Source code for pyface.workbench.action.view_chooser

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""" A UI that allows the user to choose a view. """

from pyface.workbench.api import IView, WorkbenchWindow
from traits.api import Any, HasTraits, Instance, List, Str
from traits.api import TraitError, Undefined
from traitsui.api import Item, TreeEditor, TreeNode, View
from import Action  # fixme: Non-api import!

[docs]class Category(HasTraits): """ A view category. """ # The name of the category. name = Str() # The views in the category. views = List()
[docs]class WorkbenchWindowTreeNode(TreeNode): """ A tree node for workbench windows that displays the window's views. The views are grouped by their category. """ # 'TreeNode' interface ------------------------------------------------- # List of object classes that the node applies to. node_for = [WorkbenchWindow] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 'TreeNode' interface. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_children(self, object): """ Get the object's children. """ # Collate the window's views into categories. categories_by_name = self._get_categories_by_name(object) categories = list(categories_by_name.values()) categories.sort(key=lambda category: return categories
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Private interface. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _get_categories_by_name(self, window): """ Return a dictionary containing all categories keyed by name. """ categories_by_name = {} for view in window.views: category = categories_by_name.get(view.category) if category is None: category = Category(name=view.category) categories_by_name[view.category] = category category.views.append(view) return categories_by_name
[docs]class IViewTreeNode(TreeNode): """ A tree node for objects that implement the 'IView' interface. This node does *not* recognise objects that can be *adapted* to the 'IView' interface, only those that actually implement it. If we wanted to allow for adaptation we would have to work out a way for the rest of the 'TreeNode' code to access the adapter, not the original object. We could, of course override every method, but that seems a little, errr, tedious. We could probably do with something like in the Pyface tree where there is a method that returns the actual object that we want to manipulate. """
[docs] def is_node_for(self, obj): """ Returns whether this is the node that handles a specified object. """ # By checking for 'is obj' here, we are *not* allowing adaptation (if # we were allowing adaptation it would be 'is not None'). See the class # doc string for details. return IView(obj, Undefined) is obj
[docs] def get_icon(self, obj, is_expanded): """ Returns the icon for a specified object. """ if obj.image is not None: icon = obj.image else: # fixme: A bit of magic here! Is there a better way to say 'use # the default leaf icon'? icon = "<item>" return icon
[docs]class ViewChooser(HasTraits): """ Allow the user to choose a view. This implementation shows views in a tree grouped by category. """ # The window that contains the views to choose from. window = Instance("pyface.workbench.api.WorkbenchWindow") # The currently selected tree item (at any point in time this might be # either None, a view category, or a view). selected = Any() # The selected view (None if the selected item is not a view). view = Instance(IView) # Traits UI views -----------------------------------------------------# traits_ui_view = View( Item( name="window", editor=TreeEditor( nodes=[ WorkbenchWindowTreeNode( auto_open=True, label="=Views", rename=False, copy=False, delete=False, insert=False, menu=None, ), TreeNode( node_for=[Category], auto_open=True, children="views", label="name", rename=False, copy=False, delete=False, insert=False, menu=None, ), IViewTreeNode( auto_open=False, label="name", rename=False, copy=False, delete=False, insert=False, menu=None, ), ], editable=False, hide_root=True, selected="selected", show_icons=True, ), show_label=False, ), buttons=[Action(name="OK", enabled_when="view is not None"), "Cancel"], resizable=True, style="custom", title="Show View", width=0.2, height=0.4, ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 'ViewChooser' interface. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _selected_changed(self, old, new): """ Static trait change handler. """ # If the assignment fails then the selected object does *not* implement # the 'IView' interface. try: self.view = new except TraitError: self.view = None return