Source code for traits_futures.qt.event_loop_helper

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Test support, providing the ability to run the event loop from tests.

from pyface.qt.QtCore import QObject, Qt, QTimer, Signal, Slot
from pyface.qt.QtGui import QApplication

from traits_futures.i_event_loop_helper import IEventLoopHelper

[docs]class AttributeSetter(QObject): """ Simple QObject that allows us to set object attributes from with a running event loop. """ @Slot(object, str, object) def _on_setattr(self, obj, name, value): """ Slot for setting an arbitrary attribute value on an object. """ setattr(obj, name, value) #: Signal used to trigger setattr operations. setattr = Signal(object, str, object)
[docs]@IEventLoopHelper.register class EventLoopHelper: """ Support for running the Qt event loop in unit tests. """
[docs] def init(self): """ Prepare the event loop for use. """ qt_app = QApplication.instance() if qt_app is None: qt_app = QApplication([]) self.qt_app = qt_app self._attribute_setter = AttributeSetter() self._attribute_setter.setattr.connect( self._attribute_setter._on_setattr, Qt.QueuedConnection )
[docs] def dispose(self): """ Dispose of any resources used by this object. """ self._attribute_setter.setattr.disconnect( self._attribute_setter._on_setattr ) del self._attribute_setter del self.qt_app
[docs] def setattr_soon(self, obj, name, value): """ Arrange for an attribute to be set once the event loop is running. In typical usage, *obj* will be a ``HasTraits`` instance and *name* will be the name of a trait on *obj*. This method is not thread-safe. It's designed to be called from the main thread. Parameters ---------- obj : object Object to set the given attribute on. name : str Name of the attribute to set; typically this is a traited attribute. value : object Value to set the attribute to. """ self._attribute_setter.setattr.emit(obj, name, value)
[docs] def run_until(self, object, trait, condition, timeout): """ Run event loop until the given condition holds true, or until timeout. The condition is re-evaluated, with the object as argument, every time the trait changes. Parameters ---------- object : traits.has_traits.HasTraits Object whose trait we monitor. trait : str Name of the trait to monitor for changes. condition Single-argument callable, returning a boolean. This will be called with *object* as the only input. timeout : float Number of seconds to allow before timing out with an exception. Raises ------ RuntimeError If timeout is reached, regardless of whether the condition is true or not at that point. """ qt_app = self.qt_app timeout_in_ms = round(1000.0 * timeout) timeout_timer = QTimer() timeout_timer.setSingleShot(True) timeout_timer.setInterval(timeout_in_ms) def stop_on_timeout(): qt_app.exit(1) def stop_if_condition(event): if condition(object): qt_app.exit(0) object.observe(stop_if_condition, trait) try: # The condition may have become True before we # started listening to changes. So start with a check. if condition(object): timed_out = 0 else: timeout_timer.timeout.connect(stop_on_timeout) timeout_timer.start() try: timed_out = qt_app.exec_() finally: timeout_timer.stop() timeout_timer.timeout.disconnect(stop_on_timeout) finally: object.observe(stop_if_condition, trait, remove=True) if timed_out: raise RuntimeError( "run_until timed out after {} seconds. " "At timeout, condition was {}.".format( timeout, condition(object) ) )