pyface.gui_application module¶
This module defines a GUIApplication
subclass of
. This adds cross-platform GUI
application support to the base class via pyface.application.GUI
At a minimum this class expects to be provided with a factory that returns
instances. For pure Pyface applications
this is most likely to be a subclass of
gui_application. default_window_factory(application, **kwargs)[source]¶ The default window factory returns an application window.
This is almost never the right thing, but allows users to get off the ground with the base class.
class pyface.
gui_application. GUIApplication[source]¶ Bases:
A basic Pyface GUI application.
- splash_screen = Instance(ISplashScreen)¶
The splash screen for the application. No splash screen by default
- about_dialog = Instance(IDialog)¶
The about dialog for the application.
- icon = Image¶
Icon for the application (used in window titlebars)
- logo = Image¶
Logo of the application (used in splash screens and about dialogs)
- window_factory = Callable(default_window_factory)¶
The window factory to use when creating a window for the application.
- window_size = Tuple((800, 600))¶
Default window size
- active_window = Instance(IWindow)¶
Currently active Window if any
- windows = List(Instance(IWindow))¶
List of all open windows in the application
- gui = ReadOnly¶
The Pyface GUI instance for the application
- create_window(**kwargs)[source]¶
Create a new application window.
By default uses the
to do this. Subclasses can override if they want to do something different or additional.