Source code for traits_futures.multiprocessing_router

# (C) Copyright 2018-2021 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX
# All rights reserved.
# This software is provided without warranty under the terms of the BSD
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# Thanks for using Enthought open source!

Implementations of the IMessageSender, IMessageReceiver and IMessageRouter
interfaces for tasks executed in a background process.

Overview of the implementation

When the router is started (via the ``start`` method), it sets up the
following machinery:

- A process-safe process message queue that's shared between processes. This
  queue runs in its own manager server process (the manager is
  :attr:`MultiprocessingRouter.manager`), and the main process and worker
  processes use proxy objects to communicate with the queue.
- A thread-safe local message queue in the main process.
- A long-running thread running in the main process, that continually monitors
  the process message queue and immediately transfers any messages that arrive
  to the local message queue.
- A :class:`~.IPingee` instance that's pinged by the monitor thread whenever a
  message is transferred from the process message queue to the local message
  queue, alerting the GUI that there's a message to process and route.

When a worker process uses the sender to send a message, the following steps

- the sender places the message onto the process message queue (using its
  local proxy for that message queue)
- the monitor thread receives the message (using *its* local proxy for the
  process message queue) and places the message onto the local message queue.
  It also pings the pingee.
- assuming a running event loop, the pingee receives the ping and executes
  the ``MultiprocessingRouter._route_message`` callback
- the ``_route_message`` callback pulls the next message from the local message
  queue, inspects it to determine which receiver it should be sent to, and
  sends it to that receiver


import itertools
import logging
import multiprocessing.managers
import queue
import threading
import time

from traits.api import (

from traits_futures.i_event_loop import IEventLoop
from traits_futures.i_message_router import (
from traits_futures.i_pingee import IPingee

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

#: Internal states for the sender. The sender starts in the _INITIAL state,
#: moves to the _OPEN state when 'start' is called, and from _OPEN to _CLOSED
#: when 'stop' is called. Messages can only be sent with the 'send' method
#: while the sender is in _OPEN state.
_INITIAL = "initial"
_OPEN = "open"
_CLOSED = "closed"

[docs]@IMessageSender.register class MultiprocessingSender: """ Object allowing the worker to send messages. This class will be instantiated in the main thread, and the instance passed to the worker process to allow the worker to communicate back to the main thread. Parameters ---------- connection_id : int Id of the matching receiver; used for message routing. message_queue : multiprocessing.Queue Process-safe queue for passing messages to the foreground. """ def __init__(self, connection_id, message_queue): self.connection_id = connection_id self.message_queue = message_queue self._state = _INITIAL
[docs] def start(self): """ Do any setup necessary to prepare for sending messages. This method must be called before any messages can be sent using the ``send`` method. Not thread-safe. The 'start', 'send' and 'stop' methods should all be called from the same thread. Raises ------ RuntimeError If the sender has previously been started. """ if self._state != _INITIAL: raise RuntimeError( f"Sender already started: state is {self._state}" ) self._state = _OPEN
[docs] def send(self, message): """ Send a message to the router. Not thread-safe. The 'start', 'send' and 'stop' methods should all be called from the same thread. Parameters ---------- message : object Typically this will be immutable, small, and pickleable. Raises ------ RuntimeError If the sender has not been started, or has already been stopped. """ if self._state != _OPEN: raise RuntimeError( "Sender must be in OPEN state to send messages: " f"state is {self._state}" ) self.message_queue.put((self.connection_id, message))
[docs] def stop(self): """ Do any teardown. After this method has been called, no more messages can be sent. Not thread-safe. The 'start', 'send' and 'stop' methods should all be called from the same thread. Raises ------ RuntimeError If the sender has not been started, or has already been stopped. """ if self._state != _OPEN: raise RuntimeError( "Sender not started, or already stopped: " f"state is {self._state}" ) self._state = _CLOSED
def __enter__(self): self.start() return self def __exit__(self, *exc_info): self.stop()
[docs]@provides(IMessageReceiver) class MultiprocessingReceiver(HasStrictTraits): """ Implementation of the IMessageReceiver interface for the case where the sender will be in a background process. """ #: Event fired when a message is received from the paired sender. message = Event(Any()) #: Connection id, matching that of the paired sender. connection_id = Int()
[docs]@provides(IMessageRouter) class MultiprocessingRouter(HasRequiredTraits): """ Implementation of the IMessageRouter interface for the case where the sender will be in a background process. Parameters ---------- event_loop : IEventLoop The event loop used to trigger message dispatch. manager : multiprocessing.managers.SyncManager Manager to be used for creating the shared-process queue. """
[docs] def start(self): """ Start routing messages. This method must be called before any call to ``pipe`` or ``close_pipe`` can be made. Not thread-safe. Must always be called in the main thread. Raises ------ RuntimeError If the router has already been started. """ if self._running: raise RuntimeError("Router is already running") self._local_message_queue = queue.Queue() self._link_to_event_loop() self._process_message_queue = self.manager.Queue() self._monitor_thread = threading.Thread( target=monitor_queue, args=( self._process_message_queue, self._local_message_queue, self._pingee, ), ) self._monitor_thread.start() self._running = True logger.debug(f"{self} started")
[docs] def stop(self): """ Stop routing messages. This method should be called in the main thread after all pipes are finished with. Calls to ``pipe`` or ``close_pipe`` are not permitted after this method has been called. Logs a warning if there are unclosed pipes. Not thread safe. Must always be called in the main thread. Raises ------ RuntimeError If the router is not running. """ if not self._running: raise RuntimeError("Router is not running") if self._receivers: logger.warning(f"{self} has {len(self._receivers)} unclosed pipes") # Shut everything down in reverse order. # First the monitor thread. self._process_message_queue.put(None) self._monitor_thread.join() self._monitor_thread = None # No shutdown required for the process_message_queue: it'll be shut # down when the manager is shut down. That's the responsibility of # whoever provided that manager. Here we just remove the local # reference. self._process_message_queue = None self._unlink_from_event_loop() self._local_message_queue = None self._running = False logger.debug(f"{self} stopped")
[docs] def pipe(self): """ Create a (sender, receiver) pair for sending and receiving messages. The sender will be passed to the background task and used to send messages, while the receiver remains in the foreground. Not thread safe. Must always be called in the main thread. Returns ------- sender : MultiprocessingSender Object to be passed to the background task. receiver : MultiprocessingReceiver Object kept in the foreground, which reacts to messages. Raises ------ RuntimeError If the router is not currently running. """ if not self._running: raise RuntimeError("Router is not running.") connection_id = next(self._connection_ids) sender = MultiprocessingSender( connection_id=connection_id, message_queue=self._process_message_queue, ) receiver = MultiprocessingReceiver(connection_id=connection_id) self._receivers[connection_id] = receiver logger.debug( f"{self} created pipe #{connection_id} with receiver {receiver}" ) return sender, receiver
[docs] def close_pipe(self, receiver): """ Close the receiver end of a pipe produced by ``pipe``. Removes the receiver from the routing table, so that no new messages can reach that receiver. Not thread safe. Must always be called in the main thread. Parameters ---------- receiver : MultiprocessingReceiver Receiver half of the pair returned by the ``pipe`` method. Raises ------ RuntimeError If the router is not currently running. """ if not self._running: raise RuntimeError("Router is not running.") connection_id = receiver.connection_id self._receivers.pop(connection_id) logger.debug( f"{self} closed pipe #{connection_id} with receiver {receiver}" )
[docs] def route_until(self, condition, timeout=None): """ Manually drive the router until a given condition occurs, or timeout. This is primarily used as part of a clean shutdown. Note: this has the side-effect of moving the router from "event loop" mode to "manual" mode. This mode switch is permanent, in the sense that after this point, the router will no longer respond to pings: any messages will need to be processed through this function. Parameters ---------- condition Zero-argument callable returning a boolean. When this condition becomes true, this method will stop routing messages. If the condition is already true on entry, no messages will be routed. timeout : float, optional Maximum number of seconds to route messages for. Raises ------ RuntimeError If the condition did not become true before timeout. """ self._unlink_from_event_loop() if timeout is None: while not condition(): self._route_message(block=True) else: end_time = time.monotonic() + timeout try: while not condition(): time_remaining = end_time - time.monotonic() self._route_message(block=True, timeout=time_remaining) except queue.Empty: raise RuntimeError("Timed out waiting for messages")
# Public traits ########################################################### #: The event loop used to trigger message dispatch. event_loop = Instance(IEventLoop, required=True) #: Manager, used to create message queues. manager = Instance(multiprocessing.managers.BaseManager, required=True) # Private traits ########################################################## #: Queue receiving messages from child processes. _process_message_queue = Any() #: Local queue for messages to the UI thread. _local_message_queue = Instance(queue.Queue) #: Thread transferring messages from the process queue to the local queue. _monitor_thread = Any() #: Source of new connection ids. _connection_ids = Instance( #: Receivers, keyed by connection_id. _receivers = Dict(Int(), Instance(MultiprocessingReceiver)) #: Receiver for the "message_sent" signal. _pingee = Instance(IPingee) #: Bool keeping track of whether we're linked to the event loop #: or not. _linked = Bool(False) #: Router status: True if running, False if stopped. _running = Bool(False) # Private methods ######################################################### def _link_to_event_loop(self): """ Link this router to the event loop. """ if self._linked: # Raise, because lifetime management of self._pingee is delicate, # so if we ever get here then something likely needs fixing. raise RuntimeError("Already linked to the event loop") self._pingee = self.event_loop.pingee(on_ping=self._route_message) self._pingee.connect() self._linked = True def _unlink_from_event_loop(self): """ Unlink this router from the event loop, if it's linked. After this call, the router will no longer react to any pending tasks on the event loop. """ if self._linked: # Note: it might be tempting to set self._pingee to None at this # point, and to use the None-ness (or not) of self._pingee to avoid # needing self._linked. But it's important not to do so: we need to # be sure that the main thread reference to the Pingee outlives any # reference on background threads. Otherwise we end up collection a # Qt object (the Pingee) on a thread other than the one it was # created on, and that's unsafe in general. self._pingee.disconnect() self._linked = False def _route_message(self, *, block=False, timeout=None): """ Get and dispatch a message from the local message queue. Parameters ---------- block : bool, optional If True, block until either a message arrives or until timeout. If False (the default), we expect a message to already be present in the queue. timeout : float, optional Maximum time to wait for a message to arrive. If no timeout is given and ``block`` is True, wait indefinitely. If ``block`` is False, this parameter is ignored. Raises ------ queue.Empty If no message arrives within the given timeout. """ connection_id, message = self._local_message_queue.get( block=block, timeout=None if timeout is None else max(timeout, 0.0), ) try: receiver = self._receivers[connection_id] except KeyError: logger.warning( f"{self} discarding message from closed pipe #{connection_id}." ) else: receiver.message = message def __connection_ids_default(self): return itertools.count()
[docs]def monitor_queue(process_queue, local_queue, pingee): """ Move incoming child process messages to the local queue. Monitors the process queue for incoming messages, and transfers those messages to the local queue. For each message transferred, pings the event loop using the pingee to notify it that there's a message to be processed. To stop the thread, put ``None`` onto the process_queue. Parameters ---------- process_queue : multiprocessing.Queue Queue to listen to for messages. local_queue : queue.Queue Queue to transfer those messages to. pingee : IPingee Recipient for pings, used to notify the event loop that there's a message pending. """ pinger = pingee.pinger() pinger.connect() try: while True: try: message = process_queue.get(block=True, timeout=1.0) except queue.Empty: continue if message is None: break local_queue.put(message) # Avoid hanging onto a reference to the message until the next # queue element arrives. del message finally: pinger.disconnect()