Source code for pyface.workbench.perspective

# (C) Copyright 2005-2023 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX
# All rights reserved.
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""" The default perspective. """

import logging

from traits.api import Bool, HasTraits, List, provides, Str, Tuple

from .i_perspective import IPerspective
from .perspective_item import PerspectiveItem

# Logging.
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@provides(IPerspective) class Perspective(HasTraits): """ The default perspective. """ # The ID of the default perspective. DEFAULT_ID = "pyface.workbench.default" # The name of the default perspective. DEFAULT_NAME = "Default" # 'IPerspective' interface --------------------------------------------- # The perspective's unique identifier (unique within a workbench window). id = Str(DEFAULT_ID) # The perspective's name. name = Str(DEFAULT_NAME) # The contents of the perspective. contents = List(PerspectiveItem) # The size of the editor area in this perspective. A value of (-1, -1) # indicates that the workbench window should choose an appropriate size # based on the sizes of the views in the perspective. editor_area_size = Tuple((-1, -1)) # Is the perspective enabled? enabled = Bool(True) # Should the editor area be shown in this perspective? show_editor_area = Bool(True) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 'object' interface. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def __str__(self): """ Return an informal string representation of the object. """ return "Perspective(%s)" % # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 'Perspective' interface. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Initializers --------------------------------------------------------- def _id_default(self): """ Trait initializer. """ # If no Id is specified then use the name. return # Methods -------------------------------------------------------------#
[docs] def create(self, window): """ Create the perspective in a workbench window. For most cases you should just be able to set the 'contents' trait to lay out views as required. However, you can override this method if you want to have complete control over how the perspective is created. """ # Set the size of the editor area. if self.editor_area_size != (-1, -1): window.editor_area_size = self.editor_area_size # If the perspective has specific contents then add just those. if len(self.contents) > 0: self._add_contents(window, self.contents) # Otherwise, add all of the views defined in the window at their # default positions realtive to the editor area. else: self._add_all(window) # Activate the first view in every region. window.reset_views()
[docs] def show(self, window): """ Called when the perspective is shown in a workbench window. The default implementation does nothing, but you can override this method if you want to do something whenever the perspective is activated. """ return
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Private interface. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _add_contents(self, window, contents): """ Adds the specified contents. """ # If we are adding specific contents then we ignore any default view # visibility. # # fixme: This is a bit ugly! Why don't we pass the visibility in to # 'window.add_view'? for view in window.views: view.visible = False for item in contents: self._add_perspective_item(window, item) def _add_perspective_item(self, window, item): """ Adds a perspective item to a window. """ # If no 'relative_to' is specified then the view is positioned # relative to the editor area. if len(item.relative_to) > 0: relative_to = window.get_view_by_id(item.relative_to) else: relative_to = None # fixme: This seems a bit ugly, having to reach back up to the # window to get the view. Maybe its not that bad? view = window.get_view_by_id( if view is not None: # fixme: This is probably not the ideal way to sync view traits # and perspective_item traits. view.style_hint = item.style_hint # Add the view to the window. window.add_view( view, item.position, relative_to, (item.width, item.height) ) else: # The reason that we don't just barf here is that a perspective # might use views from multiple plugins, and we probably want to # continue even if one or two of them aren't present. # # fixme: This is worth keeping an eye on though. If we end up with # a strict mode that throws exceptions early and often for # developers, then this might be a good place to throw one ;^) logger.error("missing view for perspective item <%s>" % def _add_all(self, window): """ Adds *all* of the window's views defined in the window. """ for view in window.views: if view.visible: self._add_view(window, view) def _add_view(self, window, view): """ Adds a view to a window. """ # If no 'relative_to' is specified then the view is positioned # relative to the editor area. if len(view.relative_to) > 0: relative_to = window.get_view_by_id(view.relative_to) else: relative_to = None # Add the view to the window. window.add_view( view, view.position, relative_to, (view.width, view.height) ) return