pyface.tasks.i_editor_area_pane module

class pyface.tasks.i_editor_area_pane.IEditorAreaPane(adaptee, default=<class 'traits.adaptation.adaptation_error.AdaptationError'>)[source]

Bases: ITaskPane

A central pane that contains tabbed editors.

There are currently two implementations of this interface in Tasks. EditorAreaPane provides a simple, tabbed editor area. AdvancedEditorAreaPane additionally permits arbitrary splitting of the editor area so that editors can be displayed side-by-side.

active_editor = Instance(IEditor)

The currently active editor.

editors = List(IEditor)

The list of all the visible editors in the pane.

file_drop_extensions = List(Str)

A list of extensions for file types to accept via drag and drop. Note: This functionality is provided because it is very common, but drag and drop support is in general highly toolkit-specific. If more sophisticated support is required, subclass an editor area implementation.

file_dropped = Event(File)

A file with a supported extension was dropped into the editor area.

hide_tab_bar = Bool(False)

Whether to hide the tab bar when there is only a single editor.


Activates the specified editor in the pane.


Adds an editor to the pane.

create_editor(obj, factory=None)[source]

Creates an editor for an object.

If a factory is specified, it will be used instead of the editor factory registry. Otherwise, this method will return None if a suitable factory cannot be found in the registry.

Note that the editor is not added to the pane.

edit(obj, factory=None, use_existing=True)[source]

Edit an object.

This is a convenience method that creates and adds an editor for the specified object. If ‘use_existing’ is set and the object is already being edited, then that editor will be activated and a new editor will not be created.

Returns the (possibly new) editor for the object.


Returns the editor for an object.

Returns None if the object is not being edited.


Returns an editor factory suitable for editing an object.

Returns None if there is no such editor factory.

register_factory(factory, filter)[source]

Registers a factory for creating editors.

The ‘factory’ parameter is a callabe of form:

callable(editor_area=editor_area, obj=obj) -> IEditor

Often, factory will be a class that provides the ‘IEditor’ interface.

The ‘filter’ parameter is a callable of form:

callable(obj) -> bool

that indicates whether the editor factory is suitable for an object.

If multiple factories apply to a single object, it is undefined which factory is used. On the other hand, multiple filters may be registered for a single factory, in which case only one must apply for the factory to be selected.


Removes an editor from the pane.


Unregisters a factory for creating editors.

class pyface.tasks.i_editor_area_pane.MEditorAreaPane[source]

Bases: HasTraits

create_editor(obj, factory=None)[source]

Creates an editor for an object.

edit(obj, factory=None, use_existing=True)[source]

Edit an object.


Returns the editor for an object.


Returns an editor factory suitable for editing an object.

register_factory(factory, filter)[source]

Registers a factory for creating editors.


Unregisters a factory for creating editors.