.. (C) Copyright 2018-2021 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX All rights reserved. This software is provided without warranty under the terms of the BSD license included in LICENSE.txt and may be redistributed only under the conditions described in the aforementioned license. The license is also available online at http://www.enthought.com/licenses/BSD.txt Thanks for using Enthought open source! Release 0.3.1 ------------- Release date: 2021-07-30 This is a bugfix release that fixes a regression introduced in version 0.3.0. Fixes ~~~~~ * Fix regression where |BaseFuture| subclasses could not be instantiated without any arguments. (#467) Release 0.3.0 ------------- Release date: 2021-07-29 Summary ~~~~~~~ This is a feature release of Traits Futures, with a some minor backwards incompatible changes that users should be aware of. New features include multiprocessing support, wxPython support, support for delivering events using an |asyncio| event loop in place of a GUI toolkit event loop, and better support for synchronous executor shutdown. Migration guide ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The majority of existing code using Traits Futures 0.2.0 should continue to work with Traits Futures 0.3.0 with no changes. However, there are some minor changes that could affect current code, and some major backwards-incompatible changes for anyone making use of the |ITaskSpecification| interface to create their own background task types. For the |ITaskSpecification| changes, see the detailed PR-by-PR change list below. * The |cancel| method on a future no longer raise a |RuntimeError| exception when a future is not cancellable; instead, it silently does nothing. Code that needs to distinguish can use the new return value of the |cancel| method to determine whether the |cancel| call actually caused cancellation to occur. Code that currently checks the |cancellable| property before cancelling should be able to safely drop that check. * The |executor_state| trait of a |TraitsExecutor| is no longer writable. * The ``executor`` and ``callable`` parameters to the |submit_call|, |submit_iteration| and |submit_progress| functions may become positional-only in a future version of Traits Futures. If you're passing arguments by name instead of by position, for example using ``submit_call(executor=my_executor, callable=do_calculation, ...)``, you should fix your code to pass by position instead: ``submit_call(my_executor, do_calculation, ...)``. Features ~~~~~~~~ * Multiprocessing support: the |TraitsExecutor| can now submit background tasks to a process pool instead of a thread pool. Since this support has not yet been tested in the wild, this support should be considered provisional for now - the API and the capabilities may change in a future release. Feedback is welcome! (#387, #173, #284, #283) * wxPython support: Traits Futures now supports the wxPython event loop as well as Qt-based toolkits. (#269, #256, #246) * asyncio support: the executor can make use of an asyncio event loop in place of a GUI toolkit event loop. This is potentially useful in unit tests, and when running headless. (#314, #322) * Improved shutdown: there's a new |shutdown| method, suitable for use at process exit time, or in unit tests. This method is blocking: it waits for tasks created by the executor to completed, and then shuts down all resources associated with the executor. (#419, #395, #380, #378, #334) * Improved logging: there's now debug-level logging of key state changes and interactions, to aid in post-mortem debugging. (#296, #293) Changes ~~~~~~~ * The |cancel| method of a future no longer raises |RuntimeError| when a future is not cancellable. If a task has already completed, or has previously been cancelled, calling |cancel| on the associated future does not change the state of the future, and the call returns ``False``. Otherwise it changes the future's state to |CANCELLING|, requests cancellation of the associated task, and returns ``True``. (#420) * The |executor_state| trait of the |TraitsExecutor| is now read-only; previously, it was writable. (#344) * The ``executor`` and ``callable`` arguments to the |submit_call|, |submit_iteration| and |submit_progress| convenience functions should be considered positional-only, and should not be passed by name. This restriction may be enforced in a future version of the library. (#409) * The string representation of the exception type created by |marshal_exception| has been simplified: instead of appearing in the form ``""``, it has the form ``"traits.trait_errors.TraitError"``. (#391) * Tasks may now only be submitted to a |TraitsExecutor| on the main thread. An attempt to submit a task from a thread other than the main thread will raise |RuntimeError|. (#305) * There are a number of backwards-incompatible changes to the machinery used for creating custom task types and futures. The API for creating custom task types should be considered provisional: it may change in future releases. Notable changes include: * A new |BaseTask| abstract base class, which can be subclassed to create custom background tasks. Those background tasks should override the |run| method, which takes no arguments. The |BaseTask| provides |send| and |cancelled| methods to send messages to the associated future, and to check for cancellation requests. (#435, #426) * The ``ITaskSpecification.background_task`` method has been renamed to |task|. (#425) * The |future| method now requires a cancellation callback to be passed. (#414) * The |IFuture| interface has a new |receive| method which receives messages from the background task. (#396) * The |IFuture| interface is much smaller, containing only the |receive| and |cancel| methods. (#431, #436, #428) * The |BaseFuture| has a new |dispatch| public method, which can be overridden in subclasses in order to customize the dispatch of messages received from the associated task. The default implementation dispatches to methods named ``_process_``, as before. (#427) See the documentation for more details on how to create custom task types. * The ``traits_futures.toolkits`` setuptools entry point group used for supplying custom toolkit support has been renamed to ``traits_futures.event_loops``. The old "toolkit"-based names have been converted to "event-loop"-based names throughout. (#312, #365) * The toolkit / event-loop contribution machinery has been significantly reworked. The interface for contributing new event loops is currently undocumented and should be considered experimental: the API may change in future releases. (#298, #300) Fixes ~~~~~ * The message routing machinery will no longer block indefinitely in the (hypothetical) event that no message exists to be retrieved on the message queue. Instead, it will fail fast with a |queue.Empty| exception. This situation should never happen in normal use; please report it if you ever witness it. (#413) * The |TaskCancelled| exception used by the background task submitted via |submit_progress| is now public and exposed in |traits_futures.api|, in case that task needs to catch the exception. (#449, #317) * The |marshal_exception| function has been fixed not to rely on the global |sys.exc_info| state. (#390) * A spurious "message" trait that never did anything has been removed from |IFuture|. (#394) * The cancellation callback supplied to a |BaseFuture| instance is now always cleared when the future completes. Previously the |BaseFuture| object would sometimes hold onto the reference to the cancellation callback. (#389) Continuous integration and build ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The default GitHub branch has been renamed from "master" to "main". (#277) * Continuous integration has been migrated to GitHub Actions. The per-commit tests are run on Linux and Windows, on Python 3.6 and Python 3.8. There are several GitHub Actions workflows: * The ``run-tests.yml`` workflow runs the test suite on each commit to an open PR. (#237) * The ``check-style.yml`` workflow performs style checks are using ``black``, ``isort``, ``flake8`` and ``flake8-ets`` on each commit to an open PR. (#416, #266) * The ``test-docs.yml`` workflow performs a nitpicky documentation build check on each commit to an open PR. (#265) * The ``build-docs.yml`` workflow provides automated documentation builds deployed to https://docs.enthought.com/traits-futures/dev/index.html on each PR merge to the main branch. (#257, #262, #264, #259) * The ``publish-on-pypi.yml`` workflow automatically uploads a wheel and sdist to PyPI when a GitHub release is created. (#439) * The ``weekly-scheduled-tests.yml`` workflow runs comprehensive tests on a weekly basis, and reports success or failure back to a relevant Enthought Slack channel. (#410, #303, #297) * Travis CI and Appveyor configurations have been removed. (#270, #267) * CI runs for Qt now use PySide2 in preference to PyQt5. (#233) * Style checks now use ``isort`` rather than ``flake8-import-order``. (#285) * Copyright headers are now checked using the ``flake8-ets`` package instead of local custom code. (#234) * Tests are always run under ``faulthandler``. (#337) * All example scripts except one are now subject to style checking. (#374, #287) * The ``ci`` tool now supports ``-h`` for getting help. (#235) * The ``ci`` tool now uses the EDM executable instead of the batch file on Windows, preventing mangling of version modifiers on package requirements. (#247) * Miscellanous minor build changes and fixes. (#408, #368, #279) Packaging changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Python 3.6 or later is now required. (#239) * Python 3.10 is now supported. (#454) * Traits 6.2 or later is now required. (#373) * The ``setuptools`` package is no longer a runtime dependency. (#240) * The ``setup`` file now declares ``extras_require`` for additional dependencies such as ``docs``, ``pyqt5`` and ``pyside2``. (#451) Tests ~~~~~ * The test suite now uses the |asyncio| event loop for the majority of its tests. It uses the Qt or Wx event loop only for tests specific to those toolkits. (#321, #319, #315) * Most tests now use the new |shutdown| method for executor shutdown. (#386) * The ``GuiTestAssistant`` has been renamed to |TestAssistant|, to avoid confusion with Pyface's ``GuiTestAssistant``. This class is not yet part of the Traits Futures API, and users should avoid depending on it. (#388) * The |TestAssistant| is no longer toolkit-specific; the toolkit-specific component has been pulled into a new |IEventLoopHelper| interface, with implementations of that interface for each supported toolkit. (#307) * New |exercise_event_loop| method on the |TestAssistant|. (#377) * Improve testing for the case of an externally-supplied worker pool. (#343) Documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * New "overview" documentation section explaining why Traits Futures exists and what problems it solves. (#325, #327) * New documentation section on testing code that uses Traits Futures. (#278) * A "Read the Docs" configuration file has been added. (#411) * The changelog is now maintained as part of the documentation. (#447, #363, #350, #458) * All examples are now part of the documentation. (#355) * All example scripts are downloadable from the documentation. (#353) * All examples now use the new Traits ``observe`` machinery instead of ``on_trait_change``. (#441, #371, #370) * All examples have been updated to use the new |shutdown| method. (#385, #423) * The ``sphinx-apidoc`` autogeneration step is now run automatically as part of the normal Sphinx build. (#348) * Sphinx 3.5 or later is now required to build the documentation. (#357) * Avoid using Sphinx 4.x until it has better stability. (#457) * Development information has been removed from ``README.rst``, and moved into a separate ``DEVELOP.rst`` file. (#352) * Various Sphinx warnings from a combination of napoleon and autodoc have been fixed, and the documentation now builds cleanly in "nitpicky" mode. (#429, #430, #424, #422, #400, #406, #405, #404, #403, #402, #401) * The example scripts displayed directly in the documentation no longer include the copyright headers. (#326) * The autodoc templates are no longer missing a newline at EOF. (#260) * The ``pi_iterations`` example has been fixed to give correct counts. Previously it was giving incorrect results as a result of NumPy integer overflow. (#249) * The ``prime_counting`` example has been fixed to avoid an occasional |AttributeError| under unusual timing conditions. (#450) * Miscellaneous cleanups and minor fixes. (#421, #455, #292, #223, #221) Internal refactoring ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Significant internal refactoring to better decouple the toolkit implementation from the message routing, to decouple the future implementation from the executor, and to make toolkit selection easier. (#392, #381, #382, #364, #362, #360, #332, #331, #306, #282, #255, #231, #226, #227) * Other minor fixes and non-user-facing changes. (#415, #397, #393, #384, #376, #372, #361, #347, #349, #346, #342, #338, #336, #335, #330, #323, #309, #308, #286, #276, #232, #213, #212) Release 0.2.0 ------------- Release date: 2020-09-24 This is a feature release of Traits Futures. The main features of this release are: * Improved support for user-defined background task types. * Easier creation of background calculations that can be (cooperatively) cancelled mid-calculation. * Significant internal refactoring and cleanup, aimed at eventual support for alternative front ends (GUI event loops other than the Qt event loop) and back ends (e.g., multiprocessing). * Improved and expanded documentation. There are no immediately API-breaking changes in this release: existing working code using Traits Futures 0.1.1 should continue to work with no changes required. However, some parts of the existing API have been deprecated, and will be removed in a future release. See the Changes section below for more details. Detailed changes follow. Note that the list below is not exhaustive: many more minor PRs have been omitted. Features ~~~~~~~~ * Users can now easily create their own background task types to supplement the provided task types (background calls, background iterations and background progress). A combination of a new :class:`~.ITaskSpecification` interface and a convenience :class:`~.BaseFuture` base class support this. (#198) * The :func:`~.submit_iteration` function now supports generator functions that return a result. This provides an easy way to submit background computations that can be cancelled mid-calculation. (#167) * The :class:`~.TraitsExecutor` class now accepts a ``max_workers`` argument, which specifies the maximum number of workers for a worker pool created by the executor. (#125) * There are new task submission functions :func:`~.submit_call`, :func:`~.submit_iteration` and :func:`~.submit_progress`. These functions replace the eponymous existing :class:`~.TraitsExecutor` methods, which are now deprecated. (#166) * There's a new :class:`~.IFuture` interface class in the :mod:`traits_futures.api` module, to aid in typing and Trait declarations. (#169) * A new :class:`~.IParallelContext` interface supports eventual addition of alternative back ends. The new :class:`~.MultithreadingContext` class implements this interface and provides the default threading back-end. (#149) Changes ~~~~~~~ * The ``state`` trait of :class:`~.CallFuture`, :class:`~.IterationFuture` and :class:`~.ProgressFuture` used to be writable. It's now a read-only property that reflects the internal state. (#163) * The default number of workers in an owned worker pool (that is, a worker pool created by a :class:`~.TraitsExecutor`) has changed. Previously it was hard-coded as ``4``. Now it defaults to whatever Python's :mod:`concurrent.futures` executors give, but can be controlled by passing the ``max_workers`` argument. (#125) * The ``submit_call``, ``submit_iteration`` and ``submit_progress`` methods on the :class:`~.TraitsExecutor` have been deprecated. Use the :func:`~.submit_call`, :func:`~.submit_iteration` and :func:`~.submit_progress` convenience functions instead. (#159) * The ``thread_pool`` argument to :class:`~.TraitsExecutor` has been renamed to ``worker_pool``. The original name is still available for backwards compatibility, but its use is deprecated. (#144, #148) * Python 2.7 is no longer supported. Traits Futures requires Python >= 3.5, and has been tested with Python 3.5 through Python 3.9. (#123, #130, #131, #132, #133, #138, #145) Fixes ~~~~~ * Don't create a new message router at executor shutdown time. (#187) Tests ~~~~~ * Fix some intermittent test failures due to test interactions. (#176) * The 'null' backend that's used for testing in the absence of a Qt backend now uses a :mod:`asyncio`-based event loop instead of a custom event loop. (#107, #179) * Rewrite the Qt ``GuiTestAssistant`` to react rather than polling. This significantly speeds up the test run. (#153) * Ensure that all tests properly stop the executors they create. (#108, #146) * Refactor the test structure in preparation for multiprocessing support. (#135, #141) * Test the ``GuiTestAssistant`` class. (#109) Developer tooling ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Add a new ``python -m ci shell`` click cmd. (#204) * Update edm version in CI. (#205) * Add checks for missing or malformed copyright headers in Python files (and fix existing copyright headers). (#193) * Add import order checks (and fix existing import order bugs). (#161) * Add separate "build" and "ci" modes for setting up the development environment. (#104) * Don't pin dependent packages in the build environment. (#99) Documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Update docs to use the Enthought Sphinx Theme. (#128) * Autogenerated API documentation is now included in the documentation build. (#177, #181) * Restructure the documentation to avoid nesting 'User Guide' under 'User Documentation'. (#191) * Document creation of new background task types. (#198) * Document use of :func:`~.submit_iteration` for interruptible tasks. (#188) Release 0.1.1 ------------- Release date: 2019-02-05 This is a bugfix release, in preparation for the first public release to PyPI. There are no functional or API changes to the core library since 0.1.0 in this release. Fixes ~~~~~ - Add missing ``long_description`` field in setup script. (#116, backported in #118) Changes ~~~~~~~ - Add copyright headers to all Python and reST files. (#114, backported in #118) Build ~~~~~ - Remove unnecessary bundle generation machinery. (#99, backported in #118) Release 0.1.0 ------------- Release date: 2018-08-08 Initial release. Provides support for submitting background calls, iterations, and progress-reporting tasks for Traits UI applications based on Qt. .. substitutions .. |asyncio| replace:: :mod:`asyncio` .. |AttributeError| replace:: :exc:`AttributeError` .. |queue.Empty| replace:: :exc:`queue.Empty` .. |RuntimeError| replace:: :exc:`RuntimeError` .. |sys.exc_info| replace:: :func:`sys.exc_info` .. |BaseFuture| replace:: :class:`~.BaseFuture` .. |BaseTask| replace:: :class:`~.BaseTask` .. |cancel| replace:: :meth:`~.BaseFuture.cancel` .. |cancellable| replace:: :attr:`~.BaseFuture.cancellable` .. |cancelled| replace:: :meth:`~.BaseTask.cancelled` .. |CANCELLING| replace:: :data:`~.CANCELLING` .. |dispatch| replace:: :meth:`~.BaseFuture.dispatch` .. |executor_state| replace:: :attr:`~.TraitsExecutor.state` .. |exercise_event_loop| replace:: :meth:`~.TestAssistant.exercise_event_loop` .. |future| replace:: :meth:`~.ITaskSpecification.future` .. |IEventLoopHelper| replace:: :class:`~.IEventLoopHelper` .. |IFuture| replace:: :class:`~.IFuture` .. |ITaskSpecification| replace:: :class:`~.ITaskSpecification` .. |marshal_exception| replace:: :func:`~.marshal_exception` .. |receive| replace:: :meth:`~.IFuture.receive` .. |run| replace:: :meth:`~.BaseTask.run` .. |send| replace:: :meth:`~.BaseTask.send` .. |shutdown| replace:: :meth:`~.TraitsExecutor.shutdown` .. |submit_call| replace:: :func:`~.submit_call` .. |submit_iteration| replace:: :func:`~.submit_iteration` .. |submit_progress| replace:: :func:`~.submit_progress` .. |task| replace:: :meth:`~.ITaskSpecification.task` .. |TaskCancelled| replace:: :exc:`~.TaskCancelled` .. |TestAssistant| replace:: :exc:`~.TestAssistant` .. |traits_futures.api| replace:: :mod:`traits_futures.api` .. |TraitsExecutor| replace:: :class:`~.TraitsExecutor`