pyface.workbench.workbench module

A workbench.

class pyface.workbench.workbench.Workbench[source]

Bases: HasTraits

A workbench.

There is exactly one workbench per application. The workbench can create any number of workbench windows.


Factory method that creates a new workbench window.


Exits the workbench.

This closes all open workbench windows.

This method is not called when the user clicks the close icon. Nor when they do an Alt+F4 in Windows. It is only called when the application menu File->Exit item is selected.

Returns True if the exit succeeded, False if it was vetoed.

edit(obj, kind=None, use_existing=True)[source]

Edit an object in the active workbench window.

get_editor(obj, kind=None)[source]

Return the editor that is editing an object.

Returns None if no such editor exists.


Return the editor with the specified Id.

Returns None if no such editor exists.

confirm(message, title=None, cancel=False, default=40)[source]

Convenience method to show a confirmation dialog.

information(message, title='Information')[source]

Convenience method to show an information message dialog.

warning(message, title='Warning')[source]

Convenience method to show a warning message dialog.

error(message, title='Error')[source]

Convenience method to show an error message dialog.