.. (C) Copyright 2018-2024 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX All rights reserved. This software is provided without warranty under the terms of the BSD license included in LICENSE.txt and may be redistributed only under the conditions described in the aforementioned license. The license is also available online at http://www.enthought.com/licenses/BSD.txt Thanks for using Enthought open source! Traits Futures: reactive background processing for Traits and TraitsUI ====================================================================== Release v\ |release|. The |traits_futures| package provides a means to fire off a background calculation from a `TraitsUI`_ application, and later respond to the result(s) of that calculation, leaving the main UI responsive for user interactions while the background calculation is in progress. Features -------- - Supports simple calls, iterations, and progress-reporting functions. Can easily be extended to support other messaging patterns. - Dispatching a background task returns a "future" object, which provides: - information about state changes (e.g., background task completion) - facilities to (cooperatively) cancel a long-running background task - access to result(s) arriving from the background task - Future objects are |HasTraits| instances, suitable for integration into a TraitsUI application. - No need to be a threading expert! Incoming results arrive as trait changes in the main thread. This eliminates a large class of potential issues with traditional thread-based solutions (race conditions, deadlocks, and UI updates off the main thread). - Cross-platform. Limitations ----------- - By design, and unlike :mod:`concurrent.futures`, |traits_futures| requires the UI event loop to be running in order to process results. - Requires Python 3.8 or later. Quick start ----------- Here's a :download:`complete example ` showing a minimal TraitsUI application that fires off a background computation when its "Calculate" button is pressed, and shows the result when it arrives. .. literalinclude:: guide/examples/quick_start.py :start-after: Thanks for using Enthought :lines: 2- User Guide ========== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 4 guide/overview.rst guide/intro.rst guide/threading.rst guide/cancel.rst guide/contexts.rst guide/toolkits.rst guide/testing.rst guide/advanced.rst guide/examples.rst API Documentation ================= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 4 api/traits_futures.rst Changelog ========= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 4 changes.rst Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search` .. external links .. _TraitsUI: https://docs.enthought.com/traitsui .. substitutions .. |traits_futures| replace:: :mod:`traits_futures` .. |HasTraits| replace:: :class:`~traits.has_traits.HasTraits`