Source code for pyface.tree.tree_model

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""" Model for tree views. """

from traits.api import Any, HasTraits, Event

from .node_event import NodeEvent

[docs]class TreeModel(HasTraits): """ Model for tree views. """ # 'TreeModel' interface ------------------------------------------------ # The root of the model. root = Any() # Fired when nodes in the tree have changed in some way that affects their # appearance but NOT their structure or position in the tree. nodes_changed = Event(NodeEvent) # Fired when nodes have been inserted into the tree. nodes_inserted = Event(NodeEvent) # Fired when nodes have been removed from the tree. nodes_removed = Event(NodeEvent) # Fired when nodes have been replaced in the tree. nodes_replaced = Event(NodeEvent) # Fire when the structure of the tree has changed DRASTICALLY from a given # node down. structure_changed = Event(NodeEvent) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 'TreeModel' interface. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def has_children(self, node): """ Returns True if a node has children, otherwise False. This method is provided in case the model has an efficient way to determine whether or not a node has any children without having to actually get the children themselves. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_children(self, node): """ Returns the children of a node. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_drag_value(self, node): """ Get the value that is dragged for a node. By default the drag value is the node itself. """ return node
[docs] def can_drop(self, node, obj): """ Returns True if a node allows an object to be dropped onto it. """ return False
[docs] def drop(self, node, obj): """ Drops an object onto a node. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_image(self, node, selected, expanded): """ Returns the label image for a node. Return None (the default) if no image is required. """ return None
[docs] def get_key(self, node): """ Generate a unique key for a node. """ try: key = hash(node) except: key = id(node) return key
[docs] def get_selection_value(self, node): """ Get the value that is used when a node is selected. By default the selection value is the node itself. """ return node
[docs] def get_text(self, node): """ Returns the label text for a node. Return None if no text is required. By default we return 'str(node)'. """ return str(node)
[docs] def can_set_text(self, node, text): """ Returns True if the node's label can be set. """ return len(text.strip()) > 0
[docs] def set_text(self, node, text): """ Sets the label text for a node. """ pass
[docs] def is_collapsible(self, node): """ Returns True if the node is collapsible, otherwise False. """ return True
[docs] def is_draggable(self, node): """ Returns True if the node is draggable, otherwise False. """ return True
[docs] def is_editable(self, node): """ Returns True if the node is editable, otherwise False. If the node is editable, its text can be set via the UI. """ return False
[docs] def is_expandable(self, node): """ Returns True if the node is expandanble, otherwise False. """ return True
[docs] def add_listener(self, node): """ Adds a listener for changes to a node. """ pass
[docs] def remove_listener(self, node): """ Removes a listener for changes to a node. """ pass
[docs] def fire_nodes_changed(self, node, children): """ Fires the nodes changed event. """ self.nodes_changed = NodeEvent(node=node, children=children)
[docs] def fire_nodes_inserted(self, node, children): """ Fires the nodes inserted event. """ self.nodes_inserted = NodeEvent(node=node, children=children)
[docs] def fire_nodes_removed(self, node, children): """ Fires the nodes removed event. """ self.nodes_removed = NodeEvent(node=node, children=children)
[docs] def fire_nodes_replaced(self, node, old_children, new_children): """ Fires the nodes removed event. """ self.nodes_replaced = NodeEvent( node=node, old_children=old_children, children=new_children )
[docs] def fire_structure_changed(self, node): """ Fires the structure changed event. """ self.structure_changed = NodeEvent(node=node) return