Source code for pyface.tasks.task_window

# (C) Copyright 2005-2023 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX
# All rights reserved.
# This software is provided without warranty under the terms of the BSD
# license included in LICENSE.txt and may be redistributed only under
# the conditions described in the aforementioned license. The license
# is also available online at
# Thanks for using Enthought open source!

import logging

from traits.api import (

from pyface.action.i_menu_bar_manager import IMenuBarManager
from pyface.action.i_status_bar_manager import IStatusBarManager
from pyface.action.i_tool_bar_manager import IToolBarManager
from pyface.application_window import ApplicationWindow
from pyface.tasks.action.task_action_manager_builder import (
from pyface.tasks.i_dock_pane import IDockPane
from pyface.tasks.i_task_pane import ITaskPane
from pyface.tasks.i_task_window_backend import ITaskWindowBackend
from pyface.tasks.task import Task, TaskLayout
from pyface.tasks.task_window_layout import TaskWindowLayout

# Logging.
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class TaskWindow(ApplicationWindow): """ The the top-level window to which tasks can be assigned. A TaskWindow is responsible for creating and the managing the controls of its tasks. """ # IWindow interface ---------------------------------------------------- #: Unless a title is specifically assigned, delegate to the active task. title = Property(Str, observe=["", "_title"]) # TaskWindow interface ------------------------------------------------ #: The pane (central or dock) in the active task that currently has focus. active_pane = Instance(ITaskPane) #: The active task for this window. active_task = Instance(Task) #: The list of all tasks currently attached to this window. All panes of #: the inactive tasks are hidden. tasks = List(Task) #: The central pane of the active task, which is always visible. central_pane = Instance(ITaskPane) #: The list of all dock panes in the active task, which may or may not be #: visible. dock_panes = List(IDockPane) #: The factory for the window's TaskActionManagerBuilder, which is #: instantiated to translate menu and tool bar schemas into Pyface action #: managers. This attribute can overridden to introduce custom logic into #: the translation process, although this is not usually necessary. action_manager_builder_factory = Callable(TaskActionManagerBuilder) # Protected traits ----------------------------------------------------- _active_state = Instance("pyface.tasks.task_window.TaskState") _states = List(Instance("pyface.tasks.task_window.TaskState")) _title = Str() _window_backend = Instance(ITaskWindowBackend) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 'Widget' interface. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def destroy(self): """ Overridden to ensure that all task panes are cleanly destroyed. """ if self.control is not None: # Allow the TaskWindowBackend to clean up first. self._window_backend.destroy() # Don't use 'remove_task' here to avoid changing the active state and # thereby removing the window's menus and toolbars. This can lead to # undesirable animations when the window is being closed. for state in self._states: self._destroy_state(state) super().destroy()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 'Window' interface. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def open(self): """ Opens the window. Overridden to make the 'opening' event vetoable and to activate a task if one has not already been activated. Returns whether the window was opened. """ self.opening = event = Vetoable() if not event.veto: # Create the control, if necessary. if self.control is None: self.create() # Activate a task, if necessary. if self._active_state is None and self._states: self.activate_task(self._states[0].task) self.opened = self return self.control is not None and not event.veto
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Protected 'IApplicationWindow' interface. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _create_contents(self, parent): """ Delegate to the TaskWindowBackend. """ return self._window_backend.create_contents(parent) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 'TaskWindow' interface. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def activate_task(self, task): """ Activates a task that has already been added to the window. """ state = self._get_state(task) if state and state != self._active_state: # Hide the panes of the currently active task, if necessary. if self._active_state is not None: self._window_backend.hide_task(self._active_state) # Initialize the new task, if necessary. if not state.initialized: task.initialized() state.initialized = True # Display the panes of the new task. self._window_backend.show_task(state) # Activate the new task. The menus, toolbars, and status bar will be # replaced at this time. self._active_state = state task.activated() elif not state: logger.warning( "Cannot activate task %r: task does not belong to the " "window." % task )
[docs] def add_task(self, task): """ Adds a task to the window. The task is not activated. """ if task.window is not None: logger.error( "Cannot add task %r: task has already been added " "to a window!" % task ) return task.window = self state = TaskState(task=task, layout=task.default_layout) self._states.append(state) # Make sure the underlying control has been created, even if it is not # yet visible. if self.control is None: self.create() # Create the central pane. state.central_pane = task.create_central_pane() state.central_pane.task = task state.central_pane.create(self.control) # Create the dock panes. state.dock_panes = task.create_dock_panes() for dock_pane_factory in task.extra_dock_pane_factories: state.dock_panes.append(dock_pane_factory(task=task)) for dock_pane in state.dock_panes: dock_pane.task = task dock_pane.create(self.control) # Build the menu and tool bars. builder = self.action_manager_builder_factory(task=task) state.menu_bar_manager = builder.create_menu_bar_manager() state.status_bar_manager = task.status_bar state.tool_bar_managers = builder.create_tool_bar_managers()
[docs] def remove_task(self, task): """ Removes a task that has already been added to the window. All the task's panes are destroyed. """ state = self._get_state(task) if state: # If the task is active, make sure it is de-activated before # deleting its controls. if self._active_state == state: self._window_backend.hide_task(state) self._active_state = None self._destroy_state(state) self._states.remove(state) else: logger.warning( "Cannot remove task %r: task does not belong to the " "window." % task )
[docs] def focus_next_pane(self): """ Shifts focus to the "next" pane, taking into account the active pane and the pane geometry. """ if self._active_state: panes = self._get_pane_ring() index = 0 if self.active_pane: index = (panes.index(self.active_pane) + 1) % len(panes) panes[index].set_focus()
[docs] def focus_previous_pane(self): """ Shifts focus to the "previous" pane, taking into account the active pane and the pane geometry. """ if self._active_state: panes = self._get_pane_ring() index = -1 if self.active_pane: index = panes.index(self.active_pane) - 1 panes[index].set_focus()
[docs] def get_central_pane(self, task): """ Returns the central pane for the specified task. """ state = self._get_state(task) return state.central_pane if state else None
[docs] def get_dock_pane(self, id, task=None): """ Returns the dock pane in the task with the specified ID, or None if no such dock pane exists. If a task is not specified, the active task is used. """ if task is None: state = self._active_state else: state = self._get_state(task) return state.get_dock_pane(id) if state else None
[docs] def get_dock_panes(self, task): """ Returns the dock panes for the specified task. """ state = self._get_state(task) return state.dock_panes[:] if state else []
[docs] def get_task(self, id): """ Returns the task with the specified ID, or None if no such task exists. """ state = self._get_state(id) return state.task if state else None
# Methods for saving and restoring the layout -------------------------#
[docs] def get_layout(self): """ Returns a TaskLayout (for the active task) that reflects the state of the window. """ if self._active_state: return self._window_backend.get_layout() return None
[docs] def set_layout(self, layout): """ Applies a TaskLayout (which should be suitable for the active task) to the window. """ if self._active_state: self._window_backend.set_layout(layout)
[docs] def reset_layout(self): """ Restores the active task's default TaskLayout. """ if self.active_task: self.set_layout(self.active_task.default_layout)
[docs] def get_window_layout(self): """ Returns a TaskWindowLayout for the current state of the window. """ result = TaskWindowLayout( position=self.position, size=self.size, size_state=self.size_state ) for state in self._states: if state == self._active_state: result.active_task = layout = self._window_backend.get_layout() else: layout = state.layout.clone_traits() = result.items.append(layout) return result
[docs] def set_window_layout(self, window_layout): """ Applies a TaskWindowLayout to the window. """ # Set window size before laying it out. self.position = window_layout.position self.size = window_layout.size self.size_state = window_layout.size_state # Store layouts for the tasks, including the active task. for layout in window_layout.items: if isinstance(layout, str): continue state = self._get_state( if state: state.layout = layout else: logger.warning( "Cannot apply layout for task %r: task does not " "belong to the window." % ) # Attempt to activate the requested task. state = self._get_state(window_layout.get_active_task()) if state: # If the requested active task is already active, calling # ``activate`` is a no-op, so we must force a re-layout. if state == self._active_state: self._window_backend.set_layout(state.layout) else: self.activate_task(state.task)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Protected 'TaskWindow' interface. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _destroy_state(self, state): """ Destroy all controls associated with a Task state. """ # Notify the task that it is about to be destroyed. state.task.prepare_destroy() # Destroy action managers associated with the task, unless the task is # active, in which case this will be handled by our superclass. if state != self._active_state: if state.menu_bar_manager: state.menu_bar_manager.destroy() for tool_bar_manager in state.tool_bar_managers: tool_bar_manager.destroy() # Destroy all controls associated with the task. for dock_pane in state.dock_panes: dock_pane.destroy() state.central_pane.destroy() state.task.window = None def _get_pane_ring(self): """ Returns a list of visible panes ordered for focus switching. """ # Proceed clockwise through the dock areas. # TODO: Also take into account ordering within dock areas. panes = [] if self._active_state: layout = self.get_layout() panes.append(self.central_pane) for area in ("top", "right", "bottom", "left"): item = getattr(layout, area) if item: panes.extend( [ self.get_dock_pane( for pane_item in item.iterleaves() ] ) return panes def _get_state(self, id_or_task): """ Returns the TaskState that contains the specified Task, or None if no such state exists. """ for state in self._states: if state.task == id_or_task or == id_or_task: return state return None # Trait initializers --------------------------------------------------- def __window_backend_default(self): from pyface.tasks.task_window_backend import TaskWindowBackend return TaskWindowBackend(window=self) # Trait property getters/setters --------------------------------------- def _get_title(self): if self._title or self.active_task is None: return self._title return def _set_title(self, title): self._title = title # Trait change handlers ------------------------------------------------ @observe("_active_state") def _update_traits_given_new_active_state(self, event): state = if state is None: self.active_task = self.central_pane = None self.dock_panes = [] self.menu_bar_manager = self.status_bar_manager = None self.tool_bar_managers = [] else: self.active_task = state.task self.central_pane = state.central_pane self.dock_panes = state.dock_panes self.menu_bar_manager = state.menu_bar_manager self.status_bar_manager = state.status_bar_manager self.tool_bar_managers = state.tool_bar_managers @observe("central_pane:has_focus, dock_panes:items:has_focus") def _focus_updated(self, event): if self.active_pane = event.object @observe("_states.items") def _states_updated(self, event): self.tasks = [state.task for state in self._states]
[docs]class TaskState(HasStrictTraits): """ An object used internally by TaskWindow to maintain the state associated with an attached Task. """ #: The Task that the state comes from. task = Instance(Task) #: The layout of panes in the TaskWindow. layout = Instance(TaskLayout) #: Whether the task state has been initialized. initialized = Bool(False) #: The central pane of the TaskWindow central_pane = Instance(ITaskPane) #: The list of all dock panes. dock_panes = List(Instance(IDockPane)) #: The TaskWindow's menu bar manager instance. menu_bar_manager = Instance(IMenuBarManager) #: The TaskWindow's status bar instance. status_bar_manager = Instance(IStatusBarManager) #: The TaskWindow's tool bar instances. tool_bar_managers = List(Instance(IToolBarManager))
[docs] def get_dock_pane(self, id): """ Returns the dock pane with the specified id, or None if no such dock pane exists. """ for pane in self.dock_panes: if == id: return pane return None