for observing mutations
to a list named ``containers``.
e.g. ``trait("containers").list_items().trait("value")`` for observing
the trait ``value`` on any items in the list ``containers``.
notify : bool, optional
Whether to notify for changes. Default is to notify.
optional : bool, optional
Whether to ignore this if the upstream object is not a list.
Default is false and an error will be raised if the object is not
a list.
new_expression : ObserverExpression
observer = ListItemObserver(notify=notify, optional=optional)
return SingleObserverExpression(observer)
[docs]def match(filter, notify=True):
""" Create a new expression for observing traits using the
given filter.
Events emitted (if any) will be instances of
filter : callable(str, CTrait) -> bool
A callable that receives the name of a trait and the corresponding
trait definition. The returned bool indicates whether the trait is
observed. In order to remove an existing observer with the equivalent
filter, the filter callables must compare equally. The callable must
also be hashable.
notify : bool, optional
Whether to notify for changes.
new_expression : ObserverExpression
observer = FilteredTraitObserver(notify=notify, filter=filter)
return SingleObserverExpression(observer)
[docs]def anytrait(notify=True):
""" Create a new expression for observing all traits on an object.
Events emitted (if any) will be instances of
notify : bool, optional
Whether to notify for changes.
observer = FilteredTraitObserver(notify=notify, filter=anytrait_filter)
return SingleObserverExpression(observer)
[docs]def set_items(notify=True, optional=False):
""" Create a new expression for observing items inside a set.
Events emitted (if any) will be instances of
notify : bool, optional
Whether to notify for changes. Default is to notify.
optional : bool, optional
Whether to ignore this if the upstream object is not a set.
Default is false and an error will be raised if the object is not
a set.
new_expression : ObserverExpression
observer = SetItemObserver(notify=notify, optional=optional)
return SingleObserverExpression(observer)
[docs]def trait(name, notify=True, optional=False):
""" Create a new expression for observing a trait with the exact
name given.
Events emitted (if any) will be instances of
name : str
Name of the trait to match.
notify : bool, optional
Whether to notify for changes. Default is to notify.
optional : bool, optional
If true, skip this observer if the requested trait is not found.
Default is false, and an error will be raised if the requested
trait is not found.
new_expression : ObserverExpression
observer = NamedTraitObserver(
name=name, notify=notify, optional=optional)
return SingleObserverExpression(observer)
def compile_expr(expr):
""" Compile an ObserverExpression to a list of ObserverGraphs.
expr : ObserverExpression
list of ObserverGraph
return expr._as_graphs()