Source code for traits_futures.background_progress

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Support for a progress-reporting background call.

The code in this module supports an arbitrary callable that accepts a
"progress" named argument, and can use that argument to submit progress

Every progress submission also marks a point where the callable can
be cancelled.

from traits.api import Callable, Dict, Event, HasStrictTraits, Str, Tuple

from traits_futures.base_future import BaseFuture, BaseTask, TaskCancelled
from traits_futures.i_task_specification import ITaskSpecification

# Message types for messages from ProgressTask
# to ProgressFuture.

#: Task sends progress. Argument is a single object giving progress
#: information. This module does not interpret the contents of the argument.
PROGRESS = "progress"

[docs]class ProgressReporter: """ Object used by the target callable to report progress. """ def __init__(self, send, cancelled): self.send = send self.cancelled = cancelled
[docs] def report(self, progress_info): """ Send progress information to the linked future. The ``progress_info`` object will eventually be sent to the corresponding future's ``progress`` event trait. Parameters ---------- progress_info : object An arbitrary object representing progress. Ideally, this should be immutable and pickleable. Raises ------ TaskCancelled If a cancellation request for this task has already been made. In this case, the exception will be raised before any progress information is sent. """ if self.cancelled(): raise TaskCancelled("Task was cancelled") self.send(PROGRESS, progress_info)
[docs]class ProgressTask(BaseTask): """ Background portion of a progress background task. This provides the callable that will be submitted to the worker pool, and sends messages to communicate with the ProgressFuture. """ def __init__(self, callable, args, kwargs): self.callable = callable self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs
[docs] def run(self): progress = ProgressReporter(send=self.send, cancelled=self.cancelled) try: return self.callable( *self.args, **self.kwargs,, ) except TaskCancelled: return None
[docs]class ProgressFuture(BaseFuture): """ Object representing the front-end handle to a ProgressTask. """ #: Event fired whenever a progress message arrives from the background. progress = Event() # Private methods ######################################################### def _process_progress(self, progress_info): self.progress = progress_info
[docs]@ITaskSpecification.register class BackgroundProgress(HasStrictTraits): """ Object representing the background task to be executed. """ #: The callable to be executed. callable = Callable() #: Positional arguments to be passed to the callable. args = Tuple() #: Named arguments to be passed to the callable. kwargs = Dict(Str())
[docs] def future(self, cancel): """ Return a Future for the background task. Parameters ---------- cancel Zero-argument callable, returning no useful result. The returned future's ``cancel`` method should call this to request cancellation of the associated background task. Returns ------- future : ProgressFuture Future object that can be used to monitor the status of the background task. """ return ProgressFuture(_cancel=cancel)
[docs] def task(self): """ Return a background callable for this task specification. Returns ------- task : ProgressTask Callable accepting arguments ``send`` and ``cancelled``. The callable can use ``send`` to send messages and ``cancelled`` to check whether cancellation has been requested. """ return ProgressTask( callable=self.callable, args=self.args, kwargs=self.kwargs, )
[docs]def submit_progress(executor, callable, *args, **kwargs): """ Submit a progress-reporting task to an executor. Parameters ---------- executor : TraitsExecutor Executor to submit the task to. This argument should always be passed by position rather than by name. Future versions of the library may enforce this restriction. callable Callable that executes the progress-providing function. This callable must accept a "progress" named argument, in addition to the provided arguments. The callable may then call the "progress" argument to report progress. This argument should always be passed by position rather than by name. Future versions of the library may enforce this restriction. *args Positional arguments to pass to the callable. **kwargs Named arguments other than "progress" to pass to the callable. These must not include "progress". Returns ------- future : ProgressFuture Object representing the state of the background task. """ if "progress" in kwargs: raise TypeError("progress may not be passed as a named argument") task = BackgroundProgress(callable=callable, args=args, kwargs=kwargs) return executor.submit(task)