Source code for pyface.workbench.action.user_perspective_name

# (C) Copyright 2005-2023 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX
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""" Object with views for naming or renaming a user perspective. """

from traits.api import Bool, HasTraits, Constant, String
from traitsui.api import View, Item, VGroup

# Trait definitions --------------------------------------------------------

# Define a trait which can not be the empty string:
NotEmptyString = String(minlen=1)

[docs]class UserPerspectiveName(HasTraits): """ Object with views for naming or renaming a user perspective. """ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 'UserPerspectiveName' interface. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # The name of the new user perspective. name = NotEmptyString # Should the editor area be shown in this perpsective? show_editor_area = Bool(True) # Help notes when creating a new view. new_help = Constant( """Note: - The new perspective will initially be empty. - Add new views to the perspective by selecting them from the 'View' menu. - Drag the notebook tabs and splitter bars to arrange the views within the perspective.""" ) # Traits views --------------------------------------------------------- new_view = View( VGroup( VGroup("name", "show_editor_area"), VGroup("_", Item("new_help", style="readonly"), show_labels=False), ), title="New User Perspective", id="envisage.workbench.action." "new_user_perspective_action.UserPerspectiveName", buttons=["OK", "Cancel"], kind="livemodal", width=300, ) save_as_view = View( "name", title="Save User Perspective As", id="envisage.workbench.action." "save_as_user_perspective_action.UserPerspectiveName", buttons=["OK", "Cancel"], kind="livemodal", width=300, ) rename_view = View( "name", title="Rename User Perspective", id="envisage.workbench.action." "rename_user_perspective_action.UserPerspectiveName", buttons=["OK", "Cancel"], kind="livemodal", width=300, )