Source code for pyface.workbench.user_perspective_manager

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""" Manages a set of user perspectives. """

import logging
import os

from pyface.workbench.api import Perspective
from traits.api import Any, Dict, HasTraits, Int, List, Property
from traits.api import Str

# Logging.
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class UserPerspectiveManager(HasTraits): """ Manages a set of user perspectives. """ # 'UserPerspective' interface -----------------------------------------# # A directory on the local file system that we can read and write to at # will. This is used to persist window layout information, etc. state_location = Str() # Next available user perspective id. next_id = Property(Int) # Dictionary mapping perspective id to user defined perspective definition. id_to_perspective = Property(Dict) # The list of user defined perspective definitions. perspectives = Property(List) # The name of the user defined perspectives definition file. file_name = Property(Str) # Private interface ---------------------------------------------------- # Shadow trait for the 'id_to_perspective' property. _id_to_perspective = Any() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 'UserPerspective' interface. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Properties ----------------------------------------------------------- def _get_next_id(self): """ Property getter. """ # Get all of the current perspective ids: ids = list(self.id_to_perspective.keys()) # If there are none: if len(ids) == 0: # Return the starting id: return 1 # Else return the current highest id + 1 as the next id: ids.sort() return int(ids[-1][19:-2]) + 1 def _get_id_to_perspective(self): """ Property getter. """ if self._id_to_perspective is None: self._id_to_perspective = dic = {} try: fh = open(self.file_name, "r") for line in fh: data = line.split(":", 1) if len(data) == 2: id, name = data[0].strip(), data[1].strip() dic[id] = Perspective( id=id, name=name, show_editor_area=False ) fh.close() except: pass return self._id_to_perspective def _get_perspectives(self): """ Property getter. """ return list(self.id_to_perspective.values()) def _get_file_name(self): """ Property getter. """ return os.path.join(self.state_location, "__user_perspective__") # Methods -------------------------------------------------------------#
[docs] def create_perspective(self, name, show_editor_area=True): """ Create a new (and empty) user-defined perspective. """ perspective = Perspective( id="__user_perspective_%09d__" % self.next_id, name=name, show_editor_area=show_editor_area, ) # Add the perspective to the map. self.id_to_perspective[] = perspective # Update the persistent file information. self._update_persistent_data() return perspective
[docs] def clone_perspective(self, window, perspective, **traits): """ Clone a perspective as a user perspective. """ clone = perspective.clone_traits() # Give the clone a special user perspective Id! = "__user_perspective_%09d__" % self.next_id # Set any traits specified as keyword arguments. clone.trait_set(**traits) # Add the perspective to the map. self.id_to_perspective[] = clone # fixme: This needs to be pushed into the window API!!!!!!! window._memento.perspective_mementos[] = ( window.layout.get_view_memento(), window.active_view and or None, window.layout.is_editor_area_visible(), ) # Update the persistent file information. self._update_persistent_data() return clone
[docs] def save(self): """ Persist the current state of the user perspectives. """ self._update_persistent_data()
[docs] def add(self, perspective, name=None): """ Add a perspective with an optional name. """ # Define the id for the new perspective: = id = "__user_perspective_%09d__" % self.next_id # Save the new name (if specified): if name is not None: = name # Create the perspective: self.id_to_perspective[id] = perspective # Update the persistent file information: self._update_persistent_data() # Return the new perspective created: return perspective
[docs] def rename(self, perspective, name): """ Rename the user perspective with the specified id. """ = name self.id_to_perspective[].name = name # Update the persistent file information: self._update_persistent_data()
[docs] def remove(self, id): """ Remove the user perspective with the specified id. This method also updates the persistent data. """ if id in self.id_to_perspective: del self.id_to_perspective[id] # Update the persistent file information: self._update_persistent_data() # Try to delete the associated perspective layout file: try: os.remove(os.path.join(self.state_location, id)) except: pass return
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Private interface. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _update_persistent_data(self): """ Update the persistent file information. """ try: fh = open(self.file_name, "w") fh.write( "\n".join( ["%s: %s" % (, for p in self.perspectives] ) ) fh.close() except: logger.error( "Could not write the user defined perspective " "definition file: " + self.file_name ) return