Source code for traits_futures.traits_executor

# (C) Copyright 2018-2019 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX
# All rights reserved.

Main-thread executor for submission of background tasks.

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals

import concurrent.futures
import threading

from traits.api import (
    Bool, Enum, HasStrictTraits, HasTraits, Instance, on_trait_change,
    Property, Set)

from traits_futures.background_call import BackgroundCall
from traits_futures.background_iteration import BackgroundIteration
from traits_futures.background_progress import BackgroundProgress
from traits_futures.toolkit_support import message_router_class

# Executor states.

#: Executor is currently running (this is the initial state).
RUNNING = "running"

#: Executor has been requested to stop. In this state, no new
#: jobs can be submitted, and we're waiting for old ones to complete.
STOPPING = "stopping"

#: Executor is stopped.
STOPPED = "stopped"

#: Trait type representing the executor state.

[docs]class TraitsExecutor(HasStrictTraits): """ Executor to initiate and manage background tasks. """ #: Current state of this executor. state = ExecutorState #: Derived state: true if this executor is running; False if it's #: stopped or stopping. running = Property(Bool()) #: Derived state: true if this executor is stopped and it's safe #: to dispose of related resources (like the thread pool). stopped = Property(Bool()) def __init__(self, thread_pool=None, **traits): super(TraitsExecutor, self).__init__(**traits) if thread_pool is None: self._thread_pool = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=4) self._own_thread_pool = True else: self._thread_pool = thread_pool self._own_thread_pool = False
[docs] def submit_call(self, callable, *args, **kwargs): """ Convenience function to submit a background call. Parameters ---------- callable : an arbitrary callable Function to execute in the background. *args Positional arguments to pass to that function. **kwargs Named arguments to pass to that function. Returns ------- future : CallFuture Object representing the state of the background call. """ task = BackgroundCall( callable=callable, args=args, kwargs=kwargs, ) return self.submit(task)
[docs] def submit_iteration(self, callable, *args, **kwargs): """ Convenience function to submit a background iteration. Parameters ---------- callable : an arbitrary callable Function executed in the background to provide the iterable. *args Positional arguments to pass to that function. **kwargs Named arguments to pass to that function. Returns ------- future : IterationFuture Object representing the state of the background iteration. """ task = BackgroundIteration( callable=callable, args=args, kwargs=kwargs, ) return self.submit(task)
[docs] def submit_progress(self, callable, *args, **kwargs): """ Convenience function to submit a background progress call. Parameters ---------- callable : callable accepting a "progress" named argument Function executed in the background to provide the iterable. This should accept a "progress" named argument. The callable can then call the "progress" object to report progress. *args Positional arguments to pass to that function. **kwargs Named arguments to pass to that function. These should not include "progress". Returns ------- future : ProgressFuture Object representing the state of the background task. """ task = BackgroundProgress( callable=callable, args=args, kwargs=kwargs, ) return self.submit(task)
[docs] def submit(self, task): """ Submit a task to the executor, and return the corresponding future. Parameters ---------- task : BackgroundCall, BackgroundIteration or BackgroundProgress The task to be executed. Returns ------- future : CallFuture, IterationFuture or ProgressFuture Future for this task. """ if not self.running: raise RuntimeError("Can't submit task unless executor is running.") sender, receiver = self._message_router.pipe() future, runner = task.future_and_callable( cancel_event=threading.Event(), message_sender=sender, message_receiver=receiver, ) self._thread_pool.submit(runner) self._futures.add(future) return future
[docs] def stop(self): """ Initiate stop: cancel existing jobs and prevent new ones. """ if not self.running: raise RuntimeError("Executor is not currently running.") # For consistency, we always go through the STOPPING state, # even if there are no jobs. self.state = STOPPING # Cancel any futures that aren't already cancelled. for future in self._futures: if future.cancellable: future.cancel() if not self._futures: self._stop()
# Private traits ########################################################## #: concurrent.futures.Executor instance providing the thread pool. _thread_pool = Instance(concurrent.futures.Executor) #: True if we own this thread pool (and are therefore responsible #: for shutting it down), else False. _own_thread_pool = Bool() #: Router providing message connections between background tasks #: and foreground futures. _message_router = Instance(HasTraits) #: Currently executing futures. _futures = Set() # Private methods ######################################################### def _get_running(self): return self.state == RUNNING def _get_stopped(self): return self.state == STOPPED def _state_changed(self, old_state, new_state): old_running = old_state == RUNNING new_running = new_state == RUNNING if old_running != new_running: self.trait_property_changed("running", old_running, new_running) old_stopped = old_state == STOPPED new_stopped = new_state == STOPPED if old_stopped != new_stopped: self.trait_property_changed("stopped", old_stopped, new_stopped) def __message_router_default(self): class_ = message_router_class() return class_() @on_trait_change('_futures:_exiting') def _remove_future(self, future, name, new): self._futures.remove(future) # If we're in STOPPING state and the last future has just exited, # go to STOPPED state. if self.state == STOPPING and not self._futures: self._stop() def _stop(self): """ Go to STOPPED state, and shut down the thread pool if we own it. """ assert self.state == STOPPING if self._own_thread_pool: self._thread_pool.shutdown() self._thread_pool = None self.state = STOPPED