Source code for pyface.ui

# (C) Copyright 2005-2023 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX
# All rights reserved.
# This software is provided without warranty under the terms of the BSD
# license included in LICENSE.txt and may be redistributed only under
# the conditions described in the aforementioned license. The license
# is also available online at
# Thanks for using Enthought open source!

from importlib import import_module
from import MetaPathFinder, Loader
from importlib.machinery import ModuleSpec
from importlib.util import find_spec
import sys

# Import hooks for loading pyface.ui.qt.* in place of a pyface.ui.qt4.*
# This is just the implementation, it is not connected in this module, but
# is available for applications which want to install it themselves.
# It is here rather than in pyface.ui.qt4 so it can be imported and used
# without generating the warnings from pyface.ui.qt4
# To use manually:
#     import sys
#     sys.meta_path.append(ShadowedModuleFinder())

[docs]class ShadowedModuleLoader(Loader): """This loads another module into sys.modules with a given name. Parameters ---------- fullname : str The full name of the module we're trying to import. Eg. "" new_name : str The full name of the corresponding "real" module. Eg. "" new_spec : ModuleSpec The spec object for the corresponding "real" module. """ def __init__(self, fullname, new_name, new_spec): self.fullname = fullname self.new_name = new_name self.new_spec = new_spec
[docs] def create_module(self, spec): """Create the module object. This doesn't create the module object directly, rather it gets the underlying "real" module's object, importing it if needed. This object is then returned as the "new" module. """ if self.new_name not in sys.modules: import_module(self.new_name) return sys.modules[self.new_name]
[docs] def exec_module(self, module): """Execute code for the module. This is given a module which has already been executed, so we don't need to execute anything. However we do need to remove the __spec__ that the importlibs machinery has injected into the module and replace it with the original spec for the underlying "real" module. """ # patch up the __spec__ with the true module's original __spec__ if self.new_spec: module.__spec__ = self.new_spec self.new_spec = None
[docs]class ShadowedModuleFinder(MetaPathFinder): """MetaPathFinder for shadowing modules in a package This finds modules with names that match a package but arranges loading from a different package. By default this is matches imports from any path starting with pyface.ui.qt4. and returns a loader which will instead load from pyface.ui.qt.* The end result is that sys.modules has two entries for pointing to the same module object. This may be hooked up by code in pyface.ui.qt4, but it can also be installed manually with:: import sys sys.meta_path.append(ShadowedModuleFinder()) Parameters ---------- package : str The prefix of the "shadow" package. true_package : str The prefix of the "real" package which contains the actual code. """ def __init__(self, package="pyface.ui.qt4.", true_package="pyface.ui.qt."): self.package = package self.true_package = true_package
[docs] def find_spec(self, fullname, path, target=None): if fullname.startswith(self.package): new_name = fullname.replace(self.package, self.true_package, 1) new_spec = find_spec(new_name) if new_spec is None: return None return ModuleSpec( name=fullname, loader=ShadowedModuleLoader(fullname, new_name, new_spec), is_package=(new_spec.submodule_search_locations is not None), )