Source code for pyface.resource.resource_manager

# (C) Copyright 2005-2023 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX
# All rights reserved.
# This software is provided without warranty under the terms of the BSD
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# Thanks for using Enthought open source!
""" The default resource manager.

A resource manager locates and loads application resources such as images and
sounds etc.

import glob
import inspect
import os
from os.path import join
import types
from zipfile import is_zipfile, ZipFile

# importlib.resources is new in Python 3.7, and importlib.resources.files is
# new in Python 3.9, so for Python < 3.9 we must rely on the 3rd party
# importlib_resources package.
    from importlib.resources import files
except ImportError:
    from importlib_resources import files

from traits.api import HasTraits, Instance, List
from traits.util.resource import get_path

from pyface.resource.resource_factory import ResourceFactory
from pyface.resource.resource_reference import ImageReference

[docs]class ResourceManager(HasTraits): """ The default resource manager. A resource manager locates and loads application resources such as images and sounds etc. """ # Allowed extensions for image resources. IMAGE_EXTENSIONS = [".png", ".jpg", ".bmp", ".gif", ".ico"] # A list of additional search paths. These paths are fallbacks, and hence # have lower priority than the paths provided by resource objects. extra_paths = List() # The resource factory is responsible for actually creating resources. # This is used so that (for example) different GUI toolkits can create # a images in the format that they require. resource_factory = Instance(ResourceFactory) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # 'ResourceManager' interface. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def locate_image(self, image_name, path, size=None): """ Locates an image. Parameters ---------- image_name : str Name of the image file. path : list of (str or ModuleType) Paths from which image files will be searched. Note that for each path, a subdirectory named 'images' will be search first. The first match will be returned. size : tuple of (m: int, n: int), optional Specific size of the image requested. If provided, then the subdirectory ``images/{m}x{n}`` will be searched first, followed by the ``images`` subdirectory and its containing folder. Default is None. Returns ------- image_ref : ImageReference or None ImageReference to the image found, or None if no matching images are found. """ if not isinstance(path, path = [path] resource_path = [] for item in list(path) + self.extra_paths: if isinstance(item, str): resource_path.append(item) elif isinstance(item, types.ModuleType): resource_path.append(item) else: resource_path.extend(self._get_resource_path(item)) return self._locate_image(image_name, resource_path, size)
[docs] def load_image(self, image_name, path, size=None): """ Loads an image. """ reference = self.locate_image(image_name, path, size) if reference is not None: image = reference.load() else: image = None return image
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Private interface. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _locate_image(self, image_name, resource_path, size): """ Attempts to locate an image resource. If the image is found, an image resource reference is returned. If the image is NOT found None is returned. """ # If the image name contains a file extension (eg. '.jpg') then we will # only accept an an EXACT filename match. basename, extension = os.path.splitext(image_name) if len(extension) > 0: extensions = [extension] pattern = image_name # Otherwise, we will search for common image suffixes. else: extensions = self.IMAGE_EXTENSIONS pattern = image_name + ".*" # Try the 'images' sub-directory first (since that is commonly # where we put them!). If the image is not found there then look # in the directory itself. if size is None: subdirs = ["images", ""] else: subdirs = ["images/%dx%d" % (size[0], size[1]), "images", ""] # Concrete image filenames to be searched image_filenames = [basename + extension for extension in extensions] for dirname in resource_path: # If we come across a reference to a module, try and find the # image inside of an .egg, .zip, etc. if isinstance(dirname, types.ModuleType): try: data = _find_resource_data( dirname, subdirs, image_filenames ) except OSError: continue else: return ImageReference( self.resource_factory, data=data ) # Is there anything resembling the image name in the directory? for path in subdirs: filenames = glob.glob(join(dirname, path, pattern)) for filename in filenames: not_used, extension = os.path.splitext(filename) if extension in extensions: reference = ImageReference( self.resource_factory, filename=filename ) return reference # Is there an 'images' zip file in the directory? zip_filename = join(dirname, "") if os.path.isfile(zip_filename): zip_file = ZipFile(zip_filename, "r") # Try the image name itself, and then the image name with # common images suffixes. for extension in extensions: try: image_data = + extension) reference = ImageReference( self.resource_factory, data=image_data ) return reference except: pass # is this a path within a zip file? # first, find the zip file in the path filepath = dirname zippath = "" while ( not is_zipfile(filepath) and os.path.splitdrive(filepath)[1].startswith("\\") and os.path.splitdrive(filepath)[1].startswith("/") ): filepath, tail = os.path.split(filepath) if zippath != "": zippath = tail + "/" + zippath else: zippath = tail # if we found a zipfile, then look inside it for the image! if is_zipfile(filepath): zip_file = ZipFile(filepath) for subpath in ["images", ""]: for extension in extensions: try: # this is a little messy. since zip files don't # recognize a leading slash, we have to be very # particular about how we build this path when # there are empty strings if zippath != "": path = zippath + "/" else: path = "" if subpath != "": path = path + subpath + "/" path = path + basename + extension # now that we have the path we can attempt to load # the image image_data = reference = ImageReference( self.resource_factory, data=image_data ) # if there was no exception then return the result return reference except: pass return None def _get_resource_path(self, object): """ Returns the resource path for an object. """ if hasattr(object, "resource_path"): resource_path = object.resource_path else: resource_path = self._get_default_resource_path(object) return resource_path def _get_default_resource_path(self, object): """ Returns the default resource path for an object. """ resource_path = [] for klass in inspect.getmro(object.__class__): try: resource_path.append(get_path(klass)) # We get an attribute error when we get to a C extension type (in # our case it will most likley be 'CHasTraits'. We simply ignore # everything after this point! except AttributeError: break return resource_path
def _get_package_data(module, rel_path): """ Return package data in bytes for the given module and resource path. Parameters ---------- module : ModuleType A module from which package data will be discovered. If the module name does not conform to the package requirement, then its "__file__" attribute is used for locating the directory to search for resource files. rel_path : str "/"-separated path for loading data file. Returns ------- data : bytes Loaded data in bytes. Raises ------ OSError If the path referenced does not resolve to an existing file or the file cannot be read. """ if (module.__spec__ is None or module.__spec__.submodule_search_locations is None): module_dir_path = os.path.dirname(module.__file__) path = os.path.join(module_dir_path, *rel_path.split("/")) with open(path, "rb") as fp: return return ( files(module).joinpath(rel_path).read_bytes() ) def _find_resource_data(module, subdirs, filenames): """ For the given module, search directories and names, find a matching resource file and return its content as bytes. Parameters ---------- module : ModuleType A module from which package data will be discovered. If the module name does not conform to the package requirement, then its "__file__" attribute is used for locating the directory to search for resource files. subdirs : list of str Name of subdirectories to try. Each value can be a "/"-separated string to represent more nested subdirectories. filenames : list of str File names to try. Returns ------- data : bytes Loaded data in bytes. Raises ------ OSError If the path referenced does not resolve to an existing file or the file cannot be read. """ for path in subdirs: for filename in filenames: searchpath = "%s/%s" % (path, filename) try: return _get_package_data(module, searchpath) except OSError: pass raise OSError( "Unable to load data for the given module and search paths." )