Source code for pyface.tree.node_type

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""" The base class for all node types. """

from traits.api import Any, HasPrivateTraits, Instance

from pyface.api import Image, ImageResource
from pyface.action.api import Action, Group
from pyface.action.api import MenuManager

[docs]class NodeType(HasPrivateTraits): """ The base class for all node types. """ # The default image used to represent nodes that DO NOT allow children. DOCUMENT = ImageResource("document") # The default image used to represent nodes that allow children and are NOT # expanded. CLOSED_FOLDER = ImageResource("closed_folder") # The default image used to represent nodes that allow children and ARE # expanded. OPEN_FOLDER = ImageResource("open_folder") # 'NodeType' interface ------------------------------------------------- # The node manager that the type belongs to. node_manager = Instance("pyface.tree.node_manager.NodeManager") # The image used to represent nodes that DO NOT allow children. image = Image(DOCUMENT) # The image used to represent nodes that allow children and are NOT # expanded. closed_image = Image(CLOSED_FOLDER) # The image used to represent nodes that allow children and ARE expanded. open_image = Image(OPEN_FOLDER) # The default actions/groups/menus available on nodes of this type (shown # on the context menu). actions = Any # List # The default action for nodes of this type. The default action is # performed when a node is activated (i.e., double-clicked). default_action = Instance(Action) # The default actions/groups/menus for creating new children within nodes # of this type (shown in the 'New' menu of the context menu). new_actions = Any # List # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 'NodeType' interface. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # These methods are specific to the 'NodeType' interface ---------------
[docs] def is_type_for(self, node): """ Returns True if a node is deemed to be of this type. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def allows_children(self, node): """ Does the node allow children (ie. a folder vs a file). """ return False
[docs] def get_actions(self, node): """ Returns the node-specific actions for a node. """ return self.actions
[docs] def get_context_menu(self, node): """ Returns the context menu for a node. """ sat = Group(id="SystemActionsTop") nsa = Group(id="NodeSpecificActions") sab = Group(id="SystemActionsBottom") # The 'New' menu. new_actions = self.get_new_actions(node) if new_actions is not None and len(new_actions) > 0: sat.append(MenuManager(name="New", *new_actions)) # Node-specific actions. actions = self.get_actions(node) if actions is not None and len(actions) > 0: for item in actions: nsa.append(item) # System actions (actions available on ALL nodes). system_actions = self.node_manager.system_actions if len(system_actions) > 0: for item in system_actions: sab.append(item) context_menu = MenuManager(sat, nsa, sab) context_menu.dump() return context_menu
[docs] def get_copy_value(self, node): """ Get the value that is copied for a node. By default, returns the node itself. """ return node
[docs] def get_default_action(self, node): """ Returns the default action for a node. """ return self.default_action
[docs] def get_new_actions(self, node): """ Returns the new actions for a node. """ return self.new_actions
[docs] def get_paste_value(self, node): """ Get the value that is pasted for a node. By default, returns the node itself. """ return node
[docs] def get_monitor(self, node): """ Returns a monitor that detects changes to a node. Returns None by default, which indicates that the node is not monitored. """ return None
# These methods are exactly the same as the 'TreeModel' interface -----#
[docs] def has_children(self, node): """ Returns True if a node has children, otherwise False. You only need to implement this method if children are allowed for the node (ie. 'allows_children' returns True). """ return False
[docs] def get_children(self, node): """ Returns the children of a node. You only need to implement this method if children are allowed for the node. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_drag_value(self, node): """ Get the value that is dragged for a node. By default, returns the node itself. """ return node
[docs] def can_drop(self, node, data): """ Returns True if a node allows an object to be dropped onto it. """ return False
[docs] def drop(self, obj, data): """ Drops an object onto a node. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_image(self, node, selected, expanded): """ Returns the label image for a node. """ if self.allows_children(node): if expanded: order = ["open_image", "closed_image", "image"] default = self.OPEN_FOLDER else: order = ["closed_image", "open_image", "image"] default = self.CLOSED_FOLDER else: order = ["image", "open_image", "closed_image"] default = self.DOCUMENT # Use the search order to look for a trait that is NOT None. for name in order: image = getattr(self, name) if image is not None: break # If no such trait is found then use the default image. else: image = default return image
[docs] def get_selection_value(self, node): """ Get the value that is used when a node is selected. By default the selection value is the node itself. """ return node
[docs] def get_text(self, node): """ Returns the label text for a node. """ return str(node)
[docs] def can_set_text(self, node, text): """ Returns True if the node's label can be set. """ return len(text.strip()) > 0
[docs] def set_text(self, node, text): """ Sets the label text for a node. """ pass
[docs] def is_collapsible(self, node): """ Returns True if the node is collapsible, otherwise False. """ return True
[docs] def is_draggable(self, node): """ Returns True if the node is draggablee, otherwise False. """ return True
[docs] def can_rename(self, node): """ Returns True if the node can be renamed, otherwise False. """ return False
[docs] def is_editable(self, node): """ Returns True if the node is editable, otherwise False. If the node is editable, its text can be set via the UI. DEPRECATED: Use 'can_rename'. """ return self.can_rename(node)
[docs] def is_expandable(self, node): """ Returns True if the node is expandanble, otherwise False. """ return True