# (C) Copyright 2005-2025 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX
# All rights reserved.
# This software is provided without warranty under the terms of the BSD
# license included in LICENSE.txt and may be redistributed only under
# the conditions described in the aforementioned license. The license
# is also available online at http://www.enthought.com/licenses/BSD.txt
# Thanks for using Enthought open source!
""" Manages all registered adaptations. """
from heapq import heappop, heappush
import inspect
import itertools
import functools
from traits.adaptation.adaptation_error import AdaptationError
from traits.has_traits import HasTraits
from traits.trait_types import Dict, List, Str
def no_adapter_necessary(adaptee):
""" An adapter factory used to register that a protocol provides another.
See 'register_provides' for details.
return adaptee
class AdaptationManager(HasTraits):
""" Manages all registered adaptations. """
#### 'AdaptationManager' class protocol ###################################
def mro_distance_to_protocol(from_type, to_protocol):
""" Return the distance in the MRO from 'from_type' to 'to_protocol'.
If `from_type` provides `to_protocol`, returns the distance between
`from_type` and the super-most class in the MRO hierarchy providing
`to_protocol` (that's where the protocol was provided in the first
If `from_type` does not provide `to_protocol`, return None.
if not AdaptationManager.provides_protocol(from_type, to_protocol):
return None
# We walk up the MRO hierarchy until the point where the `to_protocol`
# is *no longer* provided. When we reach that point we know that the
# previous class in the MRO is the one that provided the protocol in
# the first place (e.g., the first super-class implementing an
# interface).
supertypes = inspect.getmro(from_type)[1:]
distance = 0
for t in supertypes:
if AdaptationManager.provides_protocol(t, to_protocol):
distance += 1
# We have reached the point in the MRO where the protocol is no
# longer provided.
return distance
def provides_protocol(type_, protocol):
""" Does the given type provide (i.e implement) a given protocol?
Python 'type'.
Either a regular Python class or a traits Interface.
result : bool
True if the object provides the protocol, otherwise False.
return issubclass(type_, protocol)
#### 'AdaptationManager' protocol #########################################
def adapt(self, adaptee, to_protocol, default=AdaptationError):
""" Attempt to adapt an object to a given protocol.
If *adaptee* already provides (i.e. implements) the given protocol
then it is simply returned unchanged.
Otherwise, we try to build a chain of adapters that adapt *adaptee* to
*to_protocol*. If no such adaptation is possible then either an
AdaptationError is raised, or *default* is returned.
adaptee : object
The object that we want to adapt.
to_protocol : type or interface
The protocol that the want to adapt *adaptee* to.
default : object, optional
Object to return if no adaptation is possible. If no default is
provided, and adaptation fails, an ``AdaptationError`` is raised.
adapted_object : to_protocol
The original adaptee adapted to the target protocol.
If adaptation is not possible, and no default is given.
# If the object already provides the given protocol then it is
# simply returned.
if self.provides_protocol(type(adaptee), to_protocol):
result = adaptee
# Otherwise, try adapting the object.
result = self._adapt(adaptee, to_protocol)
if result is None:
if default is AdaptationError:
raise AdaptationError(
"Could not adapt %r to %r" % (adaptee, to_protocol)
result = default
return result
def register_offer(self, offer):
""" Register an offer to adapt from one protocol to another. """
offers = self._adaptation_offers.setdefault(
offer.from_protocol_name, []
def register_factory(self, factory, from_protocol, to_protocol):
""" Register an adapter factory.
This is a simply a convenience method that creates and registers an
'AdaptationOffer' from the given arguments.
from traits.adaptation.adaptation_offer import AdaptationOffer
def register_provides(self, provider_protocol, protocol):
""" Register that a protocol provides another. """
no_adapter_necessary, provider_protocol, protocol
def supports_protocol(self, obj, protocol):
""" Does the object support a given protocol?
An object "supports" a protocol if either it "provides" it directly,
or it can be adapted to it.
return self.adapt(obj, protocol, None) is not None
#### Private protocol #####################################################
#: All registered adaptation offers.
#: Keys are the type name of the offer's from_protocol; values are a
#: list of adaptation offers.
_adaptation_offers = Dict(Str, List)
def _adapt(self, adaptee, to_protocol):
""" Returns an adapter that adapts an object to the target class.
Returns None if no such adapter exists.
# The algorithm for finding a sequence of adapters adapting 'adaptee'
# to 'to_protocol' is based on a weighted graph.
# Nodes on the graphs are protocols (types or interfaces).
# Edges are adaptation offers that connect a offer.from_protocol to a
# offer.to_protocol.
# Edges connect protocol A to protocol B and are weighted by two
# numbers in this priority:
# 1) a unit weight (1) representing the fact that we use 1 adaptation
# offer to go from A to B
# 2) the number of steps up the type hierarchy that we need to take
# to go from A to offer.from_protocol, so that more specific
# adapters are always preferred
# The algorithm finds the shortest weighted path between 'adaptee'
# and 'to_protocol'. Once a candidate path is found, it tries to
# create the adapters using the factories in the adaptation offers
# that compose the path. If this fails because of conditional
# adaptation (i.e., an adapter factory returns None), the path
# is discarded and the algorithm looks for the next shortest path.
# Cycles in adaptation are avoided by only considering path were
# every adaptation offer is used at most once.
# The implementation of the algorithm is based on a priority queue,
# 'offer_queue'.
# Each value in the queue has got two parts,
# one is the adaptation path, i.e., the sequence of adaptation offers
# followed so far; the second value is the protocol of the last
# visited node.
# The priority in the queue is the sum of all the weights for the
# edges traversed in the path.
# Unique sequence counter to make the priority list stable
# w.r.t the sequence of insertion.
counter = itertools.count()
# The priority queue containing entries of the form
# (cumulative weight, path, current protocol) describing an
# adaptation path starting at `adaptee`, following a sequence
# of adaptation offers, `path`, and having weight `cumulative_weight`.
# 'cumulative weight' is a tuple of the form
# (number of traversed adapters,
# number of steps up protocol hierarchies,
# counter)
# The counter is an increasing number, and is used to make the
# priority queue stable w.r.t insertion time
# (see http://bit.ly/13VxILn).
offer_queue = [((0, 0, next(counter)), [], type(adaptee))]
while len(offer_queue) > 0:
# Get the most specific candidate path for adaptation.
weight, path, current_protocol = heappop(offer_queue)
edges = self._get_applicable_offers(current_protocol, path)
# Sort by weight first, then by from_protocol type.
# At this point, the first edges are the shortest ones. Within
# edges with the same distance, interfaces which are subclasses
# of other interfaces in that group come first. The rest of
# the order is unspecified.
for mro_distance, offer in edges:
new_path = path + [offer]
# Check if we arrived at the target protocol.
if self.provides_protocol(offer.to_protocol, to_protocol):
# Walk path and create adapters
adapter = adaptee
for offer in new_path:
adapter = offer.factory(adapter)
if adapter is None:
# This adaptation attempt failed (e.g. because of
# conditional adaptation).
# Discard this path and continue.
# We're done!
return adapter
# Push the new path on the priority queue.
adapter_weight, mro_weight, _ = weight
new_weight = (
adapter_weight + 1,
mro_weight + mro_distance,
offer_queue, (new_weight, new_path, offer.to_protocol)
return None
def _get_applicable_offers(self, current_protocol, path):
""" Find all adaptation offers that can be applied to a protocol.
Return all the applicable offers together with the number of steps
up the MRO hierarchy that need to be taken from the protocol
to the offer's from_protocol.
The returned object is a list of tuples (mro_distance, offer) .
In terms of our graph algorithm, we're looking for all outgoing edges
from the current node.
edges = []
for from_protocol_name, offers in self._adaptation_offers.items():
from_protocol = offers[0].from_protocol
mro_distance = self.mro_distance_to_protocol(
current_protocol, from_protocol
if mro_distance is not None:
for offer in offers:
# Avoid cycles by checking that we did not consider this
# offer in this path.
if offer not in path:
edges.append((mro_distance, offer))
return edges
def _by_weight_then_from_protocol_specificity(edge_1, edge_2):
""" Comparison function for graph edges.
Each edge is of the form (mro distance, adaptation offer).
Comparison is done by mro distance first, and by offer's from_protocol
issubclass next.
If two edges have the same mro distance, and the from_protocols of the
two edges are not subclasses of one another, they are considered "equal".
# edge_1 and edge_2 are edges, of the form (mro_distance, offer)
mro_distance_1, offer_1 = edge_1
mro_distance_2, offer_2 = edge_2
# First, compare the MRO distance.
if mro_distance_1 < mro_distance_2:
return -1
elif mro_distance_1 > mro_distance_2:
return 1
# The distance is equal, prefer more specific 'from_protocol's
if offer_1.from_protocol is offer_2.from_protocol:
return 0
if issubclass(offer_1.from_protocol, offer_2.from_protocol):
return -1
elif issubclass(offer_2.from_protocol, offer_1.from_protocol):
return 1
return 0
#: The default global adaptation manager.
#: If you must use a global adaptation manager, use the functions
#: :class:`get_global_adaptation_manager`,
#: :class:`reset_global_adaptation_manager`,
#: :class:`set_global_adaptation_manager`.
adaptation_manager = AdaptationManager()
def set_global_adaptation_manager(new_adaptation_manager):
""" Set the global adaptation manager to the given instance. """
global adaptation_manager
adaptation_manager = new_adaptation_manager
def reset_global_adaptation_manager():
""" Set the global adaptation manager to a new AdaptationManager instance.
global adaptation_manager
adaptation_manager = AdaptationManager()
def get_global_adaptation_manager():
""" Set a reference to the global adaptation manager. """
global adaptation_manager
return adaptation_manager
# Convenience references to methods on the default adaptation manager.
# If you add a public method to the adaptation manager protocol then don't
# forget to add a convenience function here!
def adapt(adaptee, to_protocol, default=AdaptationError):
""" Attempt to adapt an object to a given protocol. """
manager = get_global_adaptation_manager()
return manager.adapt(adaptee, to_protocol, default)
def register_factory(factory, from_protocol, to_protocol):
""" Register an adapter factory. """
manager = get_global_adaptation_manager()
return manager.register_factory(factory, from_protocol, to_protocol)
def register_offer(offer):
""" Register an offer to adapt from one protocol to another. """
manager = get_global_adaptation_manager()
return manager.register_offer(offer)
def register_provides(provider_protocol, protocol):
""" Register that a protocol provides another. """
manager = get_global_adaptation_manager()
return manager.register_provides(provider_protocol, protocol)
def supports_protocol(obj, protocol):
""" Does the object support a given protocol? """
manager = get_global_adaptation_manager()
return manager.supports_protocol(obj, protocol)
def provides_protocol(type_, protocol):
""" Does the given type provide (i.e implement) a given protocol? """
return AdaptationManager.provides_protocol(type_, protocol)